Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, mo

Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, mo

Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, more and more teachers are letting students have a ball. By sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs , teachers find students’ posture(姿势) and attention improve.
Dottie Pownall, a fifth-grade teacher in West Virginia, USA, has been using balls as chairs since December 2008. “The students love them”, she says. Pownall took a survey(调查) of her students. She found that 80% of the students thought sitting on the balls helped them pay more attention to what they were learning.
The teacher, Pisa Witt, felt so strongly about the use of balls as chairs, she started Witt Fitt. This company encourages the use of the balls. And the company educates not only teachers but also students on how to use them. “Our products are used in 24 states, three provinces in Canada, Puerto Rico (波多黎各) and Japan,” says Witt, “ Research shows that sitting on the balls makes them sit up straighter(直的). You can slouch(低头垂肩地坐)on a ball,” says Witt, “but it feels bad.” Because the students are moving, their blood (血液) increases. That carries more oxygen( 氧气) to the brain , so the kids have more energy and can pay attention longer.
“Besides, they’re fun.” says Pownall.
小题1:What will happen if a student sits on a chair all day in school? The student will_________. more attention to his fun to move aroundD.sit up straighter
小题2:How long has Dottie Pownall used the balls?
A.About four years.B.Only one year.
C.In 2008.D.Since he was a fifth-grade teacher.
小题3:In how many countries are the balls used as the students’ chairs?
小题4:Teachers choose balls instead of chairs because sitting on balls helps the kids _________.
A.improve the students’ posture and attention
B.slouch on the chairs
C.have fun
D.Both A and C are correct answers
小题5:Which is better for kids to study in class, sitting on a chair or sitting on a ball?
A.Sitting on a chair.B.Sitting on a ball.
C.They are the same.D.We don’t know.



小题1:由第一句话Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around."在学校里坐在椅子上太久了就想四处走动一下。" 可知答案选C。
小题2:根据第二段第一句中的 since December 2008"自从2008年12月份起"可知到现在大约三年了,故答案选A。
小题3:通读全文可知这种balls在文中在这四个国家应用:USA, Canada, Puerto Rico ("波多黎各) and Japan,故答案是A。
The world is not hungry, but it is thirsty. It seems strange that nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water while we say we are short of water. Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we can’t drink or use for watering plants directly. Man can only drink and use the 3% the water that comes from rivers and lakes. And we can’t even use all of that, because some of it has been polluted.
Now more water is needed. The problem is: can we avoid a serious water shortage later on? First, we should all learn how to save water. Secondly, we should find out the ways to reuse it. Scientists have always been making study in this field. Today, in most large cities water is used only once and then runs to the sea or rivers. But it can be used again. Even if every large city reused its water, still there would not be enough. What could people turn to next?
The sea seems to have the best answer. There is a lot of water in the sea. All that needs to be done is to get the salt out of the sea water. This is expensive, but it’s already in use in many parts of the world. Scientists are trying to find a cheaper way of doing it. So you see, if we can find a way out, we’ll be in no danger of drying up.
小题1:The world is thirsty because ___________.
A.3/4 of the earth is covered with water
B.we have enough sea water
C.we haven’t used all the water in rivers and lakes
D.about 97% of water on the earth can’t be drunk or used for watering plants directly
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.3% of drinkable water on the earth is from rivers and lakes.
B.75% of water on the earth is in the sea.
C.97% of the earth is covered with water.
D.3% of water on the earth is sea water.
小题3:From the passage we learn that __________.
A.if every city reuses its water, we’ll be in no danger of drying up can only drink and use about 25% of water on the earth in most large cities water is used only once
D.water can be used only once

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Moving to a new town or even a new neighborhood is stressful at any age, but a new study shows that frequent moves in childhood are related to poorer well-being(幸福) in adulthood, especially among people who are more introverted(内向的) or neurotic(神经症的).
The researchers tested the relationship between the number of childhood moves and well-being in a sample of 7108 American adults who were followed for 10 years.
“We know that children who move frequently are more likely to perform poorly in school and have more behavioral problems,” said the study’s lead author Shigehiro Oishi. “However, the long-term effects of moving on well-being in adulthood have been overlooked by researchers.”
The study’s participants, who were between the ages of 20 and 75, were contacted in 1994 and 1995 and were surveyed again 10 years later. They were asked how many times they had moved as children, as well as about their psychological well-being, personality type and social relationships.
The researchers found that the more times people moved as children, the more likely they were to report lower life satisfaction and psychological well-being at the time they were surveyed. The research also showed that those who moved frequently as children had fewer quality social relationships as adults.
The researchers also looked to see if different personality types affected frequent movers’ well-being. Among introverts, the more moves participants reported as children, the worse off they were as adults. “Moving a lot makes it difficult for people to keep long-term close relationships.” Said Oishi. “This might not be a serious problem for outgoing people who can make friends quickly and easily.”
The findings showed neurotic people who moved frequently reported less life satisfaction and poorer psychological well-being than people who did not move as much and people who were not neurotic. However, the number and quality of neurotic people’s relationships had no effect on their well-being, no matter how often they had moved as children. In the article, Oishi thinks this may be because neurotic people have more negative reactions to stressful life events in general.
“We can guess that moving often creates more stress,” Oishi said. “But we need more research on this link before we can conclude that moving often in childhood can, in fact, be dangerous to your health in the long-term.”
小题1:What can be learnt about the new study from the passage?
A.The participants were from all over the world.
B.It was carried out in two periods of time.
C.The participants were mostly old people.
D.The participants had poor health.
小题2:What is the purpose of the study?
A.To show the relationship between moving and performance in school
B.To show the relationship between moving and well-being
C.To investigate Americans’ well-being in general
D.To research the personality types of Americans
小题3:According to Oishi,            .
A.moving a lot is a serious problem for outgoing people
B.moving probably makes some people feel worried and tense
C.moving frequently is likely to help people make more friends
D.moving often is dangerous to people’s health in the long-term
小题4:The fifth and sixth paragraphs mainly talk about             .
A.the process of the study
B.the results of the study
C.the importance of the study
D.the theory of the study
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that           .
A.adults should take more care over their kids
B.neurotic people are likely to move frequently
C.children who move frequently behave well in school
D.personality types are related to frequent movers’ happiness

