China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. In Panama,

China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. In Panama,

China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. In Panama, it is said that medicine made with a poisonous chemical sickened some people. A Chinese company had identified it as diethylamide glycol ([化]乙二醇), a low – cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze(防冻剂).
Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylamide glycol. China has now told companies to discontinue its use, even though it says the toothpaste is safe. Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. Thousands of dogs and cats became sick.
The United States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because they contained banned substance. And questions have been raised about other products, including children’s toys covered with lead paint.
Chinese officials promised to provide the European Union, the biggest trading partner, with detailed reports on enforcement efforts against unsafe goods.
Meglena Kuneva, commissioner (理事) for consumer protection of the European Union said China should have kept its promise.
China recently closed three companies linked to the Panama and the pet food scare. And it dismissed the former head of its food and drug administration. He was found guilty of corruption (腐败) for approving unsafe drugs. This week, a conference of the State Council approved a proposed special measure on the supervision of food safety. The Xinhua News Agency said it calls for stronger controls over producers, greater responsibilities for government and more serious punishment for illegal activities.
But Chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in China. They say food imports from the United States also fail inspection sometimes. Next Week, American and Chinese food safety officials are planning to hold 5 days of meetings in Beijing to discuss cooperation.
小题1:How many cases with safety problems are mentioned in the passage?
小题2:How was Panama case dealt with afterwards?
A.Three companies linked to it were closed down.
B.The former head of food and drug administration was removed from his position.
C.More serious punishment was conducted for leaders linked to it.
D.Both A and B.
小题3:It can be implied but not clearly stated that ________.
A.Chinese- made toothpaste is safe
B.the safety of “made in China” is doubted
C.there are safety problems with one more Chinese products
D.stronger control over Chinese products is in need
小题4:The passage is mainly about ________.
A.China is facing product safety problems
B.more controls are taken of Chinese goods
C.overstated problems with Chinese goods
D.China is losing its trade partners
小题5:What does “it” refers to in the last but one paragraph?
A.ChinaB.The European Union
C.Chinese officialsD.The Chinese company



Americans, generally speaking, make an effort to be friendly with their colleagues, neighbours and other people they often run into. This often takes the form of a simple greeting like “How’s it going?” or “What’s up ?” This is simply a way of saying I see you and I recognize you.
Americans also show this friendliness in “small talk”. Small talk is a casual conversation that Americans engage in when they meet on the street, in the shop or in the office before a meeting. Usually the topics of such small talk will be something that everyone is familiar with, the weather, sports, traffic, hobbies or what’s on television. The topic of the conversation is not as important as the effort make to spend a few minutes with the other person. Small talk shows that you are a considerate person who is interested in others and who is willing to take the time to get to know people.
Small talk is used in the business world to create a friendly atmosphere and to put everyone at ease before the serious matters of business are discussed. Often businessmen will spend a few minutes talking about the weather or sports before a meeting. This form of small talk only lasts a few minutes before the American businessman wants to “get down to business.”
Asians are very skilled at making casual conversation. However, they often find it difficult to make small talk with Americans because they don’t know what to say, how to say it and who to say it to. Americans may see Asians who are reluctant to make small talk as unfriendly and cold.
小题1: American people ask others how it is going because      .
A.they are curious about others’ affairs
B.they are eager to help others
C.they want to start a long conversation
D.they only want to show their kindness
小题2:Businessmen talk about weather before a meeting       . that everyone present will feel relaxed order that everyone will be warned against the possible bad weather
C.because weather is very important to American people order to make people fresh
小题3:The word “reluctant” means       .        
小题4:Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.You should keep the conversation short.
B.Asians are not friendly and don’t like to talk with others
C.“To get down to business” means to start the work.
D.The topics of the small talk are not very important.

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Recently, a study was carried out to determine who was the greatest American president.Sixty-five presidential historians took part in it, and they judged the past forty-two American leaders based on ten leadership qualities, including public persuasiveness (信服), crisis leadership, management of the economy, moral leadership, and conduct of international relations.The historians also looked at administrative (管理) ability, relations with Congress, ability to set goals, and the pursuit of equal justice for all.Finally, the experts took into consideration the historical period in which the president lived.
The historians chose Abraham Lincoln as American’s greatest president.He had also been named best president in a similar study in 2000.Abraham Lincoln was the president who led the nation through the Civil War in the 1860s, and was able to unite it in the end.He also took the first steps to abolish slavery in America.
Edna Medford, a professor of history at Howard University in Washington, D.C., was an adviser on this study and the earlier one.She says Abraham Lincoln is seen to represent the values the nation most honors, such as truthfulness, moderation, and respect for human rights.
The historians put American’s first president, George Washington, second on the list, while Franklin D.Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry Truman follow in that order.John   F.Kennedy, the country’s first Roman Catholic president, is sixth on the list.Like Lincoln, Kennedy was murdered while in office.
Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan was named the tenth best and Bill Clinton rated fifteenth, while the historians put former president George W.Bush at number thirty-six.His father, George H.W.Bush, did much better, being placed at number eighteen.
小题1:We learn from the text that ___________.
A.this is the second time that Abraham Lincoln has been chosen as America’s greatest president
B.Edna Medford didn’t take part in the study conducted in 2000.
C.George H.W.Bush was thought to have done worse in office than George W.Bush
D.Harry Truman was rated the fourth-best president by the study
小题2:Which of the following belong to the ten leadership qualities considered?
a.Being able to persuade the public
b.Taking effective measures during a financial crisis.
c.Balancing home life and career.
d.Pursuing equal justice for all.
小题3:Who is rated worst among the following four presidents?
A.John F.KennedyB.George Washington
C.Bill ClintonD.George W.Bush
小题4:The text is mainly about ________.
A.the ten qualities a great president needs
B.a study of American presidents
C.the values the American nation honors most Abraham Lincoln improved the country

