Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship

Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship

Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships do not last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules. Be honest; be generous; be understanding.
Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you do not tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest you may lose your friends’ trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.
Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You do not have to give your lunch money on your clothes of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interest. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.
Sooner or later every one needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.
No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends, you must practise honesty, generosity, and understanding.
小题1:Some friendships don’t last very long because ____.
A.there are too many people who want to make friends.
B.those who never give others friendships receive no friendship from others.
C.those who give others friendship receive friendship from others.
D.they don’t know friendship is something serious.
小题2:According to the passage honesty is _____.
A.something goodB.the base of friendship important as moneyD.more important than anything else
小题3:The underlined word “generosity” means ___.
小题4:Which of the following isn’t mentioned (提及)in the passage?
A.Always tell your friend the truth.
B.Sharing your mind with your friend is of great value.
C.Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.
D.A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.



小题1:B由第一段第一句话Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships do not last very long.可知
小题1:B细节题:由第二段的“Honesty is where a good friendship starts.”可知。
小题1:A猜测词语词义题:从后面的解释:means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.说明是“大度”。
Although many butterflies remain to be decreasing in the long run, last year three quarters of endangered species saw an increase in number, including some rare species.
Experts said the improvement in the butterflies’ fortunes was likely to be the result of effective action on protection, such as leaving open wetland in woods where flowers can grow, and better weather in 2010 after three damaging wet summers.
Dr Tom Brereton said butterflies are extremely sensitive to changes in the weather. Last year saw a warm summer for successful feeding, which helped a number of butterflies in some way.
He even said climate change could be benefiting some butterfly species but many other butterfly species suffer from it. For example, the mountain ringlet suffers as it needs cold climates. And at the same time, the change is too rapid for most to get used to.
In the long run butterfly numbers have continued to drop, with three quarters of the nearly 60 species found in Britain seeing numbers fall in recent decades and nearly half of them seriously threatened.
The Lulworth skipper, one of the UK’s rarest butterflies, had its worst year since 1976, and there are people worrying that changing the environment to benefit other species may be harming this kind of butterfly. Wild flowers have been grown in some places to help other butterflies but the Lulworth skipper needs long grass and wild areas. Meadow browns, the country’s most common species, also had the worst year on record. Some other kinds of butterflies also had a bad year.
However, in the short term many butterflies saw an increase in number in 2010 compared to 2009 levels.

小题1:Which was a reason for the increase in the number of the butterflies last year?
A.The protection of humans.B.A wet summer.
C.Changes in the butterflies’ habits.D.The decrease in wetland in woods.
小题2:We can learn from Dr Tom Brereton’s words that       .
A.the mountain ringlet can quickly adapt to climate change
B.butterflies can help slow down climate change
C.climate change can be both beneficial and harmful to butterflies
D.other kinds of animals also suffer from climate change
小题3:What is most likely to be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.Why some butterflies decreased in number in 2010.
B.How to protect butterflies in the coming winter.
C.Effects of climate change on butterflies.
D.Examples of butterflies that have increased in number.
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Some butterflies in Britain have had a good year.
B.Butterflies in Britain have different habits.
C.Butterflies are well protected in Britain.
D.Butterflies are disappearing from Britain.

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Why should mankind explore space? Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.
Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup(基因构成) as human beings. What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival. Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.
Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified and prepared for. Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger. With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.
Exploration also allows minerals and other potential resources to be found. Even if we have no immediate need of them, they will perhaps be useful later. Resources may be more than physical possessions. Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. We have already benefited from other spin-offs including improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems. Even non-stick pans and mirrored sunglasses are by-products (副产品) of technological developments in the space industry!
While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us. While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. The danger exists, but knowledge can help human beings to survive. Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.
While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets. It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.
小题1:Why does the author mention the questions in Paragraph1?
A.To express his doubts.B.To compare different ideas.
C.To introduce points for discussion.D.To describe the conditions on Earth.
小题2:What is the reason for exploring space based on Paragraph2?
A.Humans are nature-born to do so.B.Humans have the tendency to fight.
C.Humans may find new sources of food.D.Humans don’t like to stay in the same place.
小题3:The underlined word “spin-offs” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to______.
A.survival chancesB.potential resources
C.unexpected benefitsD.physical possessions
小题4:What makes it possible for humans to live on other planets?
A.O ur genetic makeup.B.Resources on the earth..
C.The adaptive ability of humans. D.By-products in space exploration.
小题5:Which of the statements can best sum up the passage?
A.Space exploration has created many wonders.
B.Space exploration provides the best value for money.
C.Space exploration can benefit science and technology
D.Space exploration may help us avoid potential problems on Earth.

