Cultural practices, cultural differences, local manners, and mores: traveling th

Cultural practices, cultural differences, local manners, and mores: traveling th

Cultural practices, cultural differences, local manners, and mores: traveling the globe can be a behavioral minefield, even when you have the best intentions. Everything from greeting to eating can be an opportunity to do the wrong thing, and not only embarrass yourself, but offend your host countrymen. Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them while going abroad.
1.Touching Someone
Where It"s Offensive
Korea, Thailand, China, Europe, the Middle East.
What"s Offensive
In Mediterranean countries, if you don’t touch someone"s arm when talking to them or if you don"t greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you"ll be considered cold. But backslapping someone who isn"t a family member or a good friend in Korea will make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred--never even pat a child on the head.
What You Should Do Instead
Observe what locals are doing and follow suit. In Eastern countries remember that touching and public displays of affection are unacceptable. In places like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, men and women are forbidden from talking, let alone touching.
2.Blowing Your Nose
Where It"s Offensive
Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, France
What"s Offensive
Some cultures find it disgusting to blow your nose in public--especially at the table. The Japanese and Chinese also dislike it even with a handkerchief.
What You Should Do Instead
If traveling through Eastern and Asian countries, don’t use handkerchief but choose disposable(可溶解的)tissues. In France and in Eastern countries, if you"re dining and need to clear your nose, excuse yourself and head to the restroom.
3.Talking Over Dinner
Where It"s Offensive
Africa, Japan, Thailand, China, Finland.
What"s Offensive
In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, don"t start chatting while everyone else is digging into dinner, because mealtimes are for eating, not talking. Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective---churches in Europe, temples in Thailand, and saunas in Finland.
What You Should Do Instead
Keep quiet!
4.Removing Your Shoes…or Not
Where It"s Offensive
Hawaii, the South Pacific, Korea, China, Thailand
What"s Offensive
Taking off shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party will be regarded as uncivilized, but failing to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands will be considered disrespectful.
What You Should Do Instead
If you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. If not, keep the shoes on.
5.Knowing Your Right from Your Left
Where It"s Offensive
India, Morocco, Africa, the Middle East
What"s Offensive
Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional methods--their hands. In these cases, food is often shared, which is why it"s important to wash your hands before eating and observe the right-hand-is-for-eating and the left-hand-is-for-other-duties rule. If you eat with your left hand, expect your fellow diners to be offended.
What You Should Do Instead
Left-handed? Attempt to be ambidextrous --- even children who are left-handed in these cultures are taught to eat with their right hand.
小题1:In which country can you greet someone with a kiss?
小题2:If you’re in Japan and you’ve got a bad cold, what should you do at dinner?
A.Excuse yourself and leave for home.B.Blow your nose with a handkerchief.
C.Use some disposable tissues when neededD.Go to the restroom.
小题3:Before entering your friend’s house in a foreign country, you’d better ______.
A.greet the host or hostess firstB.follow others’ behaviors
C.remove your shoes firstD.respect their customs
小题4: To enjoy your dinner in India, you have to ______.
A.avoid talking over dinnerB.keep your shoes on
C.share food with with your right hand



Three-Dimensional (3D) movies have been becoming more and more popular in recent years.It seems 3D TV sets may be going into family households in the near future.While new digital 3D technology has made the experience more comfortable for many, for some with eye problems, long 3D viewing may result in an aching head, doctors say.

"There are a lot of people walking around with very minor eye problems, which under normal situations, the brain deals with naturally," said Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) in Chicago.He said in a 3D movie, these people face a completely new sensory experience."That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache," Rosenberg told Reuters.
In normal vision, each eye sees things at a slightly different angle."When that gets processed in the brain, that creates the perception (感觉) of depth," said Dr Deborah Friedman, an ophthalmologist in New York.The images people see in three dimensions in the movies are not calibrated (校准的) in the same way that their eyes and brain are."If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it"s really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs
to exert (竭尽全力)," he said.                    
Dr John Hagan, a Kansas City ophthalmologist, said some people who do not have normal depth perception cannot see in 3D at all.He said people with eye muscle problems, in which the eyes are not pointed at the same object, have trouble processing 3D images.
Rock Heineman, a spokesman for RealD, a provider of 3D equipment to theaters, said headaches and nausea were the main reasons 3D technology never took off
Heineman said older 3D technology used two film projectors(放映机), one that projected a left-eye image and one that projected a right-eye image.Three-D glasses would allow viewers to see a different image in each eye.
"People often complained of headaches and it was really because the projectors weren’t lined up," Heineman said.
Now his company has developed a new single digital projector, which switches between the left and the right-eye image 144 times a second, to help overcome some of the old problems.
"By going to a single digital projector, those problems were solved," he said.Friedman said he thinks most people will do fine with 3D movies and with 3D TVs, but Rosenberg said people may quickly tire of the novelty (新鲜事物)."I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it"s sort of neat, but it"s not really comfortable," he said.
小题1:The text is mainly about ____.
A.the reasons why people like 3D movies to improve 3D technology
C.the development of 3D technology in recent years
D.causes of headaches and nausea when people watch 3D movies
小题2:The underlined phrase "took off" could be replaced by "______".
A.became popular
B.flew in the sky
C.left hurriedly
D.removed one"s clothes
小题3:This article implies that _____.
A.people do not like new things like 3D movies
B.3D TVs will completely take the place of old TV sets
C.3D technology is the most important technology ever
D.those with eye muscle problems should not watch 3D movies
小题4:We can learn from what Rosenberg said in the last paragraph that
A.a single digital projector could solve all the problems with 3D technology
B.people will gradually become comfortable with 3D movies and TVs
C.the appeal of 3D movies and "TVs may fade
D.most people will actually enjoy the 3D experience