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The Roman Emperor Claudius II was fighting many wars. He wanted a strong army, but many men did not want to be soldiers. Claudius thought the men wanted to stay at home to be with their wives and children instead of leaving to fight wars.
Claudius thought of an awful solution to his problem. He decided to cancel all marriages! No one in all of Rome could get married. Claudius thought that if the men couldn’t get married, the men would ignore the women and want to be soldiers.
Valentine, who was a priest (牧师), believed that people needed to get married. He thought it was wrong for people to live together without being married. So he secretly and illegally married couples anyway. He performed the weddings in secret places, so the Roman soldiers would not find out.
But they did find out. Valentine was arrested and brought before the Emperor. The Emperor thought Valentine was a well-spoken and wise young man, and encouraged him to stop being a Christian (基督徒) and become a loyal Roman. Valentine would not deny his beliefs, and he refused. He was sent to prison and was finally killed. While he was in prison, he sent out letters to his friends and asked to be prayed (祈祷) for by writing Remember your Valentine.
Valentine was killed on the 14th or the 24th of February in the year 269 or 270. We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th in honor of St. Valentine.
小题1:The Emperor Claudius II wanted men to __________. at home and work for the empire
B.become loyal Roman citizens
C.go to other countries and raise families
D.fight wars in other lands
小题2: The underlined word “awful” in the second paragraph probably means __________.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Valentine believed in marriage and risked death to marry people.
B.Claudius wanted to stay at home with his wife.
C.Claudius thought Valentine was a man with a bright future.
D.Valentine broke the law.

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Crosstalk(相声),a traditional form of comic storytelling,is making a comeback in China’s tea houses and theaters.
Audiences can laugh the night away every Saturday at the Qianxiangyi Teahouse in Tianjin,entertained by the apprentices(学徒)of Hou Baolin,Ma Sanli or Yin Shoushan—all leading crosstalk artists of years past—for only 20 yuan($2.40).
The success in Tianjin has also caused the rejuvenation(复活) of crosstalk in Beijing and other places.
Although the art form originated in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911),Tianjin became a place where rising stars formed their styles and new pieces were tried out.The city was well—known nationwide for the quality of its crosstalk performances.
Known in Chinese as xiangsheng(1iterally,“face and voice”),crosstalk was the predominant(支配的)form of comedy throughout most of the 20th century.In the old days in Tianjin and elsewhere,temple fairs and markets were the main places for crosstalkers to perform,although they occasionally also appeared in teahouses or theaters.
Crosstalk pieces draw on every aspect of Chinese culture,from history and folk tales to social issues of the time.Although there’re hundreds of traditional pieces,they’re constantly rewritten to suit the times and the audience, while new works are written as well.It’s one of the features that have made crosstalk a
public art form throughout its history.
“Crosstalk was in the doldrums(萎靡不振)with competition from other art forms,especially TV,”said Wang Xiaochun,headmaster of the Northern Storytelling Arts School of China(NSAS).“But it has regained its status with crosstalk fans,especially young people,growing aware of its rare qualities.”
“More and more students are coming to NSAS to study crosstalk,including some girl students,”said Wang, “They’re sure that crosstalk will have a strong market.”
小题1:Crosstalk means“__________ ”in Chinese.
A.storytellingB.face and voiceC.folk tale D.dialogue
小题2:According to the text, crosstalk is so popular throughout its history because____________. is constantly changed and is often performed at temple fairs is different from other arts is comic and humourous
小题3:Crosstalk makes a comeback mainly because__________. is a popular traditional art after all
B.the pieces contain some famous folk tales
C.the crosstalkers make it return to teahouses
D.the pieces are made to suit the times and the audience
小题4:We can learn that the future of crosstalk first lies in ____________.
A.setting up more storytelling art schoolsB.beating TV and other arts
C.young people’s awareness of its value D.a strong market

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The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.
If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.
When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.
The market may be something abstract (抽象的). But for each person or business that is making and selling something, it is very concrete. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won’t be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn’t want you to do.
小题1: Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Selling and Buying.B.Everything you do is producing for the market.
C.What is the market?D.What the market can do for you.
小题2:All of the following acts are producing for the market except________.
A.working in a bank B.attending a night school
C.driving a taxiD.growing beans for sale
小题3:You are buying from the market when you________.
A.borrow a book from the to the seaside for a holiday
C.look after your childrenD.dine at restaurant
小题4:The word “concrete” in the last paragraph may most probably mean________.

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