When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around t

When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around t

When you see homework covering the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space. You are not alone. Nearly a third of parents say they feel squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property, a report reveals today.

Twenty-nine percent say "their property is too small to fit the size of their family—rising to 40 percent for those 34 and under". One in four children is "forced to share" a bedroom, according to the Finda-Property. Com website. Property analyst Samantha Baden said: "Afford-ability remains a key issue for families, with the average cost of a three-bedroom home around £193,000."Very few can afford to buy or to rent a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in, according to Miss Baden.
A recent report, from investment firm LV, also found that many "space-starved parents’are pushed into a two-bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple, but has no space for three or so children. Grown-up children who cannot afford to leave homo are also adding to the problem facing families in Britain"s "big squeeze".
For a home to be the correct size, which means it is not overcrowded, parents must have their own bedroom. Children under ten can share, as well as same-sex children between ten and 20.Anyone over 21 also needs their own room.
The report comes as official figures, published yesterday by the Land Registry, revealing house prices are falling sharply in every region except London. The worst – hit area is the North East where average house prices have fallen to below £100, 000 for the first time in seven years. However, they remain unaffordable for millions.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1, the report reveals        .
A.children like to do homework in the kitchen
B.some families can"t afford a bigger property
C.only a few families have housing problem
D.people are satisfied with their living condition
小题2:What Miss Baden said in Paragraph 2 means        .
A.most families don"t have enough money yet
B.no family could afford a three - bedroom home
C.it is common to live in a three - bedroom home
D.the price of a bigger property is still acceptable
小题3:The report from the investment firm LV shows        .
A.young couples should live in a two - bedroom home
B.families with three or so children couldn"t afford a home
C.parents should buy houses for their grown - up children
D.some grown - up children couldn"t afford a separate home
小题4:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.House prices are falling down everywhere.
B.People are able to buy a home of correct size.
C.The house prices in London has not fallen down.
D.The North East is now an area suitable to live in.


小题1:B 段落大意题。第一段的内容正是关于部分英国家庭房子太小,过于拥挤。
小题2:A 细节题。根据第二段最后Very few can afford to buy or to rent a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in, according to Miss Baden.可知A正确。
小题3:D 推理题。根据第三段最后Grown-up children who cannot afford to leave homo are also adding to the problem facing families in Britain"s "big squeeze".可知很多Grown-up children买不起房子,只能和父母住在一起。故D正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据最后一段第2行revealing house prices are falling sharply in every region except London.可知各地的房价都降了除了伦敦以外,故C正确。
In a growing number of English classes, teachers are leaving the classic novels on the shelf and letting students select the books they read. Supporters say that the new approach, called reader’s workshop, helps develop a love for reading in students who are bored by classic literature. They argue that the best way to motivate students to read more is to offer them more choices.
Not all educators are on the same page, however. They worry that students who choose trendy, less challenging titles over the classics won’t be exposed to the great writing and key themes of important works of literature.Student reporters Donald and Sarah express their ideas about this new approach.
Donald thinks that we should turn the page. Students should be allowed to select the books they read in English class. He says he and his classmates are allowed to pick their own books in class. That makes them more focused, and they look forward to class time. Tristin, a classmate of his at Clinton Middle School agrees. “I’m reading books that I want to read, which makes class more fun and interesting,” he says. Offering students a choice may also improve test scores. Studies by Professor John Guthrie of the University of Maryland found that students in grades 4 through 6 who had some choices in the books they read showed improved reading comprehension skills during testing. Giving students the chance to decide what they read helps build a lifelong love for reading. Isn’t that what we want for our students?
Sarah holds a different view. She thinks teachers know more about books than students do. When an English teacher assigns a book, he or she keeps in mind the reading level of most students in the class. Students who choose their own books might be cheating themselves by picking books that are not up to their reading level or that are too difficult. Furthermore, a whole class can discuss a book it reads together. That makes it easier for some kids to understand what they are reading. “The students wouldn’t be able to hold a meaningful conversation if they were all reading different books,” says Kristin, an English teacher at Fleetwood Area Middle School. “If they read the same book, their conversations would be more in-depth.”
小题1:What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence “Not all educators are on the same page”?
A.Educators have different opinions.
B.Educators didn’t appear at the same time.
C.Educators wrote in different pages.
D.Educators didn’t agree with the author.
小题2:Donald thinks that the new approach could __________.
A.helped students be more focused in class
B.draw students to reading classic novels
C.make students less worried in English class
D.encourage students to red more challenging books
小题3:Sarah thinks that the new approach might __________.
A.help students improve reading comprehension skills
B.help students hold meaningful conversations in class
C.make some students read books not suitable for them
D.make some students ignore the important works of literature
小题4:Who has the same attitude towards the new approach with Kristin?
A.Donald.B.Sarah.C.Tristin.D.John Guthrie.
小题5:The author develops the text mainly by __________.
A.listing cases
B.making comparisons
C.following time order
D.explaining causes and effects