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Cittaslow has discovered China, and it is awarding a little village in Jiangsu the title of "slow city"
The bored teenagers of Gaochun are impatient with the leisurely pace of hometown life.For them there is no nightlife to speak of, no bright lights, no excitement and they cannot wait to grow up and leave for the urban attractions of the big cities.But it is this laid-back lifestyle that has attracted international attention.At least, a quiet village within Gaochun county has come under the spotlight.Yaxi village, population 20,000, is about to be designated China"s first "slow city" by Cittaslow, the sustainable lifestyle movement that first surfaced in Italy 11 years ago.
At home, the residents at Yaxi are unfazed and pretty much unimpressed by the honor.To them, life has been like this for as long as they can remember.Here, growing old gracefully is natural.
Nobody living in this little county had heard of Cittaslow or the words "slow city" before this.
"The first time I heard the term was last July, when the vice-president of Cittaslow, Angelo Vassallo, visited Yaxi village," says Zuo Niansheng, the chief editor of local newspaper Gaochun Today.
"Vassallo was deeply impressed by this village"s natural and cultural resources and said it perfectly fitted the requirements for a slow city," says Zuo."That was how Yaxi became connected with Cittaslow.
The Slow City must also be committed to protect and maintain the natural environment as well as promote a sustainable way of development ?all of which are the current strategies adopted in Gaochun."We"ve been doing this for years," adds Zuo.
Cittaslow was founded in Tuscany, Italy in 1999.It was a spin-off from the Slow Food movement which started, also in Italy, in 1986 as a protest against the first McDonald " s opening near the Spanish Steps in Rome.The movement championed a return to healthy, nutritious home-grown, home -cooked food.
Slow Food has since expanded globally to more than 130 countries.Its mission has also broadened to include the promotion of sustainable foods and local small businesses, and the localization as opposed to globalization of food production.
Cittaslow is an expansion of the Slow Food movement, and it actively advocates a lifestyle that is sustainable, that will improve quality of life, and will preserve cultural and culinary (烹饪的)heritage.
小题1:According the passage, Cittaslow is a(n) ____.
小题2:What" s the reaction of the residents at Yaxi to the award according the passage? They feel
A.very excited.B.very shocked
C.indifferentD.very happy
小题3:Why is the village Yaxi awarded the title of “slow city”? Because          . is full of excitement and activities of nightlife
B.the residents at Yaxi enjoy a leisure life is very rich and has a lot of attractions
D.foreign people like small towns than big cities.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A.young people at Yaxi enjoy their life very much
B.China is more and more popular with foreign people
C.the first McDonald’s in Europe was opened in Spain
D.the lifestyle of “slow city” will be good to environment and people

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They like using the Internet.They have lots of pocket money to spend.And they spend a higher proportion of it online than the rest of us.Teenagers are just the sort of people an online seller is interested in, and the things they want to buy-games, CDs and clothing-are easily sold on the Web.
But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own credit cards.Most have to use a parent’s card.They want a facility that allows them to spend money.
That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyber (网络的) space are coming out rapidly on both sides of the Atlantic.If successful, these products can stimulate online sales.
In general, teenagers spend huge amounts: $153bn (billion) in the US last year and £20bn annually in the UK.Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school-88 percent in the US, 69 percent in the UK.According to the Jupiter Research, one in eight of those with Internet access has bought something online-mainly CDs and books.
In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory for them and their children.Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street.They are more likely to ask “Why?” if you ask to spend some money online.
One way to help teenagers change notes and coins into cybercast is through prepaid cards such as Internet Cash in the US and Smart cards in the UK.Similar to those for pay-as-you-go mobile telephones, they are sold in amounts such as£20 or $50 with a concealed 14-digit number that can be used to load the cash into an online account.
小题1:What does the word “They” in paragraph 1 refer to?
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.More than half of the teenagers in the US and the UK have Internet access.
B.Teenagers pay for goods online with their own credit cards.
C.Most teenagers in the US and the UK have bought something online.
D.Teenagers found it easier to persuade parents to buy online than in a shop.
小题3:A new way to help teenagers shop online is to use ______.
A.a new machineB.special coins and notes
C.prepaid mobile phones
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Online shopping traps.B.Internet users in the US and the UK.
C.New credit cards for parents.D.The arrival of cyber pocket money.

