E President Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama has already made China extremely

E President Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama has already made China extremely


President Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama has already made China extremely angry and stirred up Tibet advocates who thought it should have come sooner. China says Tibet is part of it, and that the meeting represents an unwanted intrusion(侵犯) into its own affairs. Many Americans still see the Dalai Lama as the representative of a people treated cruelly by Chinese rule. Many Tibetans are dissatisfied with Chinese rule, and this has led to widespread rioting(暴乱) over the past few years. Theywantself-determination; fair enough. But that seems to be the only story about Tibet that is ever told. The other story is — Looking at growth, standard of living, infrastructure(基础设施), and GDP, one thing is clear: China has treated Tibetans amiably.
Since 2001, Beijing has spent $45.4 billion on development in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). The effect: double-digit GDP growth for the past nine years. About a third of the money went to infrastructure investment, including the train connecting Beijing to Lhasa. The train provides an opportunity for Tibetan goods to be sold outside of the region and for a massive increase in number of tourists, reaching more than 5.5 million in 2009 — up from close to 2 million in 2005, the year before the train. While Tibetan independence groups like Free Tibet raise concerns about the increase in tourism, Hillman,a Tibet expert, points out that “tourism is an important industry that can benefit local Tibetans.”
Infrastructure improvements have not only helped grow the economy but also have aided in modernizing remote parts of Tibet, an area with 3 million people about twice the size of France.
Though Tibet is seriously puzzled by the "special contradiction" of the Dalai Lama, the central government stressed the need for Tibet to develop using the "combination of economic growth, well-off life, a healthy eco-environment, and social stability and progress" and The government is offering Tibetans the same bargain it has offered the rest of the country: in exchange for a great rise in living standards, the government requires citizens to stop having the right to free worship and free speech. Even if Tibetan residents never signed the contract, they have benefited from its policy—a fact Obama might keep in mind when he meets the Dalai Lama.
67. What does the underlined word “amiably” in the first paragraph mean?
A. rudely     B. kindly     C. politely         D. coldly
68. According to the writer’s viewpoint it can be inferred that         .
A. it doesn’t matter much to the Chinese government whether Tibetan problems exist
B. all the Americans agree with their president Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama
C. Hillman and Free Tibet hold different attitudes towards the increase in tourism
D. the Tibet Autonomous Region is an area of dense(稠密的) population
69. What can be learnt about the writer from the passage? The writer ______ .
A. urges the Chinese government to promote economy in Tibet
B. has an obvious political trend
C. describes what a happy life Tibetans are living to the public
D. states the facts as they are
70. The writer’s attitude towards the economical policy of the Chinese government in Tibet is ____ .
A. positive     B. negative     C. doubtful     D. pessimistic

67—70 BCDA


Daniel Defoe (about 1660~1731) was an important novelist in the English literature(文学). When he was young, he served as a soldier and had been to Spain, Italy, France and Germany. At the same time, he went in for politics. He cared much about the development of capitalism(资本主义). He had written a lot of articles against it and he was put into prison twice for that. It was not until that he was nearly sixty that he began to write the famous novel “Robinson Crusoe”, which was published in May, 1709. It spread so rapidly that the story was known to every hosehold very soon.
“Robinson Crusoe” can be divided into three parts. The first part is about Crusoe’s three voyages, the second part about his hunting, hiding in caves farming and his hard struggles against nature on a small island, the third about the things which happened after his return from the island. The second part is the body of the novel, in which Robinson’s characters are clearly shown.
Defoe wrote his novel in a simple style and his language is easy to understand. His novel writing set a milestone of the modern English novel. In his later part of life, He was in poor health and lived very poorly. He died on April 24, 1731.
6. Deniel Defoe was ______ and the writer of ______.
A.an Englishman, “A Tale of Two Cities”                  B.an American, “A Million Pound Note”
C.a French, “The Lost Necklace”                           D.an English, “Robinson Crusoe”
7. How old was he when he began to write his famous novel Robinson Crusoe?
A.He was in his sixties.                                     B.He was in his fifties.
C.He was over 60.                                            D.He was sixty.
