“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher,

“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher,

“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher, Joyce Cooper, asked that day, but I will never forget my   36  . As soon as the number left my mouth, the whole class started  37  . I felt like the   38  person in the world..
Mrs. Cooper fixed them with a firm look. Then she said: “We’re all here to  39 .”
Once Mrs. Cooper asked us to write a  40 about what we hoped to do in the future. I wrote: “I want to be a  41 like Mrs. Cooper.
She wrote on my report, “You would  42  an outstanding teacher  43  you are determined and you try hard.” I was to carry those  44  in my heart for the 27 years.
After I graduated from high school, I got married and had children.
We needed every penny just to  45 . College and teaching were out of the question.
Then one day I thought of my  46  of how I wanted to help children. I talked it over with my family and  47  to attend college classes in the  48 before work. And when I got home from work, I would  49 . Finally, after seven years, my dream had been realized and I became a teacher.
Not long after I started  50 , something happened that brought the  51  rushing back to me. I had written a sentence with grammatical errors on the blackboard. Then I asked students to come and  52 the mistakes.
One girl got halfway through, became  53  and stopped. As the other children laughed, 54  rolled down her cheeks. I gave her a hug and told her to have a drink of water. Then, remembering Mrs. Cooper, I fixed  55  of the class with a firm look. “We are all here to learn,” I said.
A.stupidestB.happiestC.least amusingD.most important
A.get byB.get pastC.go byD.go ahead
A.sleepB.studyC.rest D.play
A.halfB.mostC.the wholeD.the rest



