My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long holiday break to fin

My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long holiday break to fin

My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of ______. These days, friends and family have begun _____ me with one question: What is she going to do after _____?
The job market is, after all, awfully ______. Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank _____ a study showing that “recent graduates are ______ working in low-paid jobs or working part-time.” The ______ spot, according to the study, is for students who majored(主修) in STEM— science, technology, engineering and ______— areas in which recent graduates “have______ to do relatively well”.
But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college. She’s an American Studies major with a(an) ______ on the politics and culture of food. For quite a while, I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that I’m not the least bit ______ she will find a good job. Yet the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve decided to be honest. “I’m not sure what Emma is going to do,” I now say. “But she’s gotten a great education and has really found her ______. — and I know those things will serve her well over the _____ of her life.”
Nowadays, more and more universities and colleges are being ______ by the salaries of their recent graduates. In this climate, ______ your kid to study the humanities, seems, at best, unwise or, at worst, unconcerned with ______ a living. But a college is not a vocational(职业) school. And promoting STEM subjects should not be society’s only answer to helping the next generation grow in a competitive world.
From the beginning, we never urged Emma to ______ a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money, ______ more and more families are doing. To Emma, what really ______ will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time: Emma’s ______ to the world and how happy she is in it.
小题1: B.collegeC.trainingD.project
A.wroteB.publishedC.came outD.printed
A.mathematicsB.literatureC.philosophy D.humanities
A.earningB.raisingC.providing D.achieving
A.contributionB.enthusiasm C.desperationD.creativity



小题1:考查名词辨析:A.work工作,B.college大学,C.training训练,D.project项目,根据下文的But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college.可知艾玛要完成大学的最后一个阶段,选B。
小题2:考查动词辨析:A.filling填满,B.covering覆盖,C.flooding淹没;充满;溢出,D.meeting遇到,这里指亲戚朋友用:What is she going to do after _____?这个问题把我淹没了,选C。
小题4:考查形容词辨析:A.tough艰苦的,困难的,难办的,B.fair公平的,C.exciting令人兴奋的,D.mild温和的,从下文的:Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank _____ a study showing that “recent graduates are ______ working in low-paid jobs or working part-time.”可知大学生毕业后的职业市场很艰难。选A。
小题5:考查动词辨析:A.wrote写,B.published出版,C.came out出版(不及物),D.printed印刷,the Federal Reserve Bank出版了一项调查表明最近的毕业生做的是低收入的工作或兼职工作。选B。
小题7:考查形容词辨析:A.dark黑暗的,B.useful有用的,C.bright光明的,D.weak虚弱的,从下文的:“have__ ____ to do relatively well”.可知对学习STEM专业的学生是光明的,选C。
小题8:考查名词辨析:A.mathematics数学,B.literature文学,C. philosophy哲学,D. humanities(人文),因为STEM是science, technology, engineering and ___ ___几个单词的开头字母,所以应该是M开头的单词,所以选A。
小题9:考查动词辨析:A.intended to打算,B.tended to往往会,C.decided to决定,D.pretended to假装,STEM的学生往往会做的相对的好。选B。
小题11:考查形容词辨析:A.worried担心的,B.astonished惊讶的,C.pleased高兴的,D.touched感动的,从上文的:I think her field of study is so fashionable right now可知作者认为她的学习领域是时尚的,所以不担心她找到好工作,选A。
小题16:考查动词辨析:A.earning挣钱,B.raising提高,筹集,养活,C.providing 提供,D.achieving达到,这里使用了词组“earn a living”谋生。选A。
小题20:考查名词辨析:A.contribution贡献,B. enthusiasm热情, C.desperation渴望,D.creativity创造力,艾玛对世界的贡献和在其中她的快乐。enthusiasm 和about/for 搭配,对……的热情,选A。
Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss’s secretary to determine his mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something. Even without the boss’s secretary, there are keys to timing: don’t approach the boss when he’s on deadline; don’t go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don’t go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.
If you’re mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. And don’t let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopeless trying to change your mind. Then, maybe he will dismiss you.
Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear. The employee has to get his point across clearly in order to make the boss understand it.
Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can’t put forward an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. People who frequently present problems without solutions to their boss may soon find they can’t get past the secretary.
To deal effectively with a boss, it’s important to consider his goals and pressures. If you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he will be naturally more inclined to work with you to achieve your goals.
小题1:What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A.Present problems.
B.Propose your solution.
C.Put yourself in the boss’s position.
D.Make the issue clear.
小题2:If you want to ask the boss for anything, it is important to find out first _________. he is feeling.
B.whether the boss had breakfast.
C.whether he is on deadline.
D.whether he had taken a vacation.
小题3:What is the best title of the passage?
A.How to Propose Your Solution.
B.Never Give in to Your Boss.
C.How to Argue with Your Boss.
D.Learn to Understand Your Boss.
小题4:From the passage, we can infer that_____________. don’t go into the boss’s office when you are angry can present the boss with a problem only.
C.when you offer advice to your boss, don’t think of the troubles he may have.
D.when you go into the boss’s office, keep your voice all the time.
小题5:It is necessary to make clear to the boss ___________.
A.what problems he has.
B.why you are mad.
C.what position you are in the company.
D.what you really want to talk to him about