8. Robinson Crusoe can be divided into ______ parts and the first is about _______.
A.two, his lonely life                                               B.three, his characters
C.three, his journeys by sea                                  D.four, his fame
9. “Every household” in this passage means ______.
A.all members of a family                                        B.all people
C.every building                                                     D.persons living in the same house
10. What was Defoe’s contribution to the English literature?
A.He wrote a very interesting story.
B.He made people happy while reading his story.
C.He set a milestone of the modern English novel.
D.He was active in politics and was against capitalism.
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A new computer treatment is being used to deal with obesity in children. Connected to a small dining set, consisting of (包括) scales and a plate, a mini computer teaches children how to eat and reminds them when to stop.
“In very fat people, hunger signals from the stomach to the brain stop functioning. But the new computer system teaches the children how to receive these messages again,” says Dr. Julian Hamilton-Shield, the Bristol University senior lecturer leading the treatment trials.(实验)。
The computer , called a Mandometer, records and stores the weight loss from the plate when children eat. As the food is leaving the plate , a curve( 曲线)is produced on the computer screen suggesting whether the child is eating too quickly.
“Children with weight problems often eat too quickly. We want them to eat steadily稳定地) and slowly and the system teaches them to slow down. It’s a bit like retraining, ” says Hamilton-Shield.
Obesity now represents (代表) one of the major threats to the future health of children. About one in five boys and one in four girls aged two to fifteen in England are overweight. But so far no treatments have proven effective in treating children.
The Mandometer was developed in Sweden, but at present is experiencing further development at the University of Bristol, with $ 224,400 in funds from BUPA-a global health and care organization. The system could be on the market in two years’ time. At first, it would be managed by medical clinics(诊所).
40. The text is mainly written to explain____________.
A. how a new computer treatment dealing with obesity works.
B. why child obesity becomes a topic of people
C. how to lose weight with the help of computers.
D. why a computer is effective(有效的) in dealing with child obesity.
41. The word” functioning” in paragraph 3 probably means________.
A.  eating    B. working   C.  lasting   D.  losing
42. Obesity threatens the health of children , which__________.
A. people have not cared about 
B. is nothing compared with other diseases.
C . has led to many deaths           
D. is very serious
43. What can we learn from the text?
A. The Mandometer will be put into market once it proves effective.
B. The Mandometer is cheap enough for every family to afford
C. The Mandometer is still not perfect
D. Slow eating is sure to make people lose weight.
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Today, we have a world economy. Canadian businesses and workers must compete with businesses and workers in other countries.
Every year, more Canadian factories are closing or moving。 They cannot compete with factories in countries where wages(工资) are low. In the future, there will be fewer jobs for factory workers in Canada.
Many Canadian businesses are trying to spend less money. For example, they are hiring more part-time workers and more temporary(临时的) workers. They are employing fewer permanent(永久的)full-time workers. More services, fewer goods. Canada’s economy is changing. Businesses are making fewer goods(for example: shoes and radios). But Canadian businesses are providing more services to people.
In the future, there will be more jobs for people who provide services. For example: sales people, waiters and waitresses, home health care workers, bakers and cooks.
There will be fewer jobs for other kinds of workers(for example: farmers , miners , fishermen, forestry workers and factory workers).Many new jobs will be in small businesses with 20 or 30 employees. Technology machines are changing the way people work. Business are using many machines (for example: computers and robots).
Businesses will need fewer workers. And some jobs will disappear. Many grown-ups will have to go back to school or train for new jobs. Workers will not stay in the same job for their lifetime. The population of Canada is changing.
Today, many Canadians are in their 30s and 40s. They need goods and services. As they get older, they will need different goods and services.
Canadians come from many cultures. They have different customs and religions. Employers and workers must learn to work with many different people.
44. World economy means_________ to Canada.
A. closing and moving           B. competition
C. low wages                   D. improvement
45. Which of the following will be fewer in the future in Canada?
A. Restaurants       B. Shops        C. Doctors  D. Farmers
46. Businesses will need fewer workers because_____________.
A.  the owners can’t afford them
B. some jobs will disappear
C. machines will take the place of workers in many ways
D. the workers will have to be trained for new jobs
47. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
.A. Many people who come from different cultures will work together.