小题1:B 名词辨析。A问题B答案C结果D反应;我已经记不得问题是什么,但是我记得我的答案。
小题2:D 动词辨析。A谈论B喊叫C讨论D大笑;我给出的答案是错误的,同学们都大声笑起来。
小题4:B 上下文串联。根据文章最后一句“We are all here to learn,”说明B正确。
小题5:C 上下文串联。根据下一段第一行on my report说明老师要我写的是报告。
小题6:A 上下文串联。根据下文对自己梦想的描述说明我的梦想是成为一名老师。
小题7:D 动词辨析。A发展B改变C归还D成为;make作为动词有成为的意思。
小题8:A 连词辨析。A因为B除非C直到…才D在…前;因为我有决心我努力使用我会成为一个好老师。
小题9:B 名词辨析。A报告B话C老师D同学;在接下来的27年里我的心里永远都记得这些话。
小题10:A 动词短语辨析。A勉强过活B通过,超过C过去D去做吧;指生活要过去,日子要度过。
小题11:C 上下文串联。根据本段倒数第二行my dream说明我想起了自己的梦想。
小题12:C 动词辨析。A认为B允诺C决定D同意;我决定读大学的课程。
小题13:B 上下文串联。根据横线后的before work在上班前,那么是在上午。
小题14:B 上下文串联。根据前句I got home from work,下班回家以后我就可以休息了。
小题15:D 上下文串联。我终于成为了老师,可以开始教书了。
小题16:C 名词辨析。A老师B生活C过去D感觉;发生的一些事情让我又想起来过去的事情。
小题17:A 动词辨析。A纠正B证明C核对D读书;根据上文的grammatical errors说明要纠正错误。
小题18:C 形容词辨析。A疯狂B兴奋C困惑D有信心;她走到半路上停了下来,说明他很困惑很犹豫。
小题19:B 名词辨析。A水B眼泪C位置D微笑;根据rolled down her cheeks说明是眼泪从脸颊上滚下来。
小题20:D 名词辨析。A一半B大部分C全部D其余的人;指我用坚定的表情把其余的学生都安定了下来。
[1]Everyone makes mistakes. How do you react when a family member, friend, or a classmate makes a mistake? Some of us may shout out , complain, or punish. Unfortunately, these reactions to mistakes sometimes greatly hurt both sides. In fact, there is a better way to deal with a mistake.
[2]Reframe(***) "MISTAKE": Change "MISTAKE" into "MIS-TAKE." Doesn"t that have a different feeling? Therefore, a mistake is not so bad as expected. We can learn from it and it is likely to lead to success in the end.
[3]Use mistakes as an opportunity for learning. Most of us want to hide our mistakes, but we may be more willing to share our "MIS-TAKES" and let others learn from them. Either an individual or a family can benefit by openly recognizing and correcting mistakes, rather than pretending that they didn"t happen. In fact, a mistake, if corrected quickly and in a creative way, can become ___________for learning.
[4]Think of mistakes as opportunities to prove yourself. A mistake becomes an opportunity to create a close friend or customer. For example, in business, studies show that one of the things all customers want is recovery when the organization has made a mistake. They want us to apologize sincerely. With creative thinking, we can make them satisfied with the way we deal with a mistake.
[5] We have learned to allow people around us to make mistakes. Now give them “protection” when they make a mistake. If you give people both permission and protection, you will get along well with them. Show them how they can turn a mistake into learning something about themselves so they don’t make the same mistake again.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 10 words)
___________________________________________________________               _____                                              
小题2:What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
___________________________________________________________                  _                                                
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
小题4:Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 3 words)
If we think creatively, we are able to make people feel pleased with the way in which a mistake is_________________.
小题5:Why should you show people how to turn a mistake into learning something about themselves ? (no more than 12 words)
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Shaping a child is like shaping clay(粘土)— you have to start from the beginning and work your way to the end with extreme caution but with gentle and loving   16 . However, unlike clay, you don’t get a second   17  with a child. You can put all the clay back together and start again but with a child, what is done is done.   18  it’s even more caution with care.
Building a child’s esteem is no small play; it makes your black hair   19 , steals away years of your life and still will not look done. Therefore you have to learn how to build self-esteem and   20  your child from the beginning. After all, parenting begins from babyhood.
Small case could leave large   21  on your child’s mind. Reason why you should not overlook something that went wrong. If another child   22  your kid, everyone laughed and you told your son to   23  it, that’s the first wrong step. You have to teach your child to   24  up for himself. Don’t let your child fall down inside. Tell him to ask the child why he is hitting him or   25  to the nearest adult he can reach.
Most of all before you speak to a child you have to be a   26  example. If you go around laughing at people, your kids will do the   27 . If you are a coward(懦夫)yourself and do not stand up to situations, do not   28  your child not to follow you. Children are like monkeys—they copy every   29 , from how you eat to how you handle situations.
Building self-esteem begins at home. Small self-confident acts make a(n)   30  impact on your child.

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The US government has started a website, Admongo, to help children think critically about the advertising aimed at them. It claims to provide visitors with an “education” through games and other amusement.
A cartoon man dressed in old time pilot clothing greets visitors to Admongo. “Call me Haiz”, he says upon arrival in a rocket ship that opens up with a crazy world inside it. Spacey dance music plays in the background as Haiz tells visitors that they need to learn about advertising.
Its inventors say eight to twelve years old is the age kids develop their critical thinking abilities. Kids that age are also a big market for advertisers.
The idea behind Admongo is to teach children three things: To identify the advertiser. To know what the advertiser is really saying. And to know what the advertisement is trying to get the child to do.
Children learn these things through a video game. They create their own game character. They can choose different skin colors, hair styles, eye and mouth shapes. Then they begin a trip through ad-land, where there are ads on buses and billboards. The players have to find all the marketing in the neighborhood before they can move on to the next level.
The Admongo game takes players inside a home, to the advertising studio and everywhere else ads can be found. It is a complete exploration of the world of marketing.
One such area is food marketing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says it is a big business. The FTC estimates that food, drink and fast-food restaurants spent more than one and a half billion dollars on advertising to young people in 2010.
The FTC says children are important for three reasons. They buy products. They influence parents and caregivers to buy. And they are the future adult buyers of the products.
A recent study says most advertising aimed at children is for foods of the lowest nutritional value. First Lady Michelle Obama has said she would like to see advertisers marketing healthy foods for children.
小题1:What is the best title of the text?
A.The guide of Admongo
B.An education website for children
C.A popular online video game
D.A website aimed at children
小题2:Why did the government start the website?
A.To attract the biggest market of buyers.
B.To sell the products of its company.
C.To help children know about advertising.
D.To advertise the video game for children.
小题3:The underlined word “identify” can be replaced by _________.
A.recognize B.inform C.persuadeD.forbid
小题4:What can players do in the website game?
A.Choose hair styles for their character.
B.Travel to a supermarket.
C.Eat in a fast-food restaurant.
D.Play video games during the trip.
小题5:Children are important for advertising because they are _________.
A.important for the societyB.the most potential buyers
C.easily influenced by adsD.easily affected by poor products

