Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music - not only to comfort patients, but to help them heal as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy.
After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today’s music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.
Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression.
Music therapy can elevate patients’ moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, counteracting worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.
Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon, he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”
While Haro’s experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis.
In addition, music therapy helps premature (早产的) babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier (奶嘴). Soon, the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who don’t use the device.
Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in pounding out rhythms. While music isn’t a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.
68.   In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “tapping into” can be replaced by “________”.
A. discussing on                                                      B. looking for
C. showing interest in                                           D. making use of
69.   According to the passage, Jose Haro ________.
A. went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery                    
B. recovered from heart disease completely
C. felt no pain in his surgery                      
D. was asked to play the piano by his doctors
70.   From the passage, we know ________.
A. musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars
B. Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom
C. music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis
D. the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight
71.   What is the best title for this passage?
A. Music Is Becoming Popular in Most Hospitals
B. Music Helps Patients Recover
C. Musicians Work with Doctors
D. People’s Life Benefits from Music
68. D         69. A         70. B         71. B        


When a Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recovered from the port of Stockholm, historians and scientists were overjoyed with the chance to examine the remains of the past. The ship construction showed how ships were built and operated during the seventeenth century. In this way, artifacts, objects made by human beings, provided a picture of daily life almost 400 years ago.
Underwater archaeology –the study of ships, aircraft and human settlements that have sunk under large bodies of water—is really a product of the last 50 years. The rapid growth of this new area of study has occurred because of the invention of better diving equipment. Besides the Swedish ship
wreck(残骸), underwater archaeologists have made more exciting discoveries such as the 5,000-year-old boats in the Mediterranean Sea.
Underwater archaeology can provide facts about the past. In ancient ports all over the world are ships sunken in the past 6,000 years. There are also sunken settlements in seas and lakes telling of people’s way of life and their systems of trade in ancient times. Underwater archaeologists want to study these objects to add to the world’s knowledge of history , but they have to fight two enemies. One enemy is treasure hunters who dive for ancient artifacts that they can sell to collectors. Once sold, these objects are lost to experts. The second enemy is dredging machines (挖掘机)often used to repair ports. These machines destroy  wrecks and artifacts or bury them deeper under sand and mud. By teaching the public about the importance of underwater “museums” of the past, archaeologists are hoping to get support for laws to protect underwater treasures.
59.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?
A.To provide background information of the topic.
B.To attract readers’ attention to the topic.
C.To use an example to support the topic.
D.To offer basic knowledge of the topic.
60.The aim of underwater archaeology is to___________.
A.exploit water bodies for underwater life underwater artifacts
D.examine underwater environment
61.Underwater archaeologists are worried because___________.
A.sea hunters have better diving equipment
B.their knowledge of world history is limited
C.dredging machines cause damage to the ports
D.sold artifacts can hardly be regained for research
62.What is the main purpose of the passage? introduce a young branch of learning.
B.To discuss the scientists ’ problems.
C.To explain people’s way of life in the past.
D.To describe the sunken ships.
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In 1921, Lewis Lawes became the warden (监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison of New York State.No prison was tougher than Sing Sing during that time.But when Warden Lawes retired some 20 years later, that prison had become a humanitarian institution.Those who studied the system said credit for the change belonged to Lawes.But when he was asked about the transformation, here’s what he said, “I owe it all to my wonderful wife, Catherine, who is buried outside the prison walls.”
Catherine Lawes was a young mother with three small children when her husband became the warden.Everybody warned her from the beginning that she should never set foot inside the prison walls, but that didn’t stop Catherine!
When the first prison basketball game was held, she went into the gym with her three beautiful kids and she sat in the stands with the inmates.Her attitude was: “My husband and I are going to take care of these men and I believe they will take care of me! I don’t have to worry!” She insisted on getting acquainted with them and their records.She discovered one convicted murderer was blind so she paid him a visit.Holding his hand in hers she said, “Do you read Braille?” “What’s Braille?” he asked.Then she taught him how to read.Later, Catherine found a deaf-mute in prison.She went to school to learn how to use sign language.
Many said that Catherine Lawes was the body of Jesus that came alive again in Sing Sing from 1921to 1937.Then, she was killed in a car accident.The next morning Lewis Lawes didn’t come to work, so the acting warden took his place.It seemed almost instantly that the prison knew something was wrong.The following day, her body was resting in a casket in her home, three-quarters of a mile from the prison.As the acting warden took his early morning walk, he was shocked to see a large crowd of the toughest, hardest-looking criminals gathered like a herd of animals at the main gate.He came closer and noted tears of grief and sadness.He knew how much they loved Catherine.He turned and faced the men.
“All right, men, you can go.Just be sure and check in tonight!” Then he opened the gate and a parade of criminals walked, without a guard, the three-quarters of a mile to stand in line to pay their final respects to Catherine Lawes.And every one of them checked back in.Every one!
41.Catherine was not afraid of getting inside the prison walls because she believed ______. good turn deserves another pains, no gains
C.a new broom sweeps clean         D.virtue never grows old
42.The underlined word in paragraph three most probably refers to ______. players           B.prison guards
C.prisoners        of the prisoners
43.What made every one of the criminals check back in?
A.The acting warden’s requirement    B.The strict rules of the prison
C.Their respect for Catherine        D.The force of the guards
44.What is the best title of the passage?
A.A Tough Prison                            B.A Woman Bringing Changes
C.A warden Caring for Prisoners         D.A Great Wife
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In 1789 the US. government passed a law which said that the land of the American Indians could never be taken from them without their agreement. One hundred years later, however, the Indians only had a very small part of the land that originally belonged to them. How did this great injustice occur?