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Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion(拥塞), accidents and fast fuel consumption(消费), cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. Last winter, car fumes(烟雾) formed heavy smog over Beijing, making the sky gloomy for weeks and deteriorating people"s health.
One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Tsinghua University, campus buses are driven by electricity. In Beijing some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace the traditional ones.
Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict (限制)the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles(交通车辆) are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not use private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.   
On the whole, the elimination (根除)of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government, the public and the environments. This problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.
小题1:What is the main reason for air pollution in big cities?
C.fast fuel consumptionD.cars
小题2:What is the best title of this passage?                               
A.Air Pollution and Cars
B.Air Pollution
C.the Cause of the Pollution
D.Ways to Solve the car Problem
小题3:How many ways are mentioned to solve the pollution caused by cars?      
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?               
A.New models of clean cars will soon replace the traditional cars
B.Public transportation should replace all the private cars
C.In some university, electricity is used in school buses
D.It is only the government’s efforts that can help solve air pollution caused by cars

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When we look at the sky and see a bright light moving quickly across it or coming towards the earth, we talk about seeing a “shooting star” or a “falling star”. These moving lights are not, in fact, stars at all. They are small pieces of matter from outer space, which burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. The correct name of them is meteoroids. Any pieces that make it to the Earth’s surface without completely burning up are known as meteorites. A meteor is actually the name given to the light we see when a meteoroid is burning up.
When a meteorite hits the Earth at speeds between 11 and 72 kilometers a second, it can do amazing damage. A very large meteorite could knock the earth out of its orbit. If this happened, all life on Earth would probably become extinct(灭绝). The path we follow around the Sun would change and as a result the Earth would become either much hotter or much colder. This change in temperature would affect sea levels and the amount of water in rivers. There would either be huge floods, which would cover most of the land with water, or the oceans would dry up and there would be a drought, which means a long period of time without rain. Either way, nothing could survive. If a large meteorite landed in the sea it would almost certainly cause tsunamis, which would race towards the land, destroying everything in their paths.
Although it is unlikely the Earth will be struck by a meteorite large enough to do that kind of damage, there is evidence of fairly large meteorites hitting the Earth in the past. In 1908 a large area of forest in Tunguska, Siberia was destroyed by a meteorite that came apart just before it hit the ground. The moon, however, has about three billion craters陨石坑caused by meteorites impacting影响 its surface. The reason more meteorites have reached the surface of the moon than the surface of the Earth is that the moon does not have enough atmosphere for the meteorites to burn up in. some of the meteorites that have reached the Earth’s surface have done considerable damage. Some scientists believe it was a change of climate caused by meteorites hitting the Earth that resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs and other large prehistoric animals.
Scientists are especially interested in meteorites because they contain information about the solar system. It is widely believed by scientists that most meteorites are produced by collisions(碰撞) between asteroids (small planets). These collisions probably happened many billions of years ago. This means the physical and chemical structure of a meteorite can give scientists information about the early days of the universe.
小题1:The story is about ___.     
A.floods caused by meteors
B.matter from outer space
C.life on Earth millions of years ago
D.meteorites that have damaged the moon
小题2:The Earth has ___.                    
A.three billion craters
B.fewer craters than the moon
C.more craters than the moon
D.a thinner atmosphere than the moon
小题3:Some scientists believe the dinosaurs became extinct because ___.     
A.they were hit by meteors
B.meteorites landed on their nests
C.meteorites landed and changed the climate
D.they could no longer breathe the atmosphere
小题4:Meteors are ___.                                         
A.small planets
B.the same as asteroids
C.from broken parts of asteroids
D.the light we see when meteoroids hit our atmosphere

