阅读理解。信息匹配。 下面是美国著名游记作家Bill Bryson的几本作品,首先请阅读它们的封面信息:           ABCDEF

阅读理解。信息匹配。 下面是美国著名游记作家Bill Bryson的几本作品,首先请阅读它们的封面信息:           ABCDEF

下面是美国著名游记作家Bill Bryson的几本作品,首先请阅读它们的封面信息:          
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1-5: CDABE
     Paper was one of the most important inventions in the Chinese history. As a result of this invention,
much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper. However, in other parts
of the world, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown. As there was no paper
in these countries, no records were kept.
     It is believed that before paper was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a
number of stones together. As soon as writing came to development, people carved (刻) words on
animal bones. Later, words were carved on metal pots; examples of these have been found from the
sixteenth to the third centuries B.C. Between the second and the fifth centuries A.D. people wrote on
pieces of bamboo or wood and these were tied together to form a book. Although these were much
more useful than the metal pots, they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry.
     At the same time another kind of book made from silk was developed. Some silk books that have
been found are over 2140 years old. It was easy to write and draw on silk. The problem was that it
was too hard for everyday use. Because it was so expensive, people developed a kind of paper made
from the fibers of plants. They used fishing nets, barks, pieces of old clothes and so on to make paper.
This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.
1. Paper was one of the greatest inventions because ______.
A. it was invented by the Chinese
B. it was the first one that was invented by humans
C. it helped to record human"s history
D. no other countries used paper except China
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. People wrote words on a piece of wood or bamboo to keep record.
B. Animal bones were used to carve words on by people in the ancient time.
C. Words carved long ago can be found on metal pots even today.
D. Ancient people put stones together to write words on.
3. We may know that ______.
A. silk books were not so widely spread
B. all kinds of paper were invented over 2140 years ago
C. fishing nets and clothes were cheaper than paper then
D. paper made from silk was not so soft to write on
     The Chinese were the real inventor of printing. Centuries ago they carved messages on a stone
and then sprinkled (撒) sooty(煤炭的) dust over it. When they put a small piece of paper over
the stone and rubbed the paper, the sooty lines were reproduced on it. Some of these first printed
papers have been preserved; the oldest ones known to exist are more than one thousand years old.
     Printing with carved stone blocks was the only kind of printing known for centuries. Then, about
eight hundred years ago, a Chinese printer, Bi Sheng, had a clever idea. Instead of carving a whole
message on a single big block of wood or stone, he formed separate Chinese words or characters
out of bits of clay(粘土). By putting the clay pieces together in rows in a box, he could print just as
before. But when he finished, he could keep all the separate pieces of clay and use them again.
     Bi Sheng"s movable type was a great step forward, but his method was not generally adopted.
Movable type did not come into use in Europe until it was invented there centuries later. The
Europeans had been totally ignorant of the printing traditions of the Chinese.
1. The oldest pieces of printed paper in existence date back ______.
A. 800 years
B. more than 1000 years
C. more than 2000 years  
D. 500 years
2. Bi Sheng used clay to form ______.
A. large tablets for writing
B. messages
C. individual words or characters
D. small statues
3. These pieces of clay were ______.
A. easily lost
B. broken
C. reusable  
D. disposable
4. Europeans adopted printing after they ______.
A. realized stone carving was inadequate (不够的)
B. had learned about it from the Chinese
C. had copied Chinese printing
D. had invented it themselves  
     The Gullah people in the southern US have honored their culture for more than 100 years. Living
mainly on the Sea Islands and coastal areas of South Carolina, Georgia and Floride, the Gullah people,
an African-American group, have a rich culture including their own language. It is a Creole language
created by slaves who came to the US from the West Africa in the 1800s. It combines West African
languages with English.
     For many years efforts have been made to save the Gullah language. One project began in 1979.
Its goal was to translate the New Testament part of the Bible into Gullah. Experts say that it was a
difficult process because Gullah is not a written language. It is a spoken language only.
     A team of Gullah speakers began working on the translation to make the Bible easier to understand
for those who spoke Gullah as their main language. The Gullah version is called De Nyew Testament.
It is written in English on one side of the page, and next to it, there is a Gullah translation. De Nyew
was published by the American Bible Society. The project also received help from the
Summer Institute of Linguistics, Wycliffe Bible Translators, the United Bible Societies and the Penn
     Experts believe that the translated Bible is a major step towards saving the Gullah language and
traditions. "This is more than a Bible translation," says Robert Hodgson, at the American Bible Society.
"De Nyew Testament raises the Gullah language and culture to a new level." Ardell Greene is a member
of the translation team. She calls the book "a treasure". She says that the Gullah version of the Bible will
be read in churches and will help young people keep the Gullah language alive.
1. According to the passage, De Nyew Testament can be best seen as _______.