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There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered species(物种) and natural environment. If you would like more information about any of the organizations listed below, you can write to the addresses given.
Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth (FOE) campaigns on a range of problems including rainforests, the countryside, water and air pollution and energy.
Friends of the Earth International Secretariat P.O. Box 19199
1000 G. D.
The Netherlands
Greenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment. It campaigns to protect rainforests and sea animals, stop global warming and end pollution of air, land and seas. It also opposes nuclear(核) power.
Greenpeace International
Keizergracht 176
1016 DW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
BirdLife International is an organization which works to save endangered birds all over the world.
BirdLife International
Wellbrook Court
Girton Road
Cambridge CB3 ONA
WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature is the world’s largest private international organization for the protection of nature and endangered species.
Information Officer
WWF International
Avenue du Mont-Blanc
1196 Gland
小题1:If you want to learn more about the organizations, you can           . themB.write them a letterC.visit themD.send them an e-mail
小题2:Which problem will be paid close attention to by FOE?
A.Overhunting ocean animalsB.Killing endangered birds
C.Heavy air pollutionD.Global warming
小题3:If you are against nuclear power, you can join         .
A.Friends of the EarthB.World Wide Fund For Nature
C.GreenpeaceD.BirdLife International
小题4:What can we learn about WWF?
A.It helps to protect nature and save endangered animals
B.It is the world’s largest international organization
C.It works for private companies and rich people
D.It is a private organization in the United States
小题5: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Environmental protection organizationsB.Global traffic problems
C.Endangered animalsD.Natural beauty

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Every time you go shopping, the vegetables and fruit look so tempting that you wish you could buy all of them. Some people are lucky and can grow the fruit and vegetables in the gardens that they have. While getting fresh vegetables, they can also achieve great cost cutting.
Mushrooms are expensive and can also go bad very quickly. Mushrooms can also be grown easily in a dark environment. In fact it’s better than growing other vegetables since you really don’t need an outdoor space. A special type of soil that is good for growing mushrooms is easily available.
Actually mushrooms aren’t even vegetables; they are fungi(菌类) and for this reason, you don’t even require sunlight to grow them. Well how does one go about growing mushrooms? You could always Google “growing mushrooms” and you will find a number of mushroom growing kits(工具) available online that area effective and not very expensive either.
Mushrooms can be added to any dish that you cook. Simply use them in pizzas, salads and anything that you pretty much fancy. Grow mushrooms in your own house and use them whenever you want. Fresh mushrooms are tastier than the ones that are stored in your refrigerator.
If you have had a really good crop of mushrooms, then you can even store them. Ideally you should use the white variety of the mushrooms. Simply pick them, slice them and put them on a cookie sheet in a freezer. When they area frozen, just put them in a zip lock and you can use them when you want to. They give a really great taste to the dish that you are making. Thaw them before you use them.
You should try growing mushrooms, since it’s cost-effective. Furthermore, you can eat the fresh mushrooms any time that you want.
小题1: What is an advantage of growing vegetables according to the passage?
A.You can eat all kinds of vegetables
B.You are lucky to eat what you like
C.You can save lots of money
D.You can satisfy your desire
小题2: Mushrooms are different from other vegetables in that      .
A.they can be grown where there is no light
B.they can grow well in an outdoor space is easy for them to go bad in a few days
D.they can grow without soil
小题3: The third paragraph is mainly to tell us that          .
A.mushrooms are not vegetables
B.Internet helps us a lot
C.mushrooms are available online is easy to grow mushrooms
小题4:Which of the following is the right order of storing mushrooms?
a. put them on a cookie sheet in the refrigerator
b. place frozen mushrooms in a zip lock
c. cut them into slices
d. choose the white mushrooms
小题5: What would be the best title for this passage?
A.It is easy and fun to grow mushrooms
B.We should eat more fruit and vegetables
C.Mushrooms online are very expensive
D.Mushrooms—tasty and healthy vegetables

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One day, when I was in high school, I saw a kid named Kyle from my class walking home from school with all his books. I thought to myself, “  36 would anyone bring home all his books for the weekend? He must really be 37 .”
As I was walking, I saw several kids running toward him. They ran at him,   38 all his books out of his arms and he fell down in the dirt. His glasses went  39 and landed in the grass.
My  40 went out to him. So, I ran over to him.   41 I handed him his glasses, he looked at me and said, “Hey, thanks!”
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it  42 , he lived near me. We talked all the way home. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.
Kyle was the  43 student of our class, one of those guys that really found  44 during high school. Therefore he had the honor to prepare a  45 speech. On the graduation day, I could see that he was  46 . So, I patted him on the back and said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be  47 !” He looked at me and smiled.
He cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to  48 those who helped you make it through those  49 years. Your parents, your teachers…but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best  50 you can give him.”
I just looked at my friend with  51 as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to  52 himself over the weekend and was carrying his books home. “Thankfully, nothing happened. My friend  53 me from doing the unspeakable(不能说出来的).”
Not until that moment did I realize that you should never underestimate(低估) the  54 of your actions. With one small gesture you can  55 a person’s life. For better or for worse.
A.passedB.came upC.went onD.turned out
A.excited B.nervousC.proudD.crazy

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