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Egypt: Bridging the Gap between School English and Real English
Teaching English in Egypt in general and in my town Damietta in particular, is mainly directed towards helping students to pass their final exams. Unfortunately, most teachers do not adopt a long -term approach that guarantees that their students will be able to use English outside the classroom. So students only concentrate on one skill which is writing. Thus their listening and speaking skills are disabled. What is important to them is to pass the exam which is primarily based on writing .Teachers are not only concentrated with providing their students with questions that are similar to those of the final exam, particularly General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC) Examination, so students spend most of their time answering typical exam questions.
Most students" scores are high; a lot of students get full marks. However, few students are able to communicate in English because their role plays. As a result, a lot of students complain that they are unable to understand and talk fluently with native speakers of English.
To enable students to communicate freely and spontaneously(自然地) in English, I bring features of real communication into language practice, I always ask students about their own experiences, and suggest groups of students practice what they have learned outside the classroom. This helps lower-achieving students absorb language. Furthermore, role play is a very effective way to improve speaking skills particularly if it is connected to the experience of the students.
小题1:Who probably write this passage?
A.a teacherB.a governorC.a studentD.a reporter
小题2:In Egypt, the students only concentrate on ------
A.listening skillB.speaking skillC.reading skillD.writing skill
小题3:The teachers question their students based on -------
A.what they learn in the class
B.What their parents expect
C.The questions that are similar to those of GSEC
D.The ability that will be used outside the classroom
小题4:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Most of the students can"t get high marks but can communicate with the native speakers of English.
B. Communicating skill is more important than writing skill.
C.Role play connected to the speaker"s experience is more effective
in improving his skill.
D.The lower--achieving students can do better in speaking skill than the upper achieving students.
小题5:Who will responsible for the gap between school English and real English?
A.Their parentsB.The studentsC.The schoolD.The education sys tem

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Now let"s look ourselves as a species in relation to ecosystem balance.Modern scientists believe that humankind, like other animals, evolved(进化) through millions of years of changes and adaptations to the environment and that our most direct evolutionary ancestor was probably an earlier species of the primate(monkey, ape) group. Despite this similarity with other creatures, however, the evolution of humankind differs from that of other species in one important and unique way.
In other species, evolution has led to specialization, both in the species abilities and in its place within the environmental structure. For example, the giraffe is much adapted to feeding on treetops, but it is also specialized and thus limited to feeding on trees and shrubs. Only with great difficulty can it bend down to graze on the ground. Similarly, the anteater is extremely well adapted to eating ants but is unable to catch or eat other animals. The same is true for countless other species.
For humankind it is opposite. Our evolution had led to a very generalized ability. Our highly developed intelligence and ability to make and handle tools mean that we can do almost anything. Humans evolved in such a way that we are able to move into every environment on Earth and even into space. No natural competitor offers great resistance, and other natural enemies such as disease have been controlled.
Said another way, we see in humankind a great imbalance between biological potential and environmental resistance. The result is the rapidly increasing world population, frequently referred to as the population explosion. Further, to support our growing population, natural ecosystems are being increasingly displaced by human habitations, agriculture, and other human supporting activities.
小题1:From the passage we can infer that in the course of evolution _______.
A.humankind is very important to earlier species, such as the primate group
B.human beings are limited by the environment while animals are not
C.human beings become more and more different from each other
D.humankind has experienced a generalization rather than specialization in ability
小题2:According to the passage, primate includes such animals as _______.
A.monkeys and anteatersB.tigers and apes
C.apes and monkeysD.monkeys and giraffes
小题3:According to the passage, evolution has made it possible for humans to _______.
A.increase the population
B.resist natural offers
C.go to the moon
D.cure all diseases
小题4:According to the author, imbalance between biological potential and environ mental resistance has resulted in _______.
A.the population explosion
B.the destruction of human habitations
C.the growth of natural ecosystem
D.the specialization of humans

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