We know that many animals do not stay in one place.Birds,fish and other animals

We know that many animals do not stay in one place.Birds,fish and other animals

We know that many animals do not stay in one place.Birds,fish and other animals move from one place to another at a certain time.They move for different reasons:most of them move to find food more easily,but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.
When cold weather comes,many birds move to warmer places to find food.Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed.The most famous migration(迁移)is probably the migration of fish,which is called “Salmon”.This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water.There it spends its life.When it is old,it returns to its birthplace in fresh water.Then it gives birth and dies there.In northern Europe,there is a kind of mouse.They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded.They move down to the low land.Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside,and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.
Recently,scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster(龙虾).Every year,when the season of bad weather arrives,the lobsters get into a long time and start to walk across the floor of the ocean.Nobody knows why they do this,and nobody knows where they go.
So,sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another,but at other times we don’t.Maybe living things just like to travel.
小题1:Most animals move from one place to another at a certain time to _________.
A.give birthB.enjoy warmer water
C.find food more easilyD.find beautiful places
小题2:The mice in northern Europe move when _________.
A.they give birthB.the weather is bad
C.the place gets too crowdedD.they haven’t enough food
小题3:The lobsters move _________.
A.to the fresh waterB.to the deeper sea
C.at a certain timeD.to find more food



Though “nanometer” is now a fashionable term all over the world,few people know exactly what it is.It has become a new favorite of manufacturers and sellers in recent years.Many “high-tech” products bearing the name “nano” have entered the market,bringing more mysterious feeling to surprised consumers.
Nanometer is a very small length unit of measure,and is very small.One millimeter is 1000 micrometers,and one micrometer is 1000 nanometers.That is,one nanometer is one billionth of a meter.Nano materials are solid materials composed of particles or crystallites of less than 100 nanometer in size.Then,is a cup made of nano material really any different from an ordinary cup in function as far as how it works?
Are nano cups really so wonderful?A reporter went to the Institute of Nanomedicine,which is the first such institute of such a sort in the world and the only one in China,specializing in researching the investigation  of the application of nano technology into medicine.
Ji(director Institute of Nanomedicine):
A water molecule is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.It can be alterchanged only by special manipulation of the atoms.The material constituting the cup can have a nanometer particles size of the nano level.But it cannot change the chemical and physical properties of the water contained in it.The water in the cup is still water.When people drink it,it will produce no special effect on human body.
Prof.Ji told the reporter,so far,the investigation of nano materials is still confined in the laboratory.No commercial micro products can be produced yet.With the present level of science and technology,the time of everyday goods age of daily use articles made of nanometer materials is still years away.
The commodities labeled with nano marks in the market now are only traditional products coated with a thin layer of nanometer material,which makes them more abrasion resistant,much easier to be cleaned,or oil repelling or moth proof.
Prof.Ji explained that nano cup is a real cup.It can also be included in the list of nano products in a certain sense.But the nano cup has not changed its property and function as a cup.It is not a magical medicine for curing and health care.
小题1:Which of the following shows the right relationship?
小题2:The underlined part in the last second paragraph but one is about_________.
A.the strong points of nano cupsB.the shortcomings of nano cups
C.the uses of nano cupsD.the wonders of nano cups
小题3:Which of the following does not show that nano cups are different from ordinary cups?
A.Nano cups can’t make people healthier.
B.Nano cups are made of a different material.
C.Nano cups are much easier to be cleaned.
D.Nano cups are hard to produce.
小题4:According to the text,nano cups in the market are_________.
A.only traditional products
B.ordinary cups covered with a little nanometer material on the surface
C.cups made of a nano material
D.cups made of a mixed material

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Snow-melting Agent
A heavy snow can kill pests and this means a good harvest next year.This will bring as well as trouble to urbanites.
On Nov.16,2003,a cold air current brought a heavy snow to Beijing.To prevent traffic jams,related government departments mobilized people to clear off snow on streets.
One of the most effective ways to clear off snow on roads is to scatter snow-melting agent on the roads.The major component of the snow-melting agent is salt.The snow-melting agent can make snow stop from freezing,make it easier to clear off the road,and allow traffic to flow smoothly.But it also brings about some hidden dangers.In the spring of 2003,over 300 000 trees in Beijing urban districts died.After analyzing soil around these trees,experts discovered that the salt content of these soils was 392 times higher than normal.Where did the excessive salt come from?After investigating,forestry experts found that when clearing snow in the winter,people usually heap snow containing snow-melting agent at trees’ roots,and that when the snow melts,this agent penetrates the soil and increases its salt content.The snow-melting agent indirectly killed the trees.
Statistics show that during a heavy snow in 2002,over 1000 tons of snow-melting agent was scatterred on streets in Beijing.Snow water containing a large amount of snow-melting agent got into the soil through sewers.
In addition,salt in the snow-melting agent can expedite the corrosion of steel bars in concrete buildings and cause the concrete to crack and peel,shortening the life of roads.
Scientists and government officials are required to solve traffic problems caused by heavy snows as soon as possible and at the same time try to reduce the negative effects of the snow-melting agent.This is a difficult problem placed before them.Related authorities have framed some local criteria to regulate the production and use of snow-melting agents.
Now,more harmless snow-melting agents are being developed.Now that even snow-melting agents that meet today’s criteria must still be used carefully,we have to rely more on our manpower and machines to clear off snow.
This year,in addition to using snow-melting agents,Beijing will use a large number of snow vehicles to clear snow on roads.In more places,citizens are mobilized to clear snow with their hands.This may be a test of a city’s civilization level.
小题1:Salt is a snow-melting agent while _________ is a cleaning agent.
A.waterB.soapC.a washing-machineD.a housewife
小题2:The third paragraph of the text is mainly about _______.
A.the side effect of snow-melting agent
B.a case of damage to trees caused by snow-melting agent
C.the results of using snow-melting agent
D.the uses of snow-melting agent
小题3:According to the text,the most practical way to clear off snow is to _________.
A.use snow-melting agent as much as possible
B.only use more harmless snow-melting agent
C.encourage people to clear snow with their hands
D.use more snow vehicles
小题4:This text most probably appears in_________.
A.a newspaperB.a magazine on latest findings
C.a book on saltD.a magazine on environmental protection

