Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden fever, cough, headache, muscle a

Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden fever, cough, headache, muscle a

Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and runny nose. Most people recover from fever and   1  symptoms within a week without requiring medical attention. But influenza can 2  severe illness or death in people at high risk. The time from infection to illness is about two days.
Yearly influenza epidemics can  3  affect all age groups, but the highest risk of complications occur among children younger than age two, adults age 65 or older, and people of  4  age with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases, or weakened immune systems.
Seasonal influenza  5  easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes or businesses and towns. When an  6   person coughs, infected droplets get into the air and another person can breathe them  7   and be exposed. The virus can also be spread by hands infected with the virus.  8   transmission, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, and  9  their hands regularly.
Drugs for influenza are   10  in some countries and effectively prevent and treat the illness. Some influenza viruses develop  11   to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment.
Influenza epidemics occur    12  during autumn and winter in temperate regions. Illnesses result in hospitalizations and deaths mainly among high-risk groups. Worldwide, these annual epidemics result in about three to five million   13    of severe illness, and about 250 000 to 500 000 deaths.
Influenza can cause serious public health and economic problems. In   14   countries, epidemics can result in high levels of worker absenteeism and productivity  15  .   16   most people recover from a bout(轮) of influenza, there are large numbers of people who need hospital treatment and many   17   die from the disease every year.   18    is known about the effects of influenza epidemics in developing countries.
The most    19  way to prevent the disease or severe outcomes from the illness is vaccination. Vaccination is especially important for people at higher risk of serious influenza complications, and for people who live with or care  20   high risk individuals.
(  ) 1. A. its                 B. it’s                    C. all                    D. other
(  ) 2. A. cause                B. lead                  C. result                D. bring
(  ) 3. A. lightly           B. slightly             C. seriously           D. heavily
(  ) 4. A. all                 B. any                   C. no                    D. both
(  ) 5. A. goes              B. spreads              C. comes        D. happens
(  ) 6. A. to infect        B. infecting           C.  infected          D. infect
(  ) 7. A. off                B. away                 C. out                   D. in
(  ) 8. A. To prevent     B. To protect          C. To prepare         D. To prefect
(  ) 9. A. wash             B. washing            C. to wash             D. washed
(  ) 10. A. free             B. available           C. useful               D. helpful
(  ) 11. A. assistance     B. resistance          C. consistence        D. preference
(  ) 12. A. monthly              B. weekly              C. daily                 D. yearly
(  ) 13. A. pieces          B. states                C. conditions         D. cases
(  ) 14. A. developed    B. developing        C. big                   D. small
(  ) 15. A. lose             B. losses                C. loose                 D. lost
(  ) 16. A. For             B. Because             C. While               D. Whether
(  ) 17. A. /                 B. which               C. do                    D. who
(  ) 18. A. Little           B. Much                C. Few                  D.Lot
(  ) 19. A. affective      B. effective            C. attractive           D. aggressive
(  ) 20. A. about           B. of                     C. for                    D. to
