People who are hit by lightning and survive often have long-term effects. These

People who are hit by lightning and survive often have long-term effects. These

People who are hit by lightning and survive often have long-term effects. These may include memory loss, sleep disorders, muscle pain and depression.
Experts tell people to seek the safety of a building or a hard-top vehicle any time they hear thunder, even if it is not raining. They say lightning can strike as far as sixteen kilometers from any rainfall. Lightning can travel sideways. And at least ten percent of lightning happens without any clouds overhead that you can see.
People who are outdoors should make sure they are not the tallest thing around. Bend low to the ground, but do not lie down. And do not stand near tall object. Get away from water and anything made of metal. A car is safe, but don’t touch any metal inside.
Safety experts say people in buildings should stay away from anything with wires or pipes that lead to the outside. The National Weather Service says if you plan to disconnect any electronic equipment, do so before the storm arrives. Do not  use a wired telephone. Do not use water. All these can carry electricity.
Some people think a person struck by lightning carries an electrical charge afterward. Experts say this is not true. It is safe to begin emergency treatment
Each year about four hundred people in the United States are struck by lightning. Last year forty four people died. The average is close to seventy. The National Weather Service says that is more than the number of people killed by severe storms.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Lightning can happen even if there is no cloud.
B.Lightning can’t strike very far.
C.Lightning can’t travel sideways.
D.Don’t stay in a car when lightning happen.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that________.’s better to turn off any electronic equipment before the storm arrives.
B.a wired telephone is not safe to use in rainy days.
C.a person struck by lightning is said to carry an electrical charge afterward.
D.severe storms kill more people than lightning does.
小题3:The underlined word ”depression” probably means”_______”.
A.excitementB.a state of being forgettable
C.silenceD.a feeling of being sad
小题4:The passage is mainly about______.
A.where people should stay in case of lightning
B.some common knowledge about lightning safety lightning travels
D.a report written by the National Weather Service



小题1:A 细节题。根据文章第二段最后一句And at least ten percent of lightning happens without any clouds overhead that you can see.可知在没有乌云的时候,也可能有被电击。故A正确。
小题2:A 细节题。根据第四段2,3行The National Weather Service says if you plan to disconnect any electronic equipment, do so before the storm arrives.可知作者建议我们之前就切断电源。故A正确。
小题3:D 推理题。根据本句These may include memory loss, sleep disorders, muscle pain and depression.可知这些都是雷击以后的后遗症,都是一个不好的情况,depression是指压抑,悲哀的感觉。故D正确。
小题4:B 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是和雷击有关的信息以及作者给人们的一些避免雷击的建议。故B正确。
Why do parents have such a difficult time to communicate openly and honestly with their teens? For this, there are many reasons but most of them stem from not being able to properly understand their teens. It is a dangerous gap because parents will have to communicate with their teens about a wide variety of issues during the most important years of their lives. Thus, parents must know how to communicate openly and honestly with their teens.
Here are a few tips to make communication easier between parents and teenagers.
1. Try not to talk down to your teens. Make them feel as if their views really matter, which not only helps your discussions with your teen but bring you closer to him.
2. Imagine what it would be like to be a teen. Try to remember some of the negative feelings you experienced as a teenager and apply it to your teen"s situation.
3. Never make negative remarks to your teen about what she has said or done.
4. Remember how much courage it would have taken for your teen to come and talk to you about his personal issues. So listen respectfully.
5. Don"t ignore your teen"s feelings because it is usually a cry for help. For instance, if your teen is unusually angry, it may be time to spend a bit of quality time with your teen to determine what is wrong and where he is coming from.
It is, therefore, necessary for parents to strive to keep lines of communication open at all times with their teens. Try to remember what it was like to be a teenager and how vulnerable(脆弱的)you felt. Then you will be well on your way to help your teen communicate more openly and honestly.
小题1:Why don"t teens want to talk about their personal issues with their parents?
A.Because they can"t respect their parents.
B.Because they can"t understand their parents.
C.Because their parents won"t understand them well.
D.Because their parents are not honest.
小题2:When your son comes to you for help, you should NOT _____.
A.listen respectively B.treat him seriously about his feelingD.make negative remarks
小题3:Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined phrase  “talk down to”?
A.put downB.look down withD.quarrel with
小题4:The best title for this passage is _____.
A.Causes of generation gap
B.Relations between teens and parents
C.Suggestions for parents-children effective communication
D.Problems with communication between teens and parents

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Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends. It was a dark,windy night, and they did not know the way very well. They drove through a town until they found what they thought was the road to Dorling,where their friends lived. But it soon became clear that they were not on the road to Dorling at all. The road that they were on was getting narrower,and there were no other cars on it. The wind was blowing harder with every minute that passed.
They came to a small village .They drove past a church and then two houses without lights on. There was nobody about to tell them where they were,or where the road went. Just then,Ben saw a telephone box,twenty meters or so further on. While he walked back along the road to see if there was a name outside the church,Susan telephoned their friends and told them that they were still on their way.
Their friends were just saying that the dinner was already getting rather cold,when Ben came back to the telephone box,his head down against the wind. He said that there was a tree lying across the road,and that the telephone lines were down. Susan heard nothing more from their friends about the dinner.
小题1:Some time later Ben and Susan found they took a wrong road because ________.
A.their friends lived nearer than they drove
B.the road was getting narrower and their car alone was on it
C.the hard wind made them get lost
D.the road was not the same as before
小题2:Ben went to the church to see if there was a name outside because ________.
A.he was sure to find some people who knew Dorling
B.he hoped to get help from there
C.he wanted to telephone his friends where they were
D.he wanted to stay there for the night
小题3:Susan could hear nothing more from their friends because ________.
A.the telephone lines were broken by a tree
B.the strong wind made too much noise
C.they got angry
D.they had all left
小题4:From the passage we know ________.
A.Ben and his wife often went out for dinners
B.Ben and his wife lived in the country
C.both Ben and his wife were short­sighted(近视的)
D.Ben and his wife seldom(很少) went to Dorling