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Air pollution by sources ranging from cooking fires to auto fumes contributed to an estimated seven million deaths worldwide in 2012, the UN health agency has said.
"Air pollution, and we"re talking about both indoors and outdoors, is now the biggest environmental health problem, and it is affecting everyone, both developed and developing countries," said Maria Neira, the World Health Organisation"s public and environmental health chief.
Globally, pollution was linked to one death in eight in 2012, new WHO research found.
The biggest pollution-related killers were heart disease, stroke, pulmonary disease and lung cancer.
The hardest-hit regions of the globe were what the WHO labels Southeast Asia, which includes India and Indonesia, and the Western Pacific, ranging from China and South Korea to Japan and the Philippines. Together, they accounted for 5.9 million deaths.
The global death toll included 4.3 million deaths due to indoor air pollution, chiefly caused by cooking over coal, wood and biomass stoves. The toll from outdoor pollution was 3.7 million, with sources ranging from coal heating fires to diesel engines.
Many people are exposed to both indoor and outdoor pollution, the WHO said, and due to that overlap the separate death toll attributed to the two sources cannot simply be added together, hence the figure of seven million deaths. The new figure is "shocking and worrying", Ms Neira told reporters.
When it last released an estimate for deaths related to air pollution, in 2008, the agency had put the figure related to outdoor pollution at 1.3 million, while the number blamed on indoor pollution was 1.9 million. But a change in research methods makes comparison difficult between the 2008 estimate and the 2012 figures, Neira said.
In the past, for example, the WHO did not take into account the overlap between exposure to both forms, and only assessed urban pollution. Satellite imagery has made it easier to assess rural pollution, and new knowledge about the health impact of exposure has enabled a better count. "The risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes," said Neira.  "Few risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution. The evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe."
According to the WHO, some 2.9 billion people in poor nations live in homes that use fires as their principle method of cooking and heating. Carlos Dora, the WHO"s public and environmental health coordinator, said that turned homes into "combustion chambers". Simple measures to stem the impact include so-called "clean cook stoves", which are a low-tech option, as well as improved ventilation, he said.
Countries also need to rethink policies, Mr Dora said, pointing to the impact in the developed world of a shift to cleaner power sources, more efficient management of energy demand, and technical strides in the auto industry. He also said transport policies needed a shake-up. With air pollution having sparked a recent scare in France, leading to restrictions on car use and the temporary scrapping of public transport fees in Paris, Mr Dora said such measures could be applied in the longer term. "You can"t buy clean air in a bottle," he said."The air is a shared resource. In order to breathe clean air, we have to have interventions in the areas that pollute air." The WHO said it planned by the end of this year to release a ranking of the world"s 1,600 most polluted cities.
小题1:The main idea of this article is that          .
A.In the past, the WHO did not take into account the overlap between exposure to both forms.
B.Air pollution by sources ranging from cooking fires to auto fumes caused an estimated seven million deaths worldwide in 2012.
C.According to the WHO, some 2.9 billion people use fires as their principle method of cooking and heating.
D.The WHO will release a ranking of the world"s 1,600 most polluted cities by the end of this year.
小题2:The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “         ”..
A.The risks fires
C.environmental health problem
D.Air pollution
小题3:Which of the following is True according to the passage? .
A.The biggest pollution-related killers were heart disease, stroke, pulmonary disease and lung cancer.
B.Air pollution only affects developing countries.
C.The risks from air pollution are now not serious.
D.Maria Neira said that we can"t buy clean air in a bottle.
小题4:What is main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The air is a our shared resource.
B.The WHO will release a ranking of the world"s 1,600 most polluted cities.
C.The government should make effective policies to control the air pollution.
D.The transport policies need a shake-up.
小题5:The death toll in 2008 can hardly compare with that in 2012 because________.
A.the death toll included 4.3 million deaths due to indoor air pollution. 2008 the WHO only assessed rural pollution.
C.the research methods changed.
D.the risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought.