1. D 根据前一句说的流感的特点,其中就有“fever”,“发烧”只是患流行感冒的一个症状,此空是说还有“别的”症状,AC项分别表示“它的”“所有的”,B项是it is或者it was或者it has的缩写,故此空填“other”:别的。
2. A 有上下文两句的句意:大多数人在一个周之内无需药物治疗就可以从流感中恢复健康,但是(语意发生了转折)流感也能导致严重病变或者有高的致死风险。此题中的lead, result, bring只有分别带上to, in,和about之后才能表示“导致”之意。
3. C 词句的语意是:虽然季节流感可能会严重影响各个年龄群体的人,但是高风险的复杂病情常常出现在两岁以下的婴幼儿,65岁以上的老年人或者任何年龄层的患有某种病症的人身上。从倒数第二段和倒数第三段中,我们得知:流行感冒导致病人住院治疗,大约三到五百万人严重患病,还大量病人死亡,再者也导致了公共健康问题和经济问题。故这儿用“seriously”:严重地。
4. B 考查形容词的词义和在文中的意思。有上一题的分析,此空表示“任何”年龄层的人的意思。All表示“所有”。这样一来age得用复数。Both表示“两者都”,no表示“没有”,ACD项明显都不合适。故用“any”:任何。
5. B 这儿考查是动词词义的辨析。流行感冒是一种传染病,容易传播,叙述的是流行感冒所具有的容易传播的特点,故用“传播”spreads.最容易让学生上当的是AD两项。Go往往用来表示“进行”;happen表示“偶然发生”;come表是“来”,故B项最合适。
6.C 此处考查的是非谓语动词的含义和用法。此段落论述的是流行感冒的传播,有常识我们知道:已经感染的人咳嗽、打喷嚏之后,感染的颗粒就进入到了空气里。此处填过去分词infected,意思就是:感染过的,受感染的。
7. D 由上一句的解释可知:感染的颗粒就进入到了空气里,另外的人把它呼“进”去,就容易感染流行感冒。这四个副词当中只有in表示“进去”,off和away表示“远离”,out表示“向外”。故用D项。
8. A 这一句的语境是:为了防止传染,人们咳嗽的时候应该用纸巾盖着嘴和鼻子,并且经常洗手。此处用不定式表示目的。BCD项分别依次表示:为了保护……,为了准备……,为了完善……,语境和语言逻辑方面显得都不合适。故选择A项。
9. A 根据上一题的解释,结合该词所咋的句子的结构:people是这一句的主语,cover和wash是这一句的谓语动词。所以选择A项。
10. B 有这一句的语境:在一些国家有针对流行感冒的药可以使用,并且能够有效地预防和治疗这种流行病。A项free 是“空闲的,空余的”,CD两项useful是“有用的”,helpful是“有帮助的”逻辑上不搭配。故选择B项。
11. B 此题有一定得的难度,就看平时记单词的准确性和牢固性。Assistance:帮助,resistance: 抵抗,consistence:稳定,结实,preference:偏爱,偏好。语境是:有些流行感冒病毒具有抗药性,结果限制了治疗的有效性。故选择B项。
12. D 有常识我们知道流行感冒有季节性,但这四个词中就数D项合适了。意思是:每年的秋冬季节一些温带地区发生流行感冒。
13. D 有这一句的语境:每年这种流行病导致全世界三到五百万的严重病例,还有大量的病人死亡。这四个词中只有cases意思是“病例”。
14. A 此题考查上下文之间的逻辑照应。这一段从两个方面来论述流行感冒所引起的问题。一是,在发达国家,二是在发展中国家。做此题时,学生应该根据这一段下文最后一句中的developing来确定。BCD项的意思分别是:发展中的,大的,小的,它们所表示的意思与句意跟逻辑都不对应,故A项最合适。
15. B 此题考查的是单词的词义及词性。此处需要的是名词,因为losses和absenteeism两词都做介词of的宾语,故是名词,而lose,“失去”,是动词;loose,“松散的”,是形容词;lost,“迷失的”,是形容词。Loss是名词,意思是:损失。故B项合适。
16. C 此题考查对连词的逻辑关系的理解。语境是:虽然大多数人经过一轮的流行感冒之后恢复正常,但是每年都有很多人需要住院治疗,也有很多人死于这种疾病。故用C项,while此时是“虽然”之意。
17. D 此题表面上是考查定语从句的,而实质上也考查句子结构。此句的主干结构是:there are large numbers of people…… and many…… every year., 而who need hospital treatment和     die from the disease都是定语从句,先行词都是people,只不过many是代词,代指many people,第二个定语从句有缺少主语,故用D项。
18. A 此题的解题关键在于对整段逻辑关系的梳理。前文说:流行感冒在发达国家造成了很多损失,这儿是拿流行感冒在发达国家造成的影响与在发展中国家相比较,因此,合乎逻辑的表达就是:然而流行感冒在发展中国家造成的影响,人们知之甚少。故用A项
19. B 此题的语境是:预防这种疾病和它带来的严重后果的有效方法是注射疫苗。此处应是形容词修饰名词way。affective:adj.感动的,感情的;effective: adj. 有效的,有影响的;attractive:诱人的;aggressive:有进取心的,语意上不符合逻辑。故用B项。
20. C 此题考查的动词短语的意思。care about: 介意,关心; care for:喜欢,照顾。故用C项。
Are you a social butterfly, or do you prefer being at the edge of a group of friends? Either way, your genes and evolution may play a major 1 , US researchers reported on Monday.
While it may come as no surprise that genes may help explain  2  some people have many friends and others have  3  , the researchers said, their findings go just a little farther than that.
"Some of the things we find are 4   uncommon," said Nicholas Christakis of Harvard University in Massachusetts, who helped  5 the study.
"We find that how interconnected your friends are  6   on your genes. Some people have four friends who know each other and some people have four friends who don"t 7 each other.  8     Dick and Harry know each other depends on Tom"s  9    ," Christakis said in a telephone interview.
Christakis and colleague James Fowler of the University of California San Diego are  10    known for their studies that show obesity, smoking and happiness spread in networks.
For this study, they and Christopher Dawes of UCSD used national data that  11  more than 1,000 identical(同卵的) and fraternal(异卵的) twins’ genes. Because  12  share an environment, these studies are good for showing the impact that genes have 13  various things, because identical twins 14  all their genes while fraternal twins share just half.
"We found there appears to be a genetic tendency to introduce your friends 15  each other," Christakis said.
There could be good, evolutionary reasons 16  this. People in the middle of a social network could be secret to useful gossip,  17  the location of food or good investment choices.
