The forces that make Japan one of the world"s most earthquake-prone(有…倾向的) count

The forces that make Japan one of the world"s most earthquake-prone(有…倾向的) count

The forces that make Japan one of the world"s most earthquake-prone(有…倾向的) countries could become part of its long-term energy solution.
Water from deep below the ground at Japan"s tens of thousands of hot springs could be used to produce electricity.
Although Japanese high-tech companies are leaders in geothermal(地热的) technology and export it, its use is limited in the nation.
"Japan should no doubt make use of its resources of geothermal energy," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, a leading researcher of thermal-electric power production.
The disastrous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 caused a reaction against atomic power, which previously made up 30 percent of Japan"s energy needs, and increased interest in alternative energies, which account for only 8 percent.
Artist Yoko Ono has called on Japan to explore its natural energy, following the example of Iceland which uses renewable energy for more than 80 percent of its needs.
For now, geothermal energy makes up less than 1 percent of the energy needs in Japan, which has for decades relied heavily on fossil fuels and atomic power.
The biggest problem to geothermal energy is the high initial cost of the exploration and constructing the factories.Another problem is that Japan"s potentially best sites are already being developed for tourism or are located within national parks where construction is forbidden.
"We can"t even dig 10cm inside national parks." said Shigeto Yamada of Fuji Electric, adding that regulations protecting nature would need to be relaxed for geothermal energy to grow.
Researcher Hideaki Matsui said, "Producing electricity using hot springs is a decades-long project.We also have to think about what to do for now as energy supplies will decrease in the short term."
The Earth Policy Institute in Washington, US, believed Japan could produce 80,000 megawatts(兆瓦)and meet more than half its electricity needs with geothermal technology.
Japanese giants such as Toshiba are already global leaders in geothermal technology, with a 70 percent market share.In 2010, Fuji Electric built the world"s largest geothermal factory in New Zealand.
小题1:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Alternative energies in Japan
B.Japan thinks of geothermal energy
C.Japan takes the lead in geothermal technology
D.World"s largest geothermal plant
小题2:What percentage of Japan"s energy needs is geothermal energy?
A.About 8%.B.Around 30%. C.Below 1%.D.Over 80%.
小题3:According to Shigeto Yamada, the growth of geothermal power in Japan needs ____.
A.high support
C.local people"s helpD.a change of rules
小题4:Geothermal energy is considered as a long-term program by _____.
A.Hideaki Matsui   B Yoshiyasu Takefuji.    C.Shigeto Yamada       D.Yoko Ono
小题5:It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that _____.
A.the world"s biggest geothermal plant was built by America
B.Japan will not export its geothermal technology is hard to find geothermal energy in Japan
D.the potential of Japan"s geothermal energy is great



小题1:主旨题:从第一段的句子:The forces that make Japan one of the world"s most earthquake-prone(有…倾向的) countries could become part of its long-term energy solution.可知日本正在考虑地热技术。选B。
小题2:细节题:从第五段的句子:For now, geothermal energy makes up less than 1 percent of the energy needs in Japan, 可知日本的能源只有1%是地热。选C
小题3:细节题:从文章的句子:adding that regulations protecting nature would need to be relaxed for geothermal energy to grow.可知Shigeto Yamada认为日本地热技术的增加需要规则的改变,选D
小题4:细节题:从倒数第三段的句子: "Producing electricity using hot springs is a decades-long project.可知Hideaki Matsui 认为地热技术是长期的计划。选A
小题5:推理题:从倒数第二段的句子:The Earth Policy Institute in Washington, US, believed Japan could produce 80,000 megawatts(兆瓦)and meet more than half its electricity needs with geothermal technology.可知日本在地热方面的潜力是很大的。选D
Elaine Yu Yee-nee, 15, Creative Secondary School
Lockers are designed in a way to hide their contents for a reason. Otherwise, they’d have open fronts like cupboards. Searching students’ lockers would be total invasion(侵犯) of privacy. Having a locker is more than having a place to store your stuff. A locker also gives you the freedom to keep certain things hidden. These can include harmless personal items like diaries, letters and photos. Searching lockers could discomfit students and others might make fun of them.
Yes, lockers are school property(财产). But that doesn’t give schools the right to inspect lockers as they please. While students are using lockers, they have the right to keep their contents private. Teachers could ask for permission to take a look inside a student’s locker and if the student is OK with that, then it would be fine. Searching students’ lockers without their permission would result in the loss of trust.
I doubt that students who have something dangerous to hide, such as weapons or drugs, would put them in their lockers. They would not want to risk being caught so easily.
Giving schools the right to search lockers would not help catch those who commit crimes. But it would certainly create an environment in which students would be embarrassed to have their belongings shown in public for no good reason.
Ronald Ling Pak-ki, 20, University of Hong Kong
Many students see their lockers as personal property. They would never agree that schools should have the right to inspect their lockers. But I think schools have an absolute right to do so.
It is the schools that actually own the lockers. Students just use them to store some of their things safely and conveniently. There are clear rules on what items students can and cannot keep in their lockers. Schools have both the duty and the right to check if students are following the rules.
I don’t think school authorities would decide to search a student’s locker unless they felt the need to do so. They might, for instance, suspect students of hiding drugs. To make sure that the process remains open and fair, only authorized teachers should have the right to search lockers. The search should be carried out in such a way as not to embarrass students in front of others.
小题1:What are .the two students talking about?
A.How to make sure schools are safe.
B.Whether there are crimes in schools.
C.Whether schools can search students’ lockers.
D.How to establish trust between teachers and students.
小题2:The underlined word could be replaced by ___.
小题3:According to Elaine, school lockers ____.
A.are students’ personal property
B.should be changed into cupboards
C.are likely to hold some dangerous things
D.can be searched with students’ permission
小题4:Which of the following would Ronald agree with?
A.Students won’t hide drugs in lockers.
B.Students use lockers but don’t own them.
C.Students should not put personal things in lockers.
D.Students may forbid teachers to inspect their lockers.