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       Parents Are Invited
         To a Lecture On
Raising a Self-Disciplined Child    
Help Your Child Become More
Responsible, Confident, and Lively

Presented by Dr Robert Brooks            
Robert Brooks, Ph.D., one of the two authors of Raising a Self-Disciplined Child, is a nationally famous speaker and author. This book presents parents with “ a positive approach to discipline that helps children to develop self-discipline, respect, responsibility and liveliness rather than anger.” Dr Brooks of Harvard Medical School uses real-life stories to discuss such topics as self-respect and family relationships.
Copies of Raising a Self-Disciplined Child, Raising Lively Children, and other books by Dr Brooks will be available for sale and signing following the talk.
Wednesday, January 12 @ 7 PM
Allison Williams Activity Center
Trinity School
 4301 Northside Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30327
Call Ms Ginny Perkinson at 404-231-8113 for questions
小题1:Who is this lecture intended for?
A.ChildrenB.Robert BrooksC.Ginny PerkinsonD.Parents
小题2:This lecture is mainly about how to _____.
A.tell storiesB.sell a bookC.raise childrenD.become a writer
小题3:People can _____ if they have questions about the lecture.
A.visit Dr GoldsteinB.call 4301-30327
C.call 404-231-8113D.visit Mr Williams
小题4:Raising a Self-Disciplined Child is the name of a ______.

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Every year, British newspapers report on the stranger questions asked in Oxbridge (Oxford & Cambridge) interviews. Often, though, these questions are not as strange as they first seem. And they are all designed to give applicants (申请者) a chance to think.
Arriving for her first Oxford interview, my sister Jen saw that there was only one chair in the waiting room. On the chair was a large fork. Jen had heard about the strange things in Oxbridge interviews, and believed that this was a test. “What if they’re watching me?” she thought. “If I move the fork, it will show initiative (主动性); if I don’t move it, it will show that I can easily fit into new situations.” In the end, she sat uncomfortably on the edge of the chair!
Applicants must be prepared for the unexpected. Now it was Jen’s turn. She was handed a monkey skull (颅骨) and asked to talk about it. At first, this seemed unfair --- what could she say? But she soon calmed down, started thinking, and found that there was plenty to talk about.
Oxbridge interviews are designed to find out how you think, not just what you think. And there are no wrong answers. Jen learnt that, and she passed the interview. What advice does she give? “ Don’t be nervous, and be prepared for the unexpected!”
小题1:According to British newspapers, questions for Oxbridge applicants are very _____. 
小题2:On her first interview, Jen ____ after she entered the waiting room.
A.moved the forkB.sat down on the fork
C.sat down on the chairD.moved the chair
小题3:Jen learned that it was very important to _____ in order to pass the Oxbridge interviews.
A.make up new situationB.show how one thinks
C.describe what one hearsD.talk about various monkeys
小题4:The writer uses a(n) ____ to introduce how Oxbridge applicants are interviewed.

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