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When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible and it can be surprisingly  36  to your physical and  37   health.
"People who forgive  38  less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness," says Frederic Luskin, Ph.D.,  39  of Forgive for Good. "So it can help  40  on the .wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and  41  people to feel more vital."
So how do you start the forgiveness? Try  42  these steps:
Calm yourself. To defuse (缓解) your  43  and try a simple stress-management technique.
"Take a couple of breaths and think of  44  that gives you pleasure: a  45  scene in nature, someone you love," Luskin says.
Don’t  46  an apology. "Many times the person who hurt you has no  47  of apologizing," Luskin says. "They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same  48  . So if you wait for people to apologize ,you could be waiting a(n)  49  long time. "Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean  50  to the person who upsets you.
Take the control away from your offender. Mentally replaying your  51  gives power to the person who caused you pain. " 52  of focusing on your hurt feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness  53  you," Luskin says.
Try to see things from the other person’s perspective (立场;视角). If you empathize (有同感) with that person, you may  54  that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear even love.
Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better  55  and better sleep patterns. Don’t forget to forgive yourself. "For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge," Luskin says.
"But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it. "
小题11: forB.hunt forD.wait for
小题15: out
A.BecauseB.In honourC.InsteadD.In search

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If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Haven"t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?
According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.
The study also found the effect is greater, the younger people learn a second language.
A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of "early bilinguals" who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.
Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference.
"Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language," said the scientists.
It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.
Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. "Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible (灵活的),"he said. "You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas."
The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and 34. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. "Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world," explained the scientists.
小题1:The main subject talked about in this passage is ______. on learning a second language’s ability of learning a second language
C.1anguage can help brain power
D.1anguage learning and maths study
小题2: In the second paragraph, the writer mentions “exercise” in order to ______.
A.say language is also a kind of physical labor
B.prove that one needs more practice when he (she) is learning a language show the importance of using the language when you learn the language
D.make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well
小题3:We may know from the scientific findings that ______.
A.the earlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density is
B.there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn"t know a second language
C.the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people"s brain
D.the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time
小题4:The underlined word “bilingual"’ probably means ______.
A.a researcher on language learning
B.a person who is good at learning foreign languages
C.a person who can speak two languages active language learner

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If your mother wants to tell you something, she uses words. Birds can not talk as we do. But some birds can make sounds to warn their young of danger. They have their own ways to make the young birds do certain thing.
The jackdaw is a kind of blackbirds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks. ( 群) Yong jackdaws do not know their enemies. When an older jackdaw sees a dog , it makes a loud tattling (格格响的)sound.The young birds know this sound means an enemy is nearby.  The sounds warns them to know their enemy.
If a young jackdaw is in a dangerous place, a jackdaw parent flies over him from behind.The parent bird flies low over the young bird’s back, the parents’ tail feathers move quickly from side to side, It is trying to say, “ Follow me.”
At the same time , the parent calls out, “ Key-aw ,Key-aw.” The parent means, “ Fly home with me.” The young bird then follows the older one home.
Young jackdaws do not have to learn what certain sounds mean.They know the meaning of these sounds from the time they hatch.
小题1:The jackdaw lives in _____ .
小题2:When an old jackdaw sees a dog , it _____ .
A.calls out “Follow me .”B.makes a loud sound
C.flies awayD.fights the dog .
小题3: Parent jackdaw can use their tail feathers to ______ .
A.ask their young to follow a game with the young
C.tell the meal timeD.give a warning of a fire
小题4:The story tells much about _____ .
A.the danger of jackdaws. which mother can talk to their children.
C.the way jackdaws warn their young of danger. the jackdaws are living.
小题5: Which of the following does this story lead you to believe ?
A.All animal parents can talk to their young.
B.Dogs are the most dangerous enemies for jackdaws.
C.Young jackdaws know the meaning of their parents’ sound when they grow older .
D.Some birds can give certain information to one another.

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