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Every year in late April, students at Renmin University of China become the subjects of admiration and jealousy of their peers on other campuses in Beijing. Why? Because they get a week off in the middle of term, the so-called spring break.
It’s been a unique tradition of our school for a decade,” said Wang Yueran, 20, a journalism major at Renmin University, who organized a weeklong trip to Sichuan with 12 classmates last year.
But having fun is just one dimension of the spring break. Field trips, voluntary work, and social projects are all on students’ to-do lists. Experts say the spring break is not just for students to enjoy a few days off, but for them to gain new experiences beyond the campus walls.
Push them out
The traditional Chinese belief of the exploration of knowledge and truth emphasizes “reading 10,000 books and traveling 10,000 miles”, which indicates the importance of experience as much as theory. But while Chinese universities have the tradition of spring outings, what’s the benefit of making spring break an institution?
Qin Jianguo, of the student affairs office at Shenzhen University, thinks the idea of the spring break in some universities in China comes from the intention of pushing students out of the ivory tower to experience more diversity in their lives.
“Take traveling for example. A week traveling is a very different experience to a one- or two-day outing,” said Qin. “Students are expected to acquire the spirit of teamwork and compromise, and learn survival and communication skills when put out there in an unfamiliar context.”
Diverse approaches
Many countries have similar vacations in the middle of the semester for students to do things out of their own interest. Taking Japan as an example, instead of partying like their US counterparts, many Japanese students choose to work as interns or engage in study-related projects.
“The spring break is an opportunity for many of our students to put their learning to use,” said Hiroshi Kanno, dean of the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy at Hitotsubashi University, in the school’s description of a recent spring break project.
As for Chinese students who take a week off around the Labor Day holiday, many tend to do volunteer work. Duan Zhipeng, a 22-year-old economics major at Renmin University, applied for a project to go back to his hometown in Jiangxi province to introduce his university’s enrollment policies and campus culture to local high school students.
Not a trend yet
Apart from Renmin University, only a few other universities, such as Yantai University, have a spring break for their students. The concept in China is still far from the culture and norms built around it in the US.
Wei Xiang, a professor specializing in holiday economics at Beijing International Studies University, said that the spring break is a good experiment for universities to make study schedules smoother in order to give students more options to arrange their own leisure and study activities.
小题1:According to the text, up to now, Apart from Renmin University, which University has a spring break for their students. 
A.Yantai University
B.Peking University
C.Suzhou University
D.Nankai University
小题2:The underlined word “it” refers to ______
A.field tripsB.exploration of knowledge
C.spring breakD.ivory tower
小题3:According to the passage,why do the students in the other universities admire the students at Renmin University?
A.Because they tend to do volunteer work.
B.Because they go home to meet their relatives.
C.Because they get a spring break.
D.Because they have lesser courses .
小题4:Which of the following is the best title?
A.Reading 10,000 books and traveling 10,000 miles
B.Spring break expands horizons
C.Enjoy yourselves
D.A weeklong trip
小题5:Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.Spring break can help students to gain new experiences beyond the campus walls.
B.Students are expected to acquire the spirit of teamwork through pring break.
C.Spring break can help students tolearn survival and communication skills when in an unfamiliar context.
D.Spring break is not common in the US.

