Who give us life, raise us and are our constant support and well­wishers?Our mot

Who give us life, raise us and are our constant support and well­wishers?Our mot

Who give us life, raise us and are our constant support and well­wishers?Our mothers. That’s why millions of people across the world take Mother’s Day as an opportunity to express thanks and send best wishes to their moms.
However, the celebration of Mother’s Day is not the recent thing that many believe it to be. It was the ancient Greeks who started the tradition by celebrating their annual spring festival in honor of Rhea, the mother of many gods and goddesses.
Later, in the 1600s, Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated in England. On the fourth Sunday of Lent (大斋期), children brought flowers and special fruitcakes to show their respect for their mothers. It may be the root of the modern Mother’s Day.
Thanks to the great efforts of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, Mother’s Day became an official festival in the US. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Later, many countries began to celebrate this day as Mother’s Day.
Today, Mother’s Day is an international festival honoring mothers. It is celebrated all over the world in different ways. In Western countries,the most common way is to treat mothers with breakfast in bed .Kids often allow their mothers to sleep till late in the morning while they prepare her favorite breakfast with their fathers. Some also make hand­made gifts or buy beautiful carnations (康乃馨). It is the day when you acknowledge your mothers contribution in your life and pay a tribute (礼品) to her, often with flowers and gifts. It complements Father’s Day, the celebration honoring fathers.
Today, Mother’s Day is a day celebrated on various days in many places around the world.
小题1:Why do people across the world celebrate Mother’s Day?
A.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to their mothers.
B.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to Rhea.
C.Because Mother’s Day is an official festival in the US.
D.Because Mother’s Day is an international festival.
小题2:The modern Mother’s Day came from________.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that________.
A.Rhea is the mother of many gods and goddesses of England
B.many people wrongly believe Mother’s Day has a short history
C.in America Mother’s day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent
D.on Mother’s day fathers have to get up early to prepare breakfast
小题4:The passage mainly wants to tell us________.
A.how to celebrate Mother’s day
B.what to do on Mother’s day
C.the historical change of Mother’s day
D.the meaning of Mother’s day



小题1:细节题:根据That’s why millions of people across the world take Mother’s Day as an opportunity to express thanks and send best wishes to their moms. 故选A。
小题2:细节题:根据Later, in the 1600s, Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated in England.可知现代的母亲节来自于英格兰,故选D。
小题3:细节题:根据However, the celebration of Mother’s Day is not the recent thing that many believe it to be.可知许多人错误的认为母亲节的历史很短,故选B。
Do you read newspapers in modern times while we have TV and other media? The first newspaper was written by hand and put up on walls in public places. The earliest daily newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC. In the 700s the world’s first printed newspaper was published. Europe didn’t have a regularly published newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany.
The first regularly published newspaper in English was printed in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published once a week. The first daily English newspaper was Daily Current, which came out in March 1702.
   In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But not long after it was first published, the government stopped the paper. In 1704, John Campbell started Boston Newspaper, the first newspaper published daily in the American Colonies. By 1760, the colonies had had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1,800 daily papers in the United States.
   Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation in the world. But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. It sells more than eleven million copies every year.
小题1:The first regularly printed European newspaper was started ______.
A.in Rome in 59 BC  B.in Germany in 1609   
C.in Amsterdam in 1620   D.in England in 1621
小题2:The first daily English newspaper was started in _______.
A.1702 B.1760  C.1620 D.1621
小题3:What can we learn from the passage_______?
A. The earliest daily printed newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC.
B. The first regularly published English newspaper was printed in Boston.
C. The first daily English newspaper was printed in the American Colonies.
D. The first American newspaper was stopped before 1704.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage_______?
A. Newspapers have the longest history in the United States.
B. One English language newspaper has the largest circulation in the world.
C. The first English newspaper was printed in Rome in 59 BC.
D. There are all kinds of newspapers all over the world today.
小题5:What is the best title of the passage_______?
A.History of newspapers.  
B.History of daily newspapers.
C.The beginning of daily newspapers.  
D.The beginning of newspapers.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids(金字塔). They have stood for nearly 5, 000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet. There are over eighty of them scattered(散布)along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the “Step” pyramid and the “Bent” pyramid.

  Some of the pyramids still look as much alike as they must have been when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stones to use in modern buildings. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to keep the pyramids in good condition, and their very shape has made them less likely to fall into ruin. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last forever.
  The “Step” pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile, the side on which the sun sets. This was for spiritual reasons. It also had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the regular floods. It could not be too far from the Nile, however, as the stones to build it needed to be carried in boats down the river to the nearest point. Water transport was, of course, much easier than land transport. The builders also had to find a rock base, which was not likely to crack(破裂)under the great weight of the pyramid. Finally, it had to be near the capital, or better still near the king’s palace so that he could visit it easily to personally check the progress being made on the final resting place for his body.
小题1:According to the passage, the “Step” pyramid    .
A.is unlikely to fall into ruin in the near future
B.was built on the sand along the Nile
C.is one that was built later than the true pyramids
D.is the most famous of the true pyramids
小题2: The most important reason why some pyramids remain in good condition is that    .
A.people have taken good care of them
B.it doesn’t rain often in Egypt
C.they were well designed
D.the government has protected them from damage
小题3:Most of the damage to the pyramids has been caused by   .
A.the regular floods
B.the dry climate of Egypt
C.people searching for gold
D.people in search of building materials
小题4:The Egyptians built the pyramids along the banks of the Nile because    .
A.they believed in their god
B.it was difficult to find a large rock base far from the Nile
C.the river helped a lot in the transport of building materials
D.it was not easy to choose a suitable place for the pyramids

