Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 31 realize that those challen

Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 31 realize that those challen

Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 31 realize that those challenges are the very things that 32 us and make us who we are .It is the same with the challenges that come with 32 .
When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two 34. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing 35 the challenge isn’t worth the 36 and call it quits. Although there are certainly 37 when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most 38 all that is needed is 39 and communication.
When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how 40 or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to 41 it and work it trough instead of running away from it. Communication is making a 42 for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. 43 you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” 44 “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.
In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for 45 they are: small hurdles you need to jump or 46 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is 47 to get over, and hurt only 48 to make us stronger. It is all part of growing up, it 49 to everyone, and some day you will 50 all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it made who I am today. And that is a good thing.”
A.seem toB.come toC.hope toD.try to
A.assessmentB.commitmentC.encouragement D.adjustment
A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else
A.pass byB.come acrossC.get over
A.lock down onB.look back onC.look forward toD.look up to



小题1:因为前面有as we grow older这一过程,所以要选择come to realize,表示“逐渐认识到……”。
小题2:shape在这儿是动词,表示“塑造”。选择该词与下文中的make us who we are意思相一致。
小题3:根据本文的整体内容以及最后一段的第一句判断,本文的主旨是challenges in friendship。
小题4:根据下文中的we can beat it off, or we can decided that…判断,此处应该是讲到我们有两种选择。
小题5:词意辨析题。presenting the challenge是现在分词短语作定语,修饰the thing,presenting是to show something的意思。
小题6:上文中讲到的第一种选择是beat it off是表示“击退”,而第二种是对于不值得去做的可以call it quits,表示停止去做,即“放弃”。
小题8:in most cases是固定搭配,意思是在大多数情况下。
小题11:根据下文中的instead of running away from it可以推测这儿应该填face,“面对”的意思。
小题12:space这儿表示空间。该空之前有一个不定冠词“a”,说明该词是可数名词,而room做可数名词时只有“房间”的意思,所以据此可以排除选项room;而space做可数名词时意思是an area, especially one used for a particular purpose,这儿的purpose就是后面的discussion,所以我们判断是space。
小题15: 考查连接词的用法。在介词for后引导宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,所以用what。
小题16:该句是倒装句,正常语序应该是You need to jump or get through on your way through life。
小题19:根据上文可知,每个人在成长过程中都要经历这种情况。故选D。Happen to 发生。A打开B吸引,上诉C去D发生
小题20:该句中的some day是表示将来的某一天。自然要选择look back to,表示“回忆、回顾”。
My grandparents were married for over half a century, and played their own special game the time they had met each other. The goal of their game was to write the word “shmily” in a surprise place for the other to find. They took turns leaving “shmily” around the house, and as soon as one of them discovered it, it was their turn to hide it once more. They dragged “shmily” with their fingers through the sugar and flour containers to await whoever was preparing the next meal. “Shmily” was written in the steam left on the mirror after a hot shower, where it would reappear bath after bath. There was no end to the places where “shmily” would pop up. Little notes with “shmily” were found on car seats, or taped to steering wheels. The notes were put inside shoes and left under pillows. “Shmily” was written in the dust upon the mantel(壁炉架)and traced in the ashes of the fireplace. This mysterious word was as much a part of my grandparents’ house as the furniture.
It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my grandparents’ game. Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love --- one that is pure and enduring (持久的). However, I never doubted my grandparents’ relationship. It was based on passionate(热情的)affection which not everyone is lucky enough to experience.
But there was a dark cloud in my grandparents’ life: my grandmother had breast cancer. The disease had first appeared ten years earlier. As always, Grandpa was with her every step of the way. He comforted her in their yellow room, painted that way so that she could always be surrounded by sunshine, even when she was too sick to go outside. But my grandmother grew steadily weaker until, finally, she could not leave the house anymore. Then one day, what we all dreaded finally happened. Grandma was gone.
“Shmily.” It was written in yellow on the pink ribbons of my grandmother’s funeral bouquet (花束). As the crowd thinned and the last mourners turned to leave, Grandpa stepped up to my grandmother’s coffin and, taking a shaky breath, he began to sing to her. Through his tears and grief, the song came: S-h-m-i-l-y: See How Much I Love You.
小题1:According to the passage, where may the word “shmily” be found? the flour containers
b.on the mirror
c.on the sheet of toilet paper
d.on pillows
e.on the furniture
A.a, bB.b, cC.a, dD.b, e
小题2:The first paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.what the word “shmily” means the author’s grandparents played their special game the author appreciated her grandparents’ game the author’s grandparents cared for each other
小题3:The underlined phrase “pop up” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
小题4:According to the passage, the author _________.
A.thought the game was meaningless
B.believes everyone can experience true love
C.doubted the existence of true love at first
D.sometimes left “shmily” around the house
小题5:Grandpa tried to make Grandma comfortable by _______.
A.singing songs to her every day
B.painting the room yellow
C.encouraging her to go outside
D.helping her take a hot shower every day

