Parents in three Midwestern states will soon know just how good or bad their kid

Parents in three Midwestern states will soon know just how good or bad their kid


Parents in three Midwestern states will soon know just how good or bad their kids" driving is when their children take the car for a spin (疾驶).
Starting today, American Family Insurance is offering customers with teen drivers free cameras that record what happens when a sudden change in the car"s movement occurs.
The cameras record the action inside and in front of the car in 20 - second audio - video clips (剪辑). The clips are then transmitted to Drive Cam, a San Diego company that analyzes the clips for risky behavior.
Among things the analysts look for is the response time of the drivers and if they are paying attention to the road. Parents can receive a report on their kids" driving and view the clips on a home computer.
Car accidents are the leading cause of death among U. S. teens, according to the NHTSA
(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
"There will be fewer accidents," Rick Fetherston, vice president at American Family said of the new system. American Family will test the system out by offering it for free for one year to 30.000 families in Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota to see whether the system results in fewer accidents. If the system is proven to prevent accidents, customers who volunteer to use it might see their insurance premiums (保险费) drop. The company would not be viewing the videos or individual score cars, unless there is an accident.
Bruce Moeller, president of Drive Cam, says his company"s system is already being used by companies with lots of cars. "Some of our customers are reporting a 30% to 90% reduction in their risky driver events," Moeller says.
But a lawyer in Minneapolis says. "If I felt I needed a camera in the car to watch over my kids, I shouldn"t be letting them drive."
American Family tested the system in two high schools in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Megan Ireland, 17, said the camera caught her stopping too late and taking turns too fast. The student at Prior Lake High School in Savage, Minn., said she didn"t like it because she felt it invaded her privacy (侵犯隐私) but has warmed up to the system. "Now I don"t really have a problem with it because it"s made me a better driver," she says. "For real."
69.The camera is being offered to________by________free of charge now.
A.teen drivers; a company called Drive Cam companies; a San Diego company
C.families with teen drivers; an insurance company
D.American Family Insurance; the NHTSA
70.The camera is used to________.
A.record what the teen driver does while driving
B.prevent the teen drivers from speeding
C.reduce the insurance premiums
D.provide videos and score cards for the police
71.Which of the following states is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Drive Cam will analyze the clips to find if the driver drives riskily.
B.All the students in Minnesota and Wisconsin don"t like the system.
C.The insurance company will never look at the clips or score cards of the customers.
D.If the system can reduce the number of accidents, the fees for insurance will be reduced.
72.The best title for this passage might be________.
A.Teens, drive carefully     B.A free camera for kids
C.Cameras invade Privacy     D.Cameras keep watch on teen driving


Junk food advertising is “monopolising(垄断)” the Internet as television advertising comes under examination. Among 315 children’s websites, ads for soft drink, ice-cream, fast food and sugar are more than those for healthy foods by two to one.
Researchers looked at every food reference on 119 websites of companies active in advertising food and drink to children. They found that food references—anything from a picture or an article to an ad or a game—appeared on 44 per cent of popular children’s websites. Two-thirds of these were for unhealthy foods. Unhealthy products were three times more likely to be branded.
Many of the techniques used on food product websites for companies that included Cadbury, Nestle and Kellogg strengthen the food brand and make children spend more time seeing the product. More children spend more time on the Internet which captures and maintains children’s attention. It makes the Internet a powerful marketing medium.
Researchers found that 29 per cent of sites used advergames—in which the branded product is integrated (融入)into a computer game.The number of games per site varied. The Wrigley’s Candystand website contained 67   games. Those sites aiming at younger children and adults had a higher rate of advergames than those for preschool-age children, as did those sugary drinks , ice-cream and chocolate.
Kathy Chapman, the senior nutritionist at the Cancer Council, said, “The marketing is becoming a lot more complex. It used to be a couple of things; now it’s a whole range. The companies use different kinds of ways to promote their products and make them known. There’s a lot more things going on.”
68. According to the passage, television advertising about junk food      .
A. is more popular than the Internet advertising
B. is becoming more and more varied
C. is being controlled at present
D. will be replaced by the Internet advertising
69. Why does the Internet become the favorite place for junk food advertising?
A. The Internet is becoming more popular with children than the other medium
B. The children believe in the advertisements on the Internet.
C. The techniques make junk food more attractive.
D. The number of children watching TV has dropped a lot.
70. What can we know about the advergames?
A. They are new websites to advertise junk food.
B. Most of the children’s websites have advergames.
C. They are popular advertisements for children.
D. Children can get the junk food advertisements through advergames.
71. What does the passage mainly talking about?
A. Junk food ads finding web home     B. Junk food ads forbidden on TV
C. Junk food market expanding    D. Junk food harming children
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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the reasons people love it so much is that you get presents. But like presents, Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.