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High school graduation is worth celebrating. It marks a big change in the lives of young adults. However, it ought to mean even more. It ought to mean that the graduate is ready for college or career.
In a report issued last year, we found that almost half of recent Illinois high school graduates required remedial courses(补习课) upon enrolling(注册) a community college. These courses require time and money to complete, yet offer no credits toward a degree. Too often, students never get through those remedial courses and end up dropping out of college.
Why is the remediation rate so high? A large part of the reason is that we have not set high enough standards for what our students need to learn from kindergarten to high school. They simply aren’t equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
The same is true for careers. In Illinois, good jobs continue to go vacant(空缺) even while we are trying hard to go through tough economic times. This is due largely to the mismatch between the skills and knowledge we provide our students with and what employers in a modern economy need workers to know.
The good news is that in Illinois we have a plan to help get our students ready for life in the real world. We have already taken an important first step by becoming one of the 45 states to adopt the Common Core State Standards and have begun introducing them to classrooms this year. The new standards provide fewer, clearer and higher benchmarks(标准) for academic progress. They focus on deeper knowledge required at each grade level, give teachers the opportunity to explore topics fully and ensure students can apply what they’ve learned.
Research shows that when expectations are raised, students rise to meet them. Adapting to higher standards and raising expectations may prove challenging, but they are the steps we must take so that our students are successful in high school and prepared for college and careers. Readiness is worth a celebration.
小题1:According to the passage, in most cases, students taking part in remedial courses ___.
A.come from wealthy families
B.leave college before finishing their courses
C.are offered credits toward a degree
D.are likely to develop their academic interest
小题2:The author uses the third and fourth paragraphs to __.
A.provide solutions to the rising remediation rate the present situation of unemployment in Illinois
C.suggest knowledge learned in school be put into practice
D.explain why students aren’t prepared for college and a career
小题3:Which of the following statements about the Common Core State Standards is TRUE?
A.They were first adopted in Illinois.
B.More benchmarks are required.
C.They benefit teachers as well as students.
D.They ensure students’ success in college.
小题4:Based on the last paragraph, what is the author’s attitude to raising expectations of students?

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The Greenbelt, a wide belt of open land around the cities and towns of the San Francisco Bay Area, includes about 3.75 million of the Bay Area’s 4.5 million acres. The Bay Area Greenbelt is one of the largest areas of open land in any U.S. urban area. Open land is land that has few buildings and lots of natural areas. The Greenbelt’s open land includes parks, forests, beaches, and more than 8,500 farms.
What are the advantages of the Greenbelt?
The Greenbelt has many advantages for people in the Bay Area, which include:
l walking and biking areas close to the cities and towns;
l places for wild plants and animals;
l cleaner air and water;
l income from farms.
Is the Greenbelt in danger?
Five hundred seventy thousand acres of the Greenbelt are in danger. There are builders who want to build suburbs on them. If those acres become suburbs, many things will change:
l the urban and suburban area will almost double;
l many farms will disappear;
l traffic will become worse; 
l the air will become dirtier.
What is Greenbelt Alliance (联盟)?
Greenbelt Alliance, an organization that saves land in the San Francisco Bay Area, works alone and with other groups to save the Greenbelt in four ways:
1. Try to persuade people to build new buildings on land that is already urban, not on open land.
2. Make sure that the city and town governments are all making plans to save the Greenbelt.
3. Help Bay Area towns and cities to buy pieces of open land to make into natural areas.
4. Teach people in the Bay Area why the Greenbelt is important and what they can do to help save it.
小题1:What can we learn about the Greenbelt from the first paragraph?
A.The Greenbelt is the largest open land in the United States.
B.The Greenbelt covers much more than half of the Bay Area.
C.There are few farms on the open land of the Greenbelt.
D.There are more than 8,500 natural areas on the Greenbelt.
小题2:One of the advantages of the Greenbelt for people in the Bay Area is __________.
A.convenience for exerciseB.income from sightseeing
C.cleaner city streetsD.more plants and animals
小题3:The Greenbelt is in danger because __________.
A.traffic is getting worse
B.some plans to build suburbs on it
C.the suburban area has doubled
D.pollution is becoming serious
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about Greenbelt Alliance?
A.It builds new buildings on open land.
B.It buys large open land for the Bay Area.
C.It educates people how to save the Greenbelt.
D.It helps the city governments make plans.

