In many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and man

   In many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and man

   In many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and many societies would not exist without them. So the idea that in 20 years’ time, no one will own cars may be hard to believe. But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers who are taken seriously, not only by government but also by car manufacturers.
The Human Science and Advanced Technology Institute at Loughborough in the UK is part of an international research program. The team there believes that by 2020 all cars will be computerized, which will mean much saving, no accidents and better use of roads. The super-intelligent car of the 21st century will drive itself, and it will not be owned by one individual. Instead, we will have a choice of cars and change them as frequently as we change our clothing.
According to Dr. David Davis , who leads the research team, these predictions are based on the rising cost of the car culture, which has blocked up our cities, polluted our air , and caused more deaths than both world wars put together.
Davis says, cars will be fitted with some intelligent devices to regulate the distance between one car and another. The car will automatically speed up, or slow down, to match the speed of the car in front. Computers are much safer drivers than people, so cars in a road train will be able to drive much closer together than cars driven by people.
By 2010, Dr. David Davis believes, car technology will give motorists a clear view of the road, whatever the weather conditions, by projecting an image of the road ahead on to the car’s windscreen. And by 2020, cars will travel in convoy, linked to each other electronically. Cars will be connected by an electronic tow bar to the car in front to form “road–trains”. “The front vehicle in such a train burns the normal amount.” says Davis. “But all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount, and so produce about ten percent of the pollution.”
小题1:We know from the passage that governments and car manufacturers _______ not believe the prediction that no one will own cars by 2020
B.are devoted to the technological revolution in car industry
C.consider the predictions seriously
D.have put the super-intelligent car into mass production
小题2:Which of the following will be the characteristic of the cars of 2020?
  1. The car will speed up out of control.
  2. We will own as many cars as we want.
  3. All cars will be driven by computers.
  4. Cars will produce more pollution than present ones.
小题3:The leader of the research team believes that the present car culture should change because_________.
  1. cars play a very important role in daily life
  2. many societies would stop functioning without cars
  3. cars should not be owned by one individual
  4. it causes many deaths to human society
小题4:The expression closest in meaning to the phrase “in convoy” in the last paragraph is________. lineB.sidelongC.side by sideD.shoulder to shoulder
小题5:What will happen if cars are joined to each other electronically in 2020?
  1. Motorists will get a clear view of the road.
  2. The weather condition will not have effect on motorists.
  3. There will be less pollution caused by car.
  4. All trains will burn less fuel than present.



小题1:细节题。结合But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers who are taken seriously, not only by government but also by car manufacturers可知答案。
小题2:细节题。结合The team there believes that by 2020 all cars will be computerized可知答案。
小题3:细节题。结合which has blocked up our cities, polluted our air , and caused more deaths than both world wars put together可知答案。
小题4:推断词义题。结合下文的Cars will be connected by an electronic tow bar to the car in front to form “road–trains”可知cars形成公路火车,即汽车排队形式。in line排队。
小题5:细节题。结合But all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount, and so produce about ten percent of the pollution可知答案。
London has a new magazine. But it’s not printed on paper. Everyone who has a television can receive it because it is on TV.
In order to read this magazine you have to have a decoder. Each page of it is numbered, so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about. There’s a wide choice--- everything is included from cooking to the latest sports news.
If you want to read the news, the first thing you have to do is to turn to the index page which has an easy-to-remember page number, 100 for example. Then you start choosing what you want to read. The news is on pages 101 to 109, so you push out the numbers and the news appears written across your screen. Perhaps you want to go out in the afternoon, so you press 181, and a brightly colored weather map appears on the screen. But the weather is terrible so you decide to go shopping and dial 162 for a list of the week’s best bargains. But should you drive or take the train ? To answer the question you only have to press 189 for the traffic report. It’s very simple to use. But probably the best thing about the service is that it’s being updated all the time. Journalists type new material directly onto the screen and whole pages of the magazine can be replaced in minutes.
London has already had three services. One, transmitted(传输)by ITV, is called ORACLE, while the other two, on BBC, are called CEEFAX, because they let you see facts. Although CEEFAX and ORACLE have been operating for some time, they have not been well publicized. BBC engineers do not think that their idea will ever replace books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere. But many people agree that this is a breakthrough as great as the invention of printing, which could change not just our reading habits but our whole way of life.
小题1:What is unusual about the mew magazine in London?
A.You can find any subject you want in it.
B.No paper is used to print the magazine.
C.There 1,000 page numbers in the index.
D.The speed of transmitting is astonishing.
小题2:It’s clearly seen from the passage that ________. takes long for the service of the magazine to be updated
B.most of the postmen will be out of work someday
C.the readers can get all kinds of information without leaving home
D.everyone can read the magazine if there is a television at hand
小题3:According to the passage, the “decoder” is used to help people to ________. the information transmitted by TV signals
B.broadcast special TV programs at home and abroad
C.dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about
D.find the exact page in which you can get information you need
小题4:The passage is mainly about          .
A.a new magazine printed in London
B.a popular TV program with three services
C.a great breakthrough in printing up-to-date way of keeping up to date