A. a good version of the Bible          
B. something difficult to understand
C. a spoken form of the Gullah language 
D. the effort to save the Gullah language
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Gullah communities can be found in the southern US.
B. Gullah is influenced by both English and West African languages.
C. De Nyew Testament is a complete Bible translation.
D. Ardell Greene thinks highly of De Nyew Testament.
3. What does this passage mainly focus on?
A. Efforts to save the Gullah language.    
B. Different versions of the Bible.
C. The history of the Gullah people.
D. The culture of the Gullah people.
     Beijing opera or Peking opera (Pinyin: J?ngj?) is a form of Chinese opera which arose in the late
18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was
extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural
treasures of China. Major performance troupes (剧团,戏班子) are based in Beijing and Tianjin in
the north,and Shanghai in the south. The art form is also enjoyed in Taiwan,and has spread to other
countries such as the United States and Japan.
     Beijing opera features four main types of performers. Performing troupes often have several of
each variety,as well as numerous secondary and tertiary performers. With their elaborate (认真的,
精心的) and colorful costumes,performers are the only focal points on Beijing opera"s characteristically
small stage. They make use of the skills of speech,song,dance,and combat in movements that are
symbolic and suggestive,rather than realistic. Above all else,the skill of performers is evaluated
according to the beauty of their movements. Performers also hold a variety of stylistic conventions
that help audiences navigate the plot of the production. The layers of meaning within each movement
must be expressed in time with music. The music of Beijing opera can be divided into the Xipi and
Erhuang styles. Melodies include arias (唱腔),fixed-tune melodies,and percussion patterns. The
repertoire of Beijing opera includes over 1,400 works,which are based on Chinese history,folklore,
and,increasingly,contemporary life.
     In recent years,Beijing opera has attempted numerous reforms in response to sagging audience
numbers. These reforms,which include improving performance quality,adapting new performance
elements,and performing new and original plays,have met with mixed success. Some Western works
have been adopted as new plays,but a lack of funding and an adverse political climate have left Beijing
opera"s fate uncertain as the form enters the 21st century.
1. How long has Beijing Opera become a popular art form?
A. About one and a half centuries.
B. More than two centuries.
C. More than one century.
D. About half a century.
2. How many art forms of Beijing Opera at present?
A. Two including Beijing and Tianjin,and Shanghai in the south.
B. Two including Beijing and Tianjin in the north.
C. Three including Beijing and Tianjin,and Shanghai in the south and Taiwan.
D. Five including Beijing and Tianjin,and Shanghai in the south,Taiwan,US and Japan.
3. What are the features of the performers" movements of Beijing Opera?
A. Elaborate.
B. Colourful.
C. Realistic.
D. Representative.
4. Which of the followings is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Performers can take different stylistic traditions in the plays.
B. The standard to estimate a performer is the amount of his/her movements.
C. It"s necessary to keep movements along the music in time.
D. The content of Beijing Opera is plentiful but much fixed.
5. What will be the future of the Beijing Opera?
A. Very bright.
B. Certainly good.
C. Much uncertain.
D. More popular.
     There are many American expressions about insects-like bees, for example. Bees always appear
to be busy, moving around their homes, or hives. In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of
activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for
something if you went there right away.
     Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more, but we like it anyway. We think
it was first used in the nineteen twenties. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the
bee"s knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not
even know if bees have knees!
     If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say
she has a bee in her bonnet. If someone asks you a personal question, you might say "that is none of
your beeswax". This means none of your business.
     Speaking of personal questions, there is an expression people sometimes use when their children
ask, "where do babies come from?" Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about
the birds and the bees.
     Hornets are beelike insects that sometimes attack people. If you are really angry, you might say you
are mad as a hornet.
     Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That
means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also
not want to have ants in your pants. That is, to be restless and unable to sit still.
1. When Tom spends his weekend cleaning his house, we can say he is as busy as ________.
A. an insect              
B. a hornet              
C. a butterfly                
D. a bee
2. Which of the following expressions can NOT be often heard in daily life?  
A. Make a beeline.
B. That is none of your beeswax.
C. It"s the bee"s knees.
D. My house is a beehive of activity.
3. When you say to Mary "you have a bee in your bonnet", what do you really mean?

A. She should stop talking about something.
B. You care about her very much.
C. She is in danger and needs help.
D. What she talks about is really important

4. Which of the following would be discussed next?   
A. Some expressions about pigs.
B. Some expressions about noses.
C. Some expressions about bugs.
D. Some expressions about colours.