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Research suggests that a newly-identified gene known as insomniacs(失眠症患者) may play a role in keeping us asleep. By cloning and testing this gene in about 21,000 fruit flies, Rockefeller University researchers say they have discovered an entirely new mechanism (机制) by which sleep is controlled.
By studying these flies, the researchers discovered that mutations(变异) in the insomniac gene were associated with a great reduction in sleep. While a typical fruit fly slept for an average of 927 minutes a day, the mutant flies slept for just 317. They also slept for shorter periods of time, and slept and woke more frequently.
“The results showed a great loss of both the time that the flies’ sleep lasted and their ability to remain asleep after they slept,” says researcher Nicholas Stavropoulos.
The researchers also examined the link between sleep and lifespan, finding that flies with mutations to the insomniac gene lived only about two-thirds as long as unchanged flies. But when the scientists removed insomniac only in neurons(神经细胞)---allowing it to remain in the rest of the flies’ bodies---this difference disappeared; the resulting animals slept poorly but lived just as long.
“This suggests that reduced sleep can be ‘uncoupled’(分开) from reduced lifespan, supporting the idea that some interruptions of sleep do not affect overall health, at least as far as lifespan is concerned,” Stavropoulos says.
Although flies and humans would appear to have little in common when it comes to lifestyle, scientists say that the mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness are likely to be quite similar.
“Sleep is a fundamental behavior in all animals, and it is poorly understood from a scientific standpoint, says Stavropoulos. This work could prove useful in understanding and treating sleep disorders”
小题1:The text is mainly about____.
A.the progress in cloning fruit flies
B.the methods of cloning fruit flies
C.the link between gene and lifespan
D.the influence of a gene on the ability to sleep
小题2:According to paragraph2, the mutant flies________.
A.slept about 5 hours a day
B.had problems waking up
C.didn’t seem sleepy at all
D.could not fall asleep
小题3:We can conclude from the text that________.
A.sleep and health go hand in hand
B.sleep can be controlled by humans
C.research into sleep is very fruitful
D.the findings are useful in medical treatment

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Almost everyone suffers from a headache sometimes.But some people suffer from repeated, frequent headaches.
What is headache? What causes it? What can be done about a headache? What research is being done on headaches?
The dictionary defines(下定义) headache simply as “a pain in the head.” What most people mean by headache is a pain which lasts several minutes or hours.It covers the whole head, or one side of it, or perhaps the front or the back of the head.To add to the confusion(困惑) about a definition, some people call tight feeling in the head a headache.
A headache is important because it can be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled if discovered early.If a person removes the warning, day after day, with a pain-killer, he may pass the point of easy control.
The professional name for covering up a symptom(症状) is “masking” (遮蔽).A headache specialist once said, “Masking symptoms is not the best way of treatment.” He compared taking a pain-killer for a headache before a cause is known with taking iron pills for anemia(贫血症) while bleeding continues undiscovered.He added, “Sometimes it is wiser to stand still than to advance in darkness.
A headache is important also because it affects normal, happy living.The employee with a headache does less work.In a flash of temper he may upset his fellow workers or customers, causing a direct or indirect loss to his organization.The mother with a headache suffers and disturbs the family.She upsets her husband and children.
小题1:Which is true according to the passage?
A.Headache has no effect on others.
B.Headache may cover the whole body.
C.Headache may last several minutes or hours.
D.Headache is just the tight feeling in the head.
小题2:The sentence underlined in Paragraph 5 means ______. should not advance in darkness whatever happens’d better do nothing before you know how to deal with it’d better still stand there without moving when it is dark at night should take some pain-killers for your headache if you want to cover it up
小题3:What may the writer talk about in the following paragraph?
A.Treatments of headachesB.The definition of headaches
C.Symptom of headachesD.Bad effects of a headache
小题4:The passage mainly tells us______.
A.the reason of headache
B.headache and its effect
C.everyone suffers from a headache
D.a headache is a symptom of something serious

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