But they would also be at risk of catching effects from all sides -- in which case the advantage would 18  more cautious social behavior, they wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"It may be that natural selection is  19 not just things like whether or not we can resist the common cold, but also who it is that we are going to come into  20   with," Fowler said in a statement.
(    ) 1. A. role                 B. rule           C. roll                  D. pole
(    ) 2. A. where              B. why          C. when                D. how
(   ) 3. A. a few                      B. several      C. few                  D. some
(    ) 4. A. generally          B. mainly      C. mostly              D. frankly
(    ) 5. A. conduct            B. introduce   C. conflict            D. instruct
(    ) 6. A. depends            B. bases         C. take                 D. put
(    ) 7. A. see                   B. inspect      C. learn                D. know
(    ) 8. A. When               B. Where       C. What                D. Whether
(    ) 9. A. genes                      B. brains        C. appearances      D. figures
(   ) 10. A. much             B. best           C. very                 D. least
(   ) 11. A. recorded         B. illustratedC. described          D. compared
(   ) 12. A. brothers          B. sisters        C. twins                D. cousins
(   ) 13. A. with                      B. on             C. for                   D. to
(   ) 14. A. share              B. have          C. own                 D. show
(   ) 15. A. into                B. to             C. in                    D. from
(    ) 16. A. for                 B. with          C. to                    D. at
(    ) 17. A. in addition toB. due to       C. as for                      D. such as
(   ) 18. A. lie on             B. bring in     C. lie in                D. send in
(    ) 19. A. acting on               B. putting onC. relying on         D. sending on
(    ) 20. A. contract          B. face          C. join                  D. contact
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It is said that Abraham Lincoln searched for exactly the right words to say to his audience in that history-making speech that   1  less than three minutes.
Your speech probably won"t be as long-remembered,   2 you can still strive to give your audience the best speech possible by   3 these simple tips:
Write and rewrite the material in your speech until it sounds exactly right to your own ears. Don"t use words that are hard to   4  . Avoid technical   5 or keep them to a minimum whenever possible.
Remember to use descriptive phrases so your listeners can get a mental picture in their   6 of what you are talking about. People don"t want to be told, they want to be given a   7 picture so they can better understand your words.
Avoid using a lot of statistics that will put your audience asleep in their seats. Keep necessary   8 in your speech to a minimum amount.
Humor can be an effective way to   9 your audience, Humor can also effectively lessen   10 , especially yours. You can use short jokes or personal anecdotes for this purpose. Just make sure your humorous material is appropriate for the audience you are   11 to.
Your speech will probably either inform or   12 your listeners to take action in order to help a charitable organization, etc. Be sure to include localized information in your speech that meet your audience"s specific needs.
Read your speech out loud several times to hear how it will sound to your audience. Practice giving your speech in front of a mirror. That way you can see   13 you are going to look to the audience. This technique can help you   14 and feel more comfortable.
Make sure to speak a little louder than   15 conversation when you are giving your speech so that you can be easily heard by the entire   16 , not just the first few rows.
When you are giving your speech to your listeners, remember to   17 your speech down a little bit and don"t rush through the words.
You can arrange to have helpful visual aids    18 before, during, or right after the end of your speech. This way the audience will have written information they can take home with them and   19 later.
Remember to be an appreciative speaker and to   20 the person or persons who asked you to give the speech. Also remember to thank the audience for listening.
(   ) 1. A. continued           B. lasted                      C. broadcast                 D. went
(   ) 2. A. but                    B. though             C. and                         D. therefore
(   ) 3. A. accepting           B. following         C. copying                   D. remembering
(   ) 4. A. pronounce          B. understand        C. learn                       D. listen
(   ) 5. A. sentences            B. terms                      C. pronunciations         D. meanings
(   ) 6. A. minds                B. notes                C. words                      D. tapes
(   ) 7. A. intellectual         B. physical            C. mental                     D. visual
(   ) 8. A. information               B. terms                      C. statistics                  D. words
(   ) 9. A. amuse                B. control             C. persuade                  D. drive
(   ) 10.A. attention           B. terror                      C. sorrow                    D. tension
(   ) 11. A. speaking           B. referring           C. leading                    D. owing
(   ) 12. A. help                 B. persuade           C. force                       D. trap
(   ) 13. A. what                B. how                 C. why                        D. where
(   ) 14.A. sleep                 B. rest                  C. comfort                   D. relax
(   ) 15. A. normal             B. later                 C. previous                  D. intentional
(   ) 16. A. speeches          B. actors               C. friends                    D. audience
(   ) 17. A. slow                B. speed                      C. stop                        D. burn
(   ) 18. A. checked out      B. passed out         C. brought out              D. left out
(   ) 19. A. sell                  B. review              C. throw                      D. mail
(   ) 20. A. thank                      B. find                 C. teach                       D. assist
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“Get your hands off me, I have been stolen,” the laptop, a portable computer, shouted. That is a new solution to laptop computer theft: a program that lets owners give their property a voice when it has been taken.