B. All Canadians have the same culture and religion
C. Different cultures will do good to Canada
D. Many Canadians will change their jobs in the future.
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第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
The Kindle is coming! The Kindle is coming!
Amazon. corn will start selling its wireless electronic reader the Kindle in 100 countries, including China and most of Europe, from Monday, 19 October. The Kindle will cost $279 (189) globally. Amazon says 200,000 English-language books as well as over 85 newspapers and magazines will be available on the international device (设备).
The Kindle is popular with travellers who like the convenience of downloads and don"t like carrying heavy books. Amazon says that for every 100 customers who buy a book in the US, some 48 now buy it as an e-book.
"Our vision for Kindle is every book ever printed, in print or out of print, in every language, all available within 60 seconds," Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos told the Irish Times, one of the newspapers that will be available on the device. The international Kindle version will store as many as 1,500 books, read PDF files and allow users to make annotations.
Forrester Research predicts that three million e-reader devices will be sold in the US this year, up from an earlier estimate of two million. That is expected to double next year. The research group says that Amazon will take a 60 per cent market share this year, followed by Sony’s Reader at 35 per cent. In July, Credit Suisse estimated that Amazon"s revenues from the Kindle could reach $420 million this year, representing 8.4 per cent of the company"s total income.
There are rumours that Amazon"s next step will be to turn the Kindle into a device for tasks like e-mailing, texting and surfing the Web, thus competing with a tablet computer reportedly being developed by Apple.
56. The underlined word "revenues" in Paragraph 4 can be replaced ________.
A. users                   B. books                   C. income          D. device
57. Which of the following is true."?
A. The Kindle can be bought in China now.
B. We can use the Kindle to surf the Internet.
C. The books the Kindle offers are written in 20,000 kinds of languages.
D. This readers are sold in 99 countries of Europe.
58. From this passage we can infer _______.
A. Next year Amazon will sell 6 million readers
B. This year the company"s total income reach 5000 million
C. In the US about 48% customers who buy a book use the Kindle
D. You can"t deal with the information Amazon provides
59. Which one of the following will like the Kindle most9.
A. Professor.        B. Students.                C. Traveller.          D. Businessmen.
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MADRID, June 25 (Reuters) --Spain"s Parliament (国会) voiced its support today for the rights of great apes to life and freedom.
The Parliament"s environmental committee approved resolutions (决议) urging Spain to obey the Great Ape Project (GAP), designed by scientists and philosophers who say our closest genetic relatives deserve rights hitherto (迄今) limited to humans.
"This is a historic day in the struggle for animal rights and in defence of our evolutionary comrades, which will doubtless go down in the history of humanity," said Pedro Pozas, Spanish director of GAP—Spain.
Spain may be better known abroad for bullfighting than animal rights but the new measures are the latest move turning once conservative Spain into a liberal trailblazer.
The new resolutions have cross-party or majority support. They are expected to become law and the Government is now committed to update the statute book within a year to outlaw harmful experiments on apes in Spain.
"We have no knowledge of great apes being used in experiments in Spain, but there is currently no law preventing that from happening," Mr. Pozas said.
Keeping apes for circuses, television commercials or filming will also be forbidden. Keeping an estimated 315 apes in Spanish zoos will not be illegal, but supporters of the Bill say conditions will need to improve.
Philosophers Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri founded GAP in 1993, arguing that "non-human hominids" should enjoy the right to life, freedom and not to be mistreated. In an e-mail to friends following the Spanish parliamentary decision, Singer wrote:" Congratulations everyone in Spain who has worked so hard on this. That"s wonderful and very exciting news!"
60. What is Pozas" attitude to the new resolutions?
A. He totally disagree with them.                     B. He pays little attention to them.
C. He doubts their truth.                       D. He strongly supports them.
61. Scientists set up the GAP to ______.
A. research the behavior of apes                      B. study the history of human beings
C. protect great apes" rights                     D. save the endangered apes
62. According to Spain’s new law, it will be legal to ______.
A. keep apes in the zoo                        B. conduct experiments on apes
C. keeping apes for commercial purpose               D. involve apes in magic shows
63. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Should apes have human rights?
B. Spanish Parliament Extends Rights to Great Apes.
C. Great Apes Project founded.
D. Keeping ages for filming forbidden.
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