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Among rich countries, people in the United States work the longest hours. They work much longer than in Europe. This difference is quite surprising because productivity(生产力) per hour worked is the same in the United States as it is in France, Spain and Germany, and it is growing at a similar speed.
In most countries and at most times in history, as people have become richer they have chosen to work less. In other words they have decided to “spend” a part of their extra income on a fuller personal life. Over the last fifty years Europeans have continued this pattern, and hours of work have fallen sharply. But not in the United States. We do not fully know why this is. One reason may be greatly lower taxes in America, which increase the rewards to work. Another may be more satisfying work, or less satisfying personal lives.
Longer hours do of course increase the GDP(国内生产总值). So the United States has produced more per worker than, say, France. The United States also has more of its people at work, while in France many more mothers and older workers have decided to stay at home. The overall result is that American GDP per head is 40% higher than in France, even though productivity per hour worked is the same.
It is not clear which of the two situations is better. As we have seen, work has to be compared with other values like family life, which often get lost in its interest. It is too early to explain the different trends(趋势)in happiness over time in different countries. But it is a disappointing idea that in the United States happiness has made no progress since 1975, while it has risen in Europe. Could this have anything to do with trends in the work-life balance?
小题1:Which of the following countries has more of its people at work?
小题2:What message can we get from the text?
A.The GDP of Europe is higher than that of America.
B.Two possible reasons are given for working longer hours in the US.
C.People all over the world choose to work less when they are richer.
D.Americans are happier than Europeans.
小题3:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Americans and Europeans
B.Staying at Home
C.Work and Productivity
D.Work and Happiness

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Shakespeare once called the English countryside “the precious stone set in the silver sea”- and he is not the last to sing high praises of its beauty and historical charm(魅力).
The countryside is particularly beautiful during the summer, especially in August and September. As one travels the countryside, you’ll find more of its treasures: so many plants and animals, romantic castles(浪漫的城堡), secret gardens, and villages so unchanged in the last decades that they seem to have been caught under a fairy’ s spell.
Must-sees include Derbyshire, called “the heart of England” and home to the National Park. The great peaks were the muse(创作灵感)of the Bronte sisters (and if you love the book Jane Eyre, you can visit North Lees hall, where the real Eyre family once lived).
History lovers will enjoy a visit to Lincoln city (its most famous son is Lord Alfred Tennyson). It is also known for its cathedral(大教堂), the charming tea shops, a small castle. One would never guess its violent past—built by Romans, it was once a center for arrow(箭) making.
Harry Potter fans shouldn’t miss a visit to Alnwick, which is better recognized as the “Hogswarth” in the movies.
Let’s not leave out the Wessex region, where one can see one of England’s greatest mysteries, Stone Henge. You can also go to the City of Bath, which has been famous for its medicines springs since the Roman times. Other popular tractions include Salisbury Cathedral, and landscaped(景色优美的) gardens of Stourhead, and the cobbled(用鹅卵石铺的) streets of Shaftesbury. This is also home to Oxford, one of the world’s most famous universities.
Art lovers will also like a visit to East Anglia, whose landscapes inspired the painter Constable (he was born in Dedham village). This is also home of the University City of Cambridge, and the famous architectural(建筑上的) attraction, King’s College Chapel. Be sure to visit the aircraft museum of Duxford.
小题1:What was Shakespeare’s attitude towards the English countryside?
小题2:According to the text, Lincoln city________.
A.produced arrows in the past
B.will be enjoyed by music lovers
C.was the place where the Eyre family once lived
D.has one of the world’ s most famous universities
小题3:When traveling in the countryside, Harry Potter fans are advised to visit ________.
A.the Wessex region B.Derbyshire C.YorkshireD.Alnwick
小题4:The text is most probably taken from ________.
A.a travel guide
B.a book review(书评)
C.a history paper
D.a newspaper report

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