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小题1:The diagram is mainly about ______.
A.the food chain of the animalB.the system of energy flowing
C.how to get food for manD.the growth of the energy
小题2:Which is not the result of photosynthesis of the plant?
A.Oxygen is released into the air. B.Food is provided for animals.
C.Certain forms of energy is produced.D.The air is cleaned.
小题3:What occurs when the energy flows through the system?
A.Energy is consumed and one becomes the food of others.
B.Energy is stored and plants become animals.
C.Man plays an important part in energy flowing.
D.The more energy is consumed, the more energy the sun will supply.
小题4:What should be done in order to improve the living conditions according to the diagram?
A.More animals should be raised.B.Decomposers should be made full use of.
C.More trees should be planted.D.Man should be controlled.

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The Internet has opened up a whole new on-line world for us to meet, chat and go where we"ve never been before.
But just as in face-to-face communication, there are some basic rules of behavior that should be followed when online. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.Imagine how you"d feel if you were in the other person"s shoes.
For anything you"re about to send: ask yourself, "Would I say this to the person"s face?" If the answer is no, rewrite and reread.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you"d feel comfortable saying the words to the person"s face.
If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages. If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.
Everyone was new to the network once. Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake whether it"s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer be kind about it. If it"s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn"t give you license to correct everyone else.
If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely. At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.
It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex, and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don"t ask such questions.
小题1:When you send short messages to a person, you must _____.
A.make sure that they mean no harmB.read them again and again
C.say something good to hearD.repeat them later to the person"s face
小题2:If you are hurt in the chat room by others, you should _____
A.fight back in the same wayB.take them seriously
C.have none of themD.be angry at them
小题3:If a newcomer who communicates on line makes any mistakes, you _____.
A.should point them out sharply
B.shouldn’t give any advice unless required by them
C.should say something about them
D.should take your responsibility to correct them
小题4:This passage mainly tells us ______.
A.some rules of Internet communication.B.ways of sending messages
C.rules of the chat roomD.ways of making friends on the Internet

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In the last century there were not  1  big towns in the U.S. 2  there are today.Most towns in the country were small.And in these small towns,the general store was  3  people   the things they couldn"t made or grow at home.
  5  the store sold   6  a good deal about life in the United States at that time.People bought tools that they needed on their farms.They bought salt,sugar,coffee and   7  that their farms didn"t produce.They bought articles of   8  that they could not make themselves,and cloth or other materials that the  9  would make into dresses for themselves,shirts for the men and clothes for their children.
Life in the   10  century America was   11 .One proves that most people were satisfied with what they had   12  still they looked forward   13  courage to whatever the future would   14  them.It would be interesting to know   15  they would feel about life in the world today.  16  to them that life is too complex,or would they be glad to see that life is   17  in the past?
Nobody will   18  know the   19  people at that time would enjoy life today or not.Perhaps man is always the same of his kind.They did take things for granted,and also they did try to make life more comfortable.We have to admit that it is the same   20  people at present.
1.A.many                     B.so many             C.so much             D.a lot of
2.A.where             B.like                    C.what                  D.as
3.A.where             B.for                     C.in which             D.that
4.A.made                     B.bought               C.sold               D.paid for
5.A.That                B.No matter           C.Which            D.What
6.A.says                B.talks                  C.refers             D.tells
7.A.other things     B.another food    C.other foods         D.foods and drinks
8.A.clothes            B.clothing             C.dresses               D.suits
9.A.farmers           B.men                   C.women               D.children
10.A.eighteenth      B.nineteenth          C.twentieth            D.next
11.A.easy                     B.simple                C.interesting      D.tiresome
12.A.and which      B.and yet               C.and that              D.but what
13.A.in                 B.to                      C.of                  D.with
14.A.bring             B.take                   C.happen to           D.serve
15.A.what             B.whether              C.that                   D.how
16.A.Did it appear  B.Would it seem  C.What did it seem  D.What appeared
17.A.still what it used to be        B.better than what it was
C.much more easier than          D.no more than it was
18.A.never            B.always           C.once              D.ever
19.A.truth that              B.fact whether   C.idea how            D.information of
20.A.as                 B.for                     C.with               D.like
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