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Your peers are people your age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to yours. You and your friends make dozens of decisions every day, and you influence each other’s choices and behavior. This is often ________ --- it’s human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.
Sometimes, though, the stresses in your life can actually come from your peers. They may pressure you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with, such as shoplifting, doing drugs or drinking, or taking dangerous risks when driving a car.
The pressure to conform(随潮流) can be powerful and hard to resist. A person might feel pressure to do something just because others are doing it. Peer pressure can influence a person to do something that is relatively harmless--- or something that has more serious consequences.
People may feel pressure to conform, so they fit in or are accepted, or so they don’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. When people are unsure of what to do in a social situation, they naturally look to others for cues(暗示)about what is and isn’t acceptable.
The people who are most easily influenced will follow someone else’s lead first. Then others may go along, too --- so it can be easy to think, “It must be OK. Everyone else is doing it. They must know what they’re doing.” Before you know it, many people are going along with the crowd --- perhaps on something they might not otherwise do.
Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature --- but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground.
It’s not always easy to resist negative peer pressure. But when you do, it is easy to feel good about it afterwards. And you may even be a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way --- often it just takes one person to speak out or take a different action to change a situation.
小题1:Which of the following is a kind of peer pressure?
A.Your teachers give you a lot of homework.
B.Your parents expect high scores from you.
C.Your classmates persuade you to cut class.
D.Your relatives invite you to attend a party.
小题2:Which is most likely to be filled in the blank in Paragraph 1?
小题3:Most people tend to do what others are doing in order to _________.
A.feel a sense of achievement
B.get a feeling of being accepted
C.set a good example for others
D.stand out in a crowd
小题4:What can we know according to the author?
A.Giving in to peer pressure is unavoidable.
B.Peer pressure usually leads to serious results.
C.Going along with the crowd usually means making a right choice.
D.Everyone can make a difference by resisting negative peer pressure.
小题5:This passage is mainly about _______.
A.thoughts on peer pressure
B.different types of peer pressure
C.ways to deal with peer pressure
D.the influence of peer pressure on people

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What does it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that we live among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam may take priority over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade. And the object of your romantic/inter­est may have other choices.
In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to our points of view. When we persuade, we want to influence how others believe and behave. We may not always prevail — other points of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, the situ­ation, and the merit of the case. But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention it deserves.
Some people, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it as an unwelcome interruption into their lives. Just the opposite, we believe that persuasion is unavoidable — to live is to persuade. Persuasion may be ethical or unethical, selfless or selfish, inspiring or degrad­ing. Persuaders may enlighten our mind or prey on our vulnerability. Ethical persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, the most basic part of edu­cation is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practice the other.
Beyond its personal importance to us, persuasion is necessary to society. The right to persuade and be persuaded is the bedrock of the American political system, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
小题1:According to the passage, persuasion means ________.
A.changing others’ points of view
B.exercising power over other people
C.getting other people to consider your point of view
D.getting people to agree with you and do what you want
小题2:The underlined word in the second paragraph “prevail” means________. B.failC.speakD.listen
小题3:The passage states that some people object to persuasion because they think it is ________.
A.a danger to societyB.difficult to do well
C.unwelcome behaviorD.never successful
小题4:The passage mainly discusses ________. people persuade
B.why people persuade
C.that persuasion is both good and bad
D.that persuasion is important and it is all around us