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Most of the 20th century has been a development on the Industrial Revolution taken to an extreme: people now own more products than ever before; there are enough unclear weapons to destroy the earth several times over; there is hardly any forest left and pollution has got to the point where we buy water. Within a few years I predict you will be able to buy air. (There once was a time when you didn’t need to buy food or shelter either.)
Important developments in the last century are the breading down of the class structures left over from the Industrial Revolution stage, bringing with it the empowerment of the “common man ”: the working day is set by law to only 8 hours a day, everyone has the vote, the media has less obvious government control, people have landed on the moon, sent spacecrafts to Mars and so on. Families have also shrunk drastically(强烈地); the nuclear family came about, and especially in the last half of the 20th century, one-parent families are becoming more common. This shrinking in the size of the family shows the increased independence of people—once upon a time people had to live in large groups to survive.
As humans have “become the gods”, they have realized their individuality and independence and taken their control of the world to an extreme. In many countries the land is almost completely used in the land is almost completely used in the production of food and as living space and they live in small cities which are entirely human constructed, made from materials which are also entirely human constructed(concrete, bricks) with hardly any remains of nature. Weeds are poisoned because they are messy; even parks have trees grown in tidy lines; grass is mowed to keep it short and so on. I think the massive drug “problem” troubling people is a result of too much of this influence, humans needing to escape the stark world they have created by entering fantasy worlds.
Over the last 100 years, the 20th century consciousness has spread throughout the world; most of Asia has been thoroughly “Westernized”, and most of the Third World is being overrun by western ways of doing things and living.
小题1:What’s the author most concerned about?
A.The influence of pollution.
B.Strong effects of development.
C.Changed positions of humans as gods.
D.The process of the Industrial Revolution.
小题2:What is the author’s attitude towards the changes of the 20th century?   
小题3:What does the underlined word “stark” in Paragraph 3 mean?
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Men’s individuality is over controlled.
B.People have damaged nature too much.
C.Men’s independence is partially limited.
D.People show concern for nuclear families.

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Do you remember the game “Telephone”? A message gets passed from person to person, and everyone laughs at how distorted(曲解) it becomes. As a game, telephone can be fun. In real life, sending messages through third parties fouls things up. It is important for family members who have “business” with other family members to take it up directly.
When tension arises in a relationship between two people, a frequent way of dealing with this is to send messages through a third person. Family doctors refer to the process as ‘triangulation”. Following a quarrel, a mother may say to her son, “Tell your father to pass the salt”, which may be answered by, “Tell your mother to get her own salt.” In many long cases of triangulation, the middleman becomes severely disturbed.
Two years ago, Ruth and Ralph Gordon brought their 17-year-old daughter for treatment. Lucille was not doing well in school, using drugs heavily. When I began to work with her, she was uncommunicative and aggressive. After some time, however, she opened up and told me her parents rarely talked to each other, but both used her as a middleman. Mrs. Gordon was sexually unsatisfied and suggested to Lucille that she ask her father to go for marriage advice. Mr. Gordon told Lucille that he was seeing another woman, and he urged Lucille to speak to her mother about improving her behaviour. Caught in this confusing situation, Lucille became more and more troubled. It wasn’t until she refused to play middleman that she began to improve. When either parent began to send a message through her, she learned to say, “Tell him/her yourself!”
You’ll find that when family members learn to dial each other directly, there’s rarely a busy signal or wrong number. With direct dialing, a sense of freshness is created.
小题1:The underlined words “foul things up” in the 1st paragraph means ________.
A.create thingsB.improve thingsC.remove thingsD.ruin things
小题2:“Triangulation” in the 2nd paragraph refers to _________.
A.the process of sending messages through a 3rd person
B.the middleman who becomes severely disturbed
C.the tension in a relationship between 2 people
D.the argument between a mother and a father
小题3: Through the example of Lucille and her parents, the writer hopes to tell the readers that _______. members should learn to get their messages across directly
B.parents should send their children taking drugs for treatment
C.children can hardly get used to their parents’ troubles
D.children should refuse the requests of their parents

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