The program allows users to display alerts on the missing computer’s screen and even to set a spoken message. Tracking software for stolen laptops has been on the market for some time, but this is thought to be the first that allows owners to give the thief a piece of their mind.
Owners must report their laptop missing by visiting a website, which sends a message to the model: a red and yellow “lost or stolen” sign appears on its screen when it is started. Under the latest version(版本)of the software, users can also send a spoken message.
The message can be set to reappear every 30 seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes it.” One customer sent a message saying,’ You are being tracked. I am right at your door’,” said Carrie Hafeman, chief executive of the company which produces the program, Retriever.
In the latest version, people can add a spoken message. For example, the laptop’s speakers will say: “Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen. If you are not my owner, report me now.”
The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs .Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.
If a thief accesses the internet with the stolen laptop, Retriever will collect information on the internet service provider in use, so that the police can be alerted to its location.
Thousands of laptops are stolen every year form homes and offices, but with the use of laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out and about has been rising sharply.
Other security software allows users to erase data remotely or lock down the computer.
小题1:The expression “to give the thief a piece of their mind “can be understood as “_______” give the thief an alert mind express the owners’ anger to the thief remind the thief of this conscience make the thief give up his mind
小题2:Different from other security software, Retriever can_______.
A.record the stealing recognize the lost laptop
C.lock down the computer remotelyD.send a spoken message
小题3: One function of the program is that it allows the owner to _______ at a distance.
A.change some access details for switching on the laptop
B.turn on the laptop by using the original password
C.operate the laptop by means of and alternative password
D.erase the information kept in the stolen laptop
小题4:Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
A.With no Retriever, thousands of laptops are stolen every year.
B.A new soft ware provides a means to reduce laptop theft.
C.Retriever has helped to find thieves and lost computers.
D.A new program offers a communication platform with the thief.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.Recite and repeat in conversation.
When you hear a person’s name,repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.
Ask the other person to recite and repeat.
You can let other people help you remember their names. After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name mad pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names.
Admit you don’t know.
Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed. Most of them will feel sympathy if you say. “I’m working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue. What is it again?”
Use associations.
Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual. For example,you could make a mental note: "Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair. " To reinforce you’re your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.
Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.
When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.
Go early.
Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. That"s fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others—an automatic review for you.
小题1:How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?
A.They will be moved.B.They will be annoyed.
C.They will be delighted.D.They will be discouraged.
小题2:If you can"t remember someone"s name, you may __
A.tell him the truthB.tell him a white lie
C.ask him for pityD.ask others to help you
小题3:When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __
A.all their namesB.a couple of names first
C.just their last many names as possible
小题4:What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Tips on an important social skill.B.Importance of attending parties.
C.How to make use of associations.D.How to recite and repeat names.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What is Bay? The simple answer is that it is a global trading platform where nearly anyone can trade practically anything. People can sell and buy all kinds of products and goods. Including cars, movies and DVDs, sporting goods, travel tickets, musical instruments, clothes and shoes- the list goes on and on 
The idea came from Peter Omidyar, who was born in Paris and moved to Washington when he was still a child, At high school, be became very interested in computer programming and after graduating from Tuft University in 1988, He worked for the next few years as a computer engineer. In his free time he started Bay as a kind of hobby, at first offering the service free by word of mouth. By 1996 there was so much traffic on the website that he had to upgrade(升级) and he began charging a fee to members. Joined by a friend, Peter Skill. and in 1998 by his capable CEO, Meg Whitman, he has never looked back. . Even in the great. com crashes of the late 1990s,abay has gone from strength to strength ,. It is now one of the ten most visited online shopping websites on the Internet 
eBay sells connections, not goods, putting buyer and seller into contact with each other. All you have to do is lake an e-photo, write a description, fill out a sales form and you are in business: the world is your market place. Of course for each item (商品)sold eBay gets a percentage and that is great deal of money. Every day there are more than sixteen million items listed on eBay and eighty percent of the items are sold.
小题1:We learn from the text that eBay provides people with__ 
A.a way of buying and selling goods
B.a website for them to upgrade
C.a place to exhibit their own photos
D.a chance to buy things at low prices
小题2:Why did Peter create eBay after graduating from university? 
A.For fun
B.To make money
C.For gathering the engineers
D.To fulfill a task of his company
小题3:From “he has never looked back “in Paragraph 2 we learn that peter_ 
A.did not feel lonely
B.was always hopeful
C.did not think about the past
D.became more and more successful
小题4:How does eBay make money from its website7? 
A.By bringing callers together.
B.By charging for each sale
C.By listing items online
D.By making e-photos.

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