Many Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrate this holiday. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious holiday for Christians. December 25 represents the birthday of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God.
Christianity (基督教) is a very popular religion in America and Europe. However, there are many other religions, too. People who celebrate those religions don’t celebrate Christmas. But during the winter season they usually have their own important holiday. That is why when talking to a foreigner it is safer to say, “ Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because you never know his/her religious background.
The image of a fat, happy man in red---Santa Claus---has come to represent the idea of goodness and love instead of religious part or the “Christmas spirit”. Santa Claus is based on a man named Saint Nicholas who was a 4th century Greek Christian.
Saint Nicholas bought presents for children and gave them away anonymously(匿名地). This is where the idea of gift on Christmas began. But the Santa Claus didn’t exist until the 19th century when an American named Thomas Nast drew cartoons of him. So really, Santa has nothing to do with the religious holiday.
In fact, some people who celebrate Christmas don’t really care about Santa Claus.
Christmas is a special day for Christians but the ideas of being good and loving your neighbors are not limited to Christianity. So buy a gift for your friend, tell your mother you love her and have merry Christmas. I mean ,”Happy holidays!”
56. Christians believe December 25 represents the birthday of _________.
A. Santa Claus     B. God    C. Jesus Christ     D. Thomas Nast
57. In the passage, the author thinks __________.
A. Santa Claus was a real person in the past
B. everyone should believe in Christianity
C. all people in Western countries celebrate Christmas
D. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas holiday
58. What is “the true meaning” in the first passage?
A. For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year
B. The Westerners have different religious backgrounds
C. Some like to say “Merry Christmas”, and others like to say “Happy holidays”
D. Being good and loving our neighbors are the virtues of all humans
59. What is the CORRECT explanation of Santa Claus?
A. He was a Greek Christian in the 4th century
B. He was an American who was born in the 19th century
C. His image represents the “Christmas spirit”
D. He was a cartoon figure drawn by Thomas Nast
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阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。                        
For thousands of years, people have seen things they didn’t understand in the sky. The United States Air Force first used the words “Unidentified Flying Object” to describe them. Today everyone uses the term UFO. When people see a UFO, it is usually no more than a weather balloon or an airplane. But the Center for UFO Studies goes on to receive hundreds of reports each year.
In 1947 a businessman and pilot, Kenneth Arnold, was flying near Mount Rainier, Washington when he saw nine shiny, round objects flying through the air. He told a newspaper reporter they looked like “pie plates skipping over water.” The reporter used the words “flying saucer(碟子)” in his story and today that is the popular name for UFOs.
The Center for UFO Studies lists three kinds of contacts with flying saucers. “Encounters(遭遇)of the first kind” are reports of unknown objects or lights in the sky. People have “Encounters of the second kind” when a UFO leaves burn marks or other signs on the ground. People report “Close encounters of the third kind” when they see aliens in or near a UFO.
56. Who used the term UFO first?
A. The United States Air force.     B. The Center for UFO Studies.
C. Kenneth Arnold.                     D. A report.
57. The Center for UFO Studies _____.
A. usually sees no more than a weather balloon or an airplane every year
B. is a branch of the United States Air Force
C. receive hundreds of reports every year
D. used “pie plates skipping over water” to describe the UFO seen by the people first
58. Why did the newspaper reporter use the words “flying saucer” to describe the UFO that Kenneth Arnold said he saw?
A. Because the UFO that Kenneth Arnold saw was flat.
B. Because Kenneth Arnold told the newspaper that what he had seen in the sky was round.
C. Because Kenneth Arnold described what he has seen looked like a plate flying in the sky.
D. Because what Kenneth Arnold saw was pie plates flying in the air.
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A spirit of adventure, curiosity about different cultures and the desire for a challenge can be found in young people everywhere. More and more students in China are backpacking around the country.
According to the China Youth Travel Service, Hainan, Dalian, Zhangjiajie and Qingdao were among the most popular spots for young Chinese backpackers last year. Backpacking allows the traveler a greater sense of independence.