After 1812 white settlers began to move west across North America. At first, the settlers and the Indians lived in peace. However, the number of settlers increased greatly every year, and slowly the Indians began to see the white settlers as a danger to their survival. To feed themselves, the settlers killed more and more wild animals. The Indians, who depended on these animals for food, had to struggle against starvation. The settlers also brought with them many diseases which were common in white society, but which were new for the Indians. Great numbers of Indians became sick and died. Between 1843 and 1854 the Indian population in one area of the country went down from 100,000 to 30,000.
More land was needed for the increasing number of white settlers. In Washington, the old respect for the rights of the Indians disappeared. The old promises to the Indians were broken; the government began to move groups of Indians from their original homelands to other poorer parts of the country. Some Indians reacted angrily and violently to this treatment. They began to attack white settlers, and the Indian war began. For 30 years, until the late 1880s, different groups of Indians fought against the injustices of the white man. They had a few famous successes, but the result of the struggle was never in doubt. There were too many white soldiers, and they were too powerful. Many Indians were killed; the survivors were moved from their homelands to different areas of the country. It was a terrible chapter in the history of a country that promised freedom and equality to everyone.
72.It can be inferred from the passage that______. the US there were many laws that provided to the rights of American Indians
B.the law which was passed in 1789 by the US government was not successfully carried out the 19th century no injustices were done against the Indians by the US government
D.the majority of white settlers were openly opposed to the law passed in 1789
73.According to the passage which of the following is true?
A.The Indians believed that killing too many wild animals had disturbed the balance of nature.
B.The government began to have a better understanding of the Indians in the 1850s.
C.Between 1843 and 1854 about 70,000 Indians were killed in the battle.
D.The whites carried serious diseases into where the Indians lived.
74.It is implied in the passage that______.
A.the Indians had many great successes in the Indians war
B.the Indians had no doubt that they would win the war
C.after the war the Indians stayed where they were before
D.the Indians were too weak to win the struggle
75.The last sentence of the passage______.
A.serves as the author"s comment on the historical event described above the reader the impression that injustice is everywhere in the US
C.makes a conclusion that such events talked above will never happen again
D.brings about the topic that how the US government will deal with the problem
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When the first European arrived in the land now called Canada, around 400 years ago, there were about 350,000 native people living there. Most of these people were later forced to live in separate places, called reserves, away from the cities where the Europeans settled.
The French and the British both settled in Canada and fought for the control of it. Finally in 1763 Britain defeated France and Canada became a British colony. Today both English and French are the official languages of Canada. Most French-speakers live in Quebec Province.
Canada became a separate country from Britain in 1867. At that time it had a population of 3.4 million. Today Canada’s population is 30 million as a result of immigration(移民).
The first Chinese immigrated to Canada in the late 1800s. More have recently arrived and like to live in either Toronto, Canada’s largest city, or in Vancouver on the Pacific coast.
Canada is a cold, northern country with long winters, so winter sports are popular. Ice hockey is known as Canada’s national sport. However, Canadians also like to make the most of the short summer and enjoy picnics by the lakes or hiking in the mountains.
Canadians love to travel across their huge country and usually do so by car. But to get to some places you need to take a ferry. Really long journeys from the east to the west coast are taken by train or by plane.
Canadians celebrate many different holidays. One of the most important is Canada Day on July 1st which recalls when Canada became united. Another important day honors Britain’s Queen Victoria. It is called Victoria Day and is held on the last Monday in May. Like the USA, Canada also celebrates Thanksgiving.
59. We can infer from the first paragraph that _________________.
A. Canada has a history of about 400 years long
B. Europeans are the first people to arrive in Canada
C. Native Americans were not treated equally in Canada
D. Europeans and Native Americans always lived peacefully together
60. The first Chinese immigrants to Canada _______________.
A. came in 1867                                           B. lived in Toronto and Vancouver
C. added up to 30 million                              D. arrived in the late nineteenth century
61. The underlined part in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to _________________.
A. to make full use of                                          B. to offer the best of
C. to give up the biggest joy of                      D. to work through most of
62. The passage is mainly about ______________.
A. the history of Canada                           B. transport in Canada
C. basic knowledge about Canada                   D. the geography of Canada
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One Canada, Two Languages
Canada is one of the few nations in the world to have two official languages: English and French. There are 10 provinces in the country but only one of these—Quebec is known as “French Canada”. This is because it was founded by French explorers while British adventurers discovered the rest.
Canada left the British empire(帝国) in 1867 to become an independent country and English and French have been recognized as the official languages ever since.
Most people speak English as their first language and the two national television networks broadcast in English throughout the country. Apart from in Quebec and a few places on the east coast, French television is very rare.
The same goes for traffic signs and menus, for example, outside of Quebec, there are only a few places where you’ll see traffic signs in French. In restaurants, it’s almost impossible to find French on the menu unless you are in the heartland (中心地带) of French Canada. However, all  products sold in Canada must, by law, have labels (标签) and instructions in both languages.
In Canada’s English speaking provinces, official bilingualism (双语) means that students can choose to complete a special French language course. Under this program, they are taught most of their subjects in French.
If a student begins the course in kindergarten (幼儿园) or Grade One, it is likely that all their lessons will be in French. However, if they start at junior high school, 25 percent of the teaching will continue to be in English.
59. How many provinces are there in Canada?
A. Ten.   B. Nine.    C. Eleven.    D. Two.
60. Which country controlled Canada before its independence?
A. France.    B. Britain.    C. America.     D. Germany
61. Where can you watch French television programs?
A. Only in Quebec.
B. In Quebec and a few other places.
C. From the two national television networks.
D. All over Canada
62. What do we know about the education in Canada?
A. In English speaking provinces only English courses are offered.
B. If you choose a special French language course, most of the subjects are taught in French.
C. The courses in primary school are all taught in English.
D. Most of the courses in junior high schools are taught in English.
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