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Good nutrition (营养)and a balanced diet will help your children grow up healthily .No matter how old your kids are , you can take steps to improve nutrition and to encourage smart eating habits .Here are some suggestions.
Family Meals
Family meals are comforting for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new food to children and to find out which food they like and which ones they don’t.
Teens may turn up their noses at your plan of a family meal. It is not surprising because they’re trying to establish independence. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’ advice, so use the mealtime as a chance to reconnect.
Stocking up (储备) on healthy food
Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what they can get at home. That’s why it’s important to control the supply lines — the food which you serve for meals and have on hand for snacks. You should have enough fruits, vegetables, lean meat and other good sources of protein, such as eggs and nuts, and healthy snacks, such as yogurt, peanut butter and whole-grain biscuits.
Being a good example
The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sugary drinks, you’ll be sending the right message.
No conflicts over food
Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy food in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are aske d to eat.
Get kids included
Most kids will enjoy making the decision about what to make for dinner. Talk to them about making choices and planning a balanced meal. It can help them make good decisions on their own about the  food they want to eat.
小题1:Family meals provide the chances for parents to do the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.guessing what kids are going to have
B.finding what kids like and dislike
C.introducing new food to kids
D.reconnecting with kids
小题2:What does the phrase “on hand” mean?
A.Being dealt with.
B.Out of one’s reach.
C.Made by persons instead of machines.
D.Close by and ready when needed.
小题3:According to the passage, which should NOT be done by parents?
A.Form a healthful eating habit themselves.
B.Force kids to have vegetables.
C.Stock up on some fruits at home.
D.Make meal plans with kids.
小题4:The best title for the article is “________”.
A.Eat healthily
B.What is a healthy meal
C.Help kids form healthy eating habits
D.How to grow up healthily

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Many American youngsters earn their own allowance(零花钱)by doing temporary jobs for their neighbors. Babysitting is one of the common of these jobs. Most couples do not have maids or relatives living with them, and they need to have someone watch the children if they want to go out.
Another way is by mowing lawn in summer and clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways in winter. Many people mow their own lawns,but often people prefer to give the job to a neighbor’s child. In winter, snow clearing from streets and highways is the government’s responsibility. Homeowners or tenants, however, must clear sidewalks and driveways. Since clearing snow is very tiring, many people prefer to hire teenagers for this job rather than do it themselves.
Besides, many American teenagers usually work two to three hours after school and all day on Saturday or Sunday at the local supermarket. They work as cashiers or stockroom clerks. Or they help customers carry things to their cars. Other favorite jobs are waiting on tables in restaurants or working part-time at stores or gas stations.
By earning their own allowance,teenagers acquire a feeling of independence and a sense of responsibility which prepares them for a productive life in society.
小题1:What does “babysitting” mean in the first paragraph?
A.Watching a baby when its parents are out.B.Working as a maid.
C.Sitting with a baby.D.Selling something.
小题2:How do American youngsters earn their allowance? Which one is NOT one of the ways?
A.By mowing lawn in summer.
B.By clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways in winter.
C.By working two to three hours after school and all day on Saturday or Sunday.
D.By doing some housework for the family.
小题3:When it comes to clearing snow,what do many people like to do?
A.Hire teenagers for this job rather than do it themselves
B.They do it themselves.
C.They hire their own children to do so
D.They don’t clean it at all.
小题4:What is the advantage of youngsters earning allowance?
A.They acquire a feeling of independence.
B.They acquire a sense of responsibility.
C.The actions prepare them for a productive life in society.
D.All of the above.
小题5:Who will clear the snow on the streets?
A.The inhabitants.B.The neighbors
C.The government.D.The police.

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