“I can no longer put up with the instructions of a tourist guide,” said Huang Ye, a 19-year-old college student in Beijing. “They are always driving you to places that you do not want to go to and trying to make you buy local souvenirs(纪念品).”
Huang likes to travel as a backpacker. She prefers an independent trip that she took with two friends to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province. There, they chose some scenic spots to visit and avoided the masses of tourists.
Backpackers see the difficulties of such travel as a challenge. Living on bread and water for days on end, wearing the same clothes over and over again and carrying a heavy bag on their backs while climbing a mountain are all character-building experiences.
But perhaps the greatest challenge that a backpacker faces is not a physical one, but mental. They may face loneliness if they travel alone.
Chen Xuewei, 21, suffered when he took off around China last year. “I felt very lonely at the beginning of my journey. A walkman didn’t make me feel better, but rather heightened the sense of loneliness I felt. I even called up my friends to tell them that I wanted to give up and go back to Beijing,” he recalled. But he kept going. He started to make friends and appreciate the local customs. He took lots of photos to record his trip and now he is glad he stuck it out.
Backpackers generally find themselves to be mature(成熟)after their experiences. “Their travel logs(旅行日志)track their development as people.” “When I feel frustrated, I read my travel log again,” said Tang Weifeng, a postgraduate at Peking University. “By reading it, I get a sense that I am better off now than I was when I wrote those words by the light of a torch in a hot tent.”
63. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the advantages of backpacking according to the story?
A. It builds up your character.
B. Through the experience, you learn to live in a tent.
C. Through the experience, you learn to rely on yourself.
D. Through the experience, you learn to deal with loneliness.
64. What does the underlined word “frustrated” in the last paragraph mean?
A. Disappointed.       B. Happy.       C. Tired.       D. Excited.
65. What is the story mainly about?
A. Some backpackers’ experiences.  
B. The advantages of backpacking.
C. Young people’s love of backpacking.
D. The increasing popularity of backpacking among Chinese students and its reasons.
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In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg ,lived a family with eighteen children .They were so poor that two children ,who wanted to pursue their talent for  41  , knew their father would never be  42  able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
So they tossed(掷)a coin. Albrecht Durer, the younger,  43  the toss and went off to Nuremberg .Albert went down into the dangerous 44   and ,for the next four years ,financed his brother , who did so well that his works were even better than those of most of his  45 . By the time he graduated ,he was beginning to earn  46  fees by drawing for wealthy people.
When Albrecht returned home, at dinner he drank a  47  to his beloved brother for the years of    48  that had enabled him to fulfill his  49 . He said, "Albert ,my blessed brother ,now it is your      50  to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream ,and I will take care of you."
With tears in his eyes ,Albert held his hands close to his right cheek and said, "No ,brother. I cannot go . Look... look what four years in the mines have done to my  51  ! The bones in every finger have been  52  at least once. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a  53 to return your toast ,much less make delicate lines with a pen or a brush. No ,brother... for me it is too  54  ."
Deeply moved ,Albrecht painstakingly drew his brother"s  55  hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward .He called his powerful drawing  56  "Hands" , to which the entire world immediately opened their hearts and later they  57 it "The Praying Hands."
The next time you see a copy of that  58  creation, take a second look. Let it be your  59  ,if you still need one ,that no one ever makes it  60   !
41.A.assistance D.dreaming
42.A.fundamentally       B.frequently   C.financially   D.flexibly
43.A.won       B.lost      C.ended   D.started
44.A.mountains      B.oceans  C.deserts D.mines
45.A.classmates      B.colleagues   C.professors    D.brothers
46.A.concrete B.considerable       C.considerate  D.confidential       B.drink   C.drop    D.toast
48.A.donation    C.sacrifice      D.experience
49.A.attempt   B.ambition     C.assignment  D.assessment
50.A.turn       B.dream  C.kindness      D.hope     B.body    C.mind    D.hands
52.A.injured   B.strengthened       C.sharpened    D.used
53.A.knife      B.spoon    D.pen
54.A.urgent    B.unnecessary C.messy  D.late
55.A.abused    B.dark     C.wide    D.fragile
56.A.seriously B.simply C.carefully     D.gently
57.A.sold       B.bought C.found   D.renamed
58.A.longing  B.touching      C.challenging  D.disturbing
59.A.reminder       B.aid
60.A.along     B.aside    C.alone   D.aware
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