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Becoming a fireman is a challenging and competitive job today. A fireman’s main duty is being scheduled according to the fighting and extinguishment(熄灭) of fire which definitely requires being a strong man, both mentally and physically.
The duty of a fireman involves protection of life and property of the public. They are the servicemen who are decisively selected by an organization to deal with situations like fire. The duty of a fireman intentionally consists of helping innocent people in their time of need. Such type of jobs is one of those few jobs where service is provided for people when they need help immediately. This may include rescuing people from a building at fire, providing them with medical facilities, extinguishing fire in a house or in a large commercial building. Serving people is the main intention of these professionals. The satisfaction which a fireman gets from this type of job cannot be compared to any other profession in the world.
Such profession demands top-level commitment and professionalism from .those who have chosen it as a career. Fireman should possess the highest level of courage and patience to put their lives in danger for the sake of others. They undergo lessons of maintaining patience for long hours and go through complete preparation to become successful and well-organized professional firemen. There are certain tests that are recommended before becoming a fireman.
It’s not that easy to become a fireman nowadays. A fireman is supposed to deal with unexpected situations, and they should be skilled at communicating with others and be self-disciplined at the same time.
In order to be a good fireman, one must undergo(经历、接受) strict local fire department’s training program after passing all the tests. All the fire departments conclude a two-to-four-month course, including classroom training and practical training that cover firefighting techniques, fire avoidance, dangerous materials and urgent situation medical actions. Completing this training, trainees go through the department’s trial period of service that can last from three to six months, depending on the methods of selection.
Firemen usually work both indoors and outdoors. They have to be on duty at all times and mostly work in shifts of at least 8 hours. They are also provided with several benefits which include medical aid plan, pension fund, annual leave and many more.
Title: Fireman
The servicemen decisively selected by an organization to 小题1:_______ situations like fire.
● Helping innocent people 小题3:        they need help.
● Rescuing people from a building at-fire and providing them with medical facilities.
●小题4:       out fire in a house or in a large commercial building.
● Having top-level commitment and professionalism.
● Being courageous and 小题5:        .
● Being strong both in body and 小题6: _________.
● Having good 小题7:       skills.
● Being self-disciplined.
● Firefighting techniques, fire avoidance, dangerous materials and urgent situation medical actions.
● The department’s trial period of service which possibly 小题9:_________ 3~6 months.
Medical aid plans, pension fund, annual leave and many more.
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When I was growing up, I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never   1  them to you when you are a   2 , it gets more and more   3 for him to say those words as you get older. To tell you the truth, I could hardly   4  when I heard those words from my father. Neither could I remind when I had last said those words to 5  . I decided to   6 my shyness aside and make the first move. 7  hesitating for some time, in our next  8 conversation, I spoke out the words suddenly, “Dad ... I love you!”
There was a  9 at the other end. It wasn’t after a while did he awkwardly(笨拙地) reply, “Well,  10 to you!” I laughed and said, “Dad, I  11  you love me, and when you are ready, I know you will say what you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my mother called and  12  asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”
A few weeks later, Dad  13 our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work during this conversation and the 14  was (were) rolling down my cheeks as I finally “  15  ” the love. As we both sat there in tears, we  16  that this special moment had taken our father and son  17 to a new level.
A short while after this special moment, my father  18 escaped death from the following heart surgery. Many times since his return to the usual state of health, I have  19  , if I did not take the first step and Dad did not  20 the surgery, I would have never heard him say those words.
A.easyB.possible C.delightedD.difficult
A.forgetB.remember C.mindD.decide
A.BeforeB.AfterC.When D.Since
A.sameB.difficultC.true D.similar
A.understoodB.expressed C.heardD.saw
A.discussedB.consideredC.believed D.realized
A.narrowlyB.easilyC.unlikely D.generally
小题20: D.Survive

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With your workload growing, you may be telling yourself a vacation is one luxury you can’t afford.  小题1: A vacation allows you the opportunity to recharge your physical and motional batteries, disconnect from everyday concerns, and return to work rested and refreshed. Some facts have proved employees are more productive after a vacation than before one. Here are some tips for you to plan your vacation to make sure that your time away from the office is worry free.
Time is right. A Robert Half survey shows that July and August are the most favorable months for employees to take a break because these months offer ideal beach weather and many businesses slow down during this time.  小题2: For instance, if a big task is planned for the summer, you may consider postponing your trip until the fall.
Ask others for assistance.  小题3: Your supervisor can help you determine who is the most qualified for a particular task.
Let your contacts know. Give colleagues and customers you frequently work with a few weeks’ notice before you start off.  小题4:
Conduct a technical review. Before you leave, make sure there is plenty of room in your e-mail inbox so you don’t exceed (超越) your storage limit while you’re out of the office, which might prevent you from sending messages when you return.  小题5:
In short, taking vacation is necessary and beneficial for your job. But you must plan your vacation properly in order to work free and worry free on holiday.
A.Ask trusted colleagues to handle your projects while you’re away.
B.A summertime beach vacation includes so much more than what you desire these days.
C.But the truth is that you can’t afford not to take one.
D.This will give them enough time to plan for your absence.
E. Also make sure passwords won’t expire(期满) while you are away.
F. What’s more, find your pet a temporary home when you are on vacation.
G. When planning your vacation, remember to take into account any activity that your department will be focused on during that time.
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