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More than one in eight U. S. adults finds it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time and about one in eleven tries to hide his or her online habit, according to a study showed on Tuesday.
The study by researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California found one in eight adults admitted they needed to spend less time online, saying this showed "problematic Interact use" is present in a sizable portion (部分)of the population.
The study involved a nationwide telephone survey of 2,581 respondents in the spring and summer of 2004 with researchers then examining the data and preparing the report which appears in the October issue of CNS Spectrums.
The survey found that 68.9 percent of respondents were regular Internet users and 13.7 percent of the users found it hard to stay offline for several days at a time.
It found 12.4 percent often stayed online longer than intended, more than 12 percent said they saw a need to cut back on their Internet use, and 8.7 percent tried to conceal (隐瞒) "non-essential "Internet use from family, friends and employers.
A smaller number, 8.2 percent, said they use the Internet to escape problems or a bad mood, while 5.9 percent felt their relationships suffered because of too much Internet use.
One report published earlier this year said that 5 percent to 10 percent of the population likely will experience Internet addiction (上瘾).
It said signs include a disregard for health or appearance, lack of sleep and reducing physical activities and social communications with others, as well as dry eyes and juries of hands and fingers.
小题1:From Paragraph 2, it tells us _______. to use the interact is a terrible problem to adults surfing the net has caused a bad result to people
C.why to throw off the Internet addiction becomes a hot problem
D.why so many adults want to spend less time on the interact
小题2:Those who try to hide their habit of addition to the Interact make up of the respondents.
小题3:According to the researchers, which statement is true?
A.Online habit of people has been a dangerous problem to society.
B.All of the Interact users have terrible psychological problems to solve.
C.The internet is more harmful to people than good.
D.We have to pay attention to negative effects from the internet.

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Ever since they were first put on the market in the early 1990s, genetically modified (GM, 转基因) foods have been increasingly developed and marketed in many countries in the world, mainly on the basis of their promise to end the worldwide food crisis. But can GM technology solve world hunger problems? Even if it would, is it the best solution?
Despite what it promises, GM technology actually has not increased the production potential of any crop. In fact, studies show that the most widely grown GM crop, GM soybeans, has suffered reduced productivity. For instance, a report that analysed nearly two decades of research on major GM food crops shows that GM engineering has failed to significantly increase US crop production.
Something else, however, has been on the rise, While GM seeds are expensive, GM companies tell farmers that they will make good profits by saving money on pesticides(杀虫剂). On the contrary, US government data show that GM crops in the US have produced an overall increase in pesticide use compared to traditional crops. “The promise was that you could use less chemicals and boost production. But neither is true,” said Bill Christison, President of the US National Farm Coalition.
At the same time, the authors of the book World Hunger: Twelve Myths argue that there actually is more than enough food in the world and that the hunger crisis is not caused by production, but by problems in food distribution and politics. These indeed deserve our efforts and money. Meanwhile, the rise in food prices results from the increased use of crops for fuel rather than food, according to a 2008 World Bank report.
As a matter of fact, scientists see better ways to feed the world. Another World Bank report concluded that GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of worldwide poverty and hunger, because better ways out are available, among which “green” farming is supposed to be the first choice.
小题1:The author develops the second paragraph mainly      . comparison process
小题2:What does the underlined word “boost” in the third paragraph probably mean?
小题3:GM companies promise farmers that they will benefit from ______________.
A.practicing “green” farming
B.use of less chemicals
C.fair distribution of their crops
D.using more crops for fuel
小题4:Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards GM technology?

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On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A’s and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher.
How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.
During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?
Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.
Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter. It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others’ emotions.
小题1:Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because       .
A.he was unfairly treated by his teacher
B.he was disappointed with his downfall
C.he was not smart enough at studies
D.he got a worse mark than usual
小题2:We can infer from the third paragraph that the author        in his early university years.
A.didn’t think communication skills were as important as intelligence
B.didn’t work hard
C.belonged to the first category of students
D.could keep a balance between social life and studies
小题3:Intelligent people are hated because       .
A.they can solve more complex problems
B.they can’t settle the challenges they meet
C.they are envied for their intelligence
D.they are not understanding enough
小题4:The main purpose of the text is to tell us       .
A.the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence
B.what kind of students can succeed in college people may have poorer communication skills
D.intelligent students will meet more challenges at work

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The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smartphone, writing by hand has become something of nostalgic (怀旧的)skill. However, while today’s educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful---both in school and in life.
Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it’s important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.
Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks---both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.
In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a student’s writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to know well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.
Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe(转换) “those words in the mind written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “mind’s eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot(发现) spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct then over time.
“In our computer age, some people believe that we don’t have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they won’t have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the options given by the computer.”
小题1:What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?
A.The absence of blackboard in classroom.
B.The use of new technologies in teaching.
C.The lack of practice in handwriting.
D.The popular use of smartphones.
小题2:Berninger’s study published in 2009 ___________.
A.focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer.
B.indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper.
C.found that good essays are made up of long sentences.
D.discussed the importance of writing speed.
小题3:Which of the following best shows the role of spelling?
A.Spelling improves one’s memory of words.
B.Spelling ability is closely related to writing ability.
C.Spelling benefits the translation from words into ideas.
D.Spelling slows down finding exact words to express ideas.
小题4:What does “mind’s eye” in paragraph 5 mean?
小题5:What conclusion could be drawn from the passage?
A.Computers can help people with their choice of words.
B.Spell checks can take the place of spelling teaching.
C.Handwriting still has a place in today’s classrooms.
D.Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade.

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