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
History is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery.A striking example is provided by Dr.Otto Loewi,a pharmacologist and winner of a Nobel Prize.Loewi had spent years studying the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (脉搏).A tremendous breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of an experiment three nights in a row.The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and untidily on paper.But the next morning,he couldn"t tell what the notes meant.On the third night,he got up after having the dream.This time,instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed the crucial experiment.Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would have rejected it.
Loewi"s experiment gives some insight into using dreams to produce creative solutions.Inhibitions (拘谨) are reduced during dreaming,which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point of view.
Being able to take advantage of dreams for problem solving is improved if you “set” yourself before retiring.Before you go to bed,try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve.Bury yourself in the problem by stating it clearly and reviewing all relevant information.Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch your dreams.Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a new insight,it is certain to be an adventure.About half of a group of college students using the method for a week recalled a dream that helped them solve a personal problem.
小题1:The main idea of this passage is that ________.
A.very little is really known about the meaning of dreams
B.it is possible to “catch” one"s dreams by planning before going to sleep
C.dreams can be useful in producing creative solutions to one"s problems
D.Loewi"s experiment helped in the study of transmision of nerve impulses
小题2:The first paragraph is mainly organized by ________.
A.classifying types of experiments
B.summarizing the work of one researcher
C.comparing and exploring historical cases
D.telling in time order about one man"s research
小题3:If Loewi had thought of the experiment while awake,he would have ________.
A.asked someone else to do it
B.thought it was a bad idea
C.tried it out on his own
D.thought it was a wise idea
小题4:The author probably thinks that ________.
A.Loewi should not have conducted his experiment
B.dreaming is of very little value to most people
C.inhibitions may stop someone thinking of useful ideas
D.college students should not try out dream experiments

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
注意:每个空格只填一个单词。    Among rich countries, people in the United States work the longest hours. They work much longer than in
Europe. This difference is quite surprising because productivity per hour is the same in the United States as it
is in France, Spain, and Germany, and it is growing at a similar speed.
    In most countries and at most times in history, as people have become richer they have chosen to work less.
In other words, they have decided to "spend" a part of their extra income on a fuller personal life. Over the last
fifty years Europeans have continued this pattern, and hours of work have fallen sharply. But this is not true in
the United States. One reason may be lower taxes in America, which increase the rewards to work. Another
may be more satisfying work, or less satisfying personal lives.
     Longer hours do of course increase the GDP (国内生产总值). The United States has more of its people at
work, while in France many more mothers and older workers have decided to stay at home. The overall result
is that America"s GDP per head is 40% higher than in France, even though productivity per hour is the same.
    It"s not clear which of the two situations is better. It is too early to explain the different trends in happiness
over time in different countries. But it is a disappointing idea that in the United States happiness has made no
progress since 1975, while it has risen in Europe. Could this have anything to do with trends in the work-life
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Countries the United Statescountries in 1.               
Differences working 2.               than in Europe choosing to work less hours deciding
to "spend" a part of their extra income
on a fuller 3.                life
Blue Collar
      Graduates from China"s "blue-collar" vocational schools have an employment rate of 95. 6 percent, but
many lose their jobs because of unrealistic expectations, according to a senior official with the Ministry of
Education (MOE).
      MOE figures show a total of 3. 64 million students graduated from vocational schools last year, of
whom 3. 48 million found jobs. The employment rate for these students was 95. 6 percent.
      "The employment rate for blue-collar workers has stayed high since 1999 and above 90 percent since
2002," Wang Jiping, the MOE"s deputy head of vocational education section, said on Wednesday. "However,
the figure is not the cause for optimism because it only indicates that people get employed."
       He said many students find jobs, but are unable to stay in the posts for reasons such as overly high
expectations for salaries or poor performance.
       Wang said vocational school graduates needed more guidance to find jobs that could use their skills
and meet "rational" demands for wages (工资), so that they can stay in the posts.
       "The government is to set up a national information platform to better show market demand for blue
collar talents", he said.
       MOE figures show 73. 23 percent of the 3. 64 million graduates from vocational middle schools found
jobs in companies and factories, 10 percent started their own businesses, and 16. 37 percent went on to
further study.
       Wang said the demand for highly skilled workers boosted the development of vocational education.
_____, the MOE called for vocational schools to set up more market-oriented training courses with which
students could easily find jobs.
1. Many vocational school graduates lose their jobs for the following reasons EXCEPT ______ according to
    the text.
[     ]
A. their high expectations for salaries
B. their poor performance
C. their lack of working experience
D. their unrealistic expectations
2. The underlined word boosted in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______.
[     ]
A. improved
B. prevented
C. ended
D. started
3. Among the vocational school graduates last year about ______ took up their own business.
[     ]
A. 540,000
B. 360,000
C. 150,000
D. 70,000
4. Which of the following is the best sentence to be put into the blank of the last paragraph?
[     ]
A. To develop vocational education
B. To build up graduates" own business
C. To offer graduates more jobs
D. To meet the demand