阅读理解。     Making Peace with Your Parents     As a teen,you"re going through big

阅读理解。     Making Peace with Your Parents     As a teen,you"re going through big

阅读理解。     Making Peace with Your Parents
     As a teen,you"re going through big changes physically and mentally.Your interests are
     Here is the challenge:Kids need to explore the world in new ways,and parents need to
protect them from the dangers in that world.These conflicts can easily set off fireworks in
otherwise calm houses.Sometimes conflicts can"t be avoided.But by paying attention to the
building blocks of successful relationships,you can work towards making home a happy
and healthy place for you and your parents.
     For instance,try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry,tired,distracted
or hungry.A good time to talk is when you"re all relaxed.Timing is everything.If the
conversation begins to turn into an argument,you"d better calmly and coolly ask to stop
the conversation-for now.2.________Listen to what your parents are saying,and repeat
it back to them.This shows them that you"re listening.3.________
     Respect is the building block of good communication.People who respect each other
and care about each others"feelings can disagree without things getting ugly.
4.________How do you build trust?Trust comes by actually doing what you say you"re
going to do.Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their
relationships.Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rulemakers-they"re interesting
people who like to watch movies and go shopping-just like their teenagers!
     What do you do if youare trying your best,but your relationship with your parents
continues to be rocky?5.________You can find supportive adults,such as a teacher or a
coach,who can lend an ear.
     Remember you can only change your own behavior.Your parents are the only ones
who can change theirs.

A.It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you"re not on the same page.
B.You can pick it up again when everyone"s more relaxed.
C.And then you"ll be able to accept what your parents say.
D.Faced with the challenge,children don"t know what to do.
E.You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if your
parents believe in you.
F.And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.
G.You may consider seeking outside help.
1.F    2.B   3.A   4.E   5.G
阅读理解     Someday a stranger will read your email without your permission or scan the websites you"ve visited.
Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out
your shopping preferences or calling habits.
    In fact,it"s likely that some of these things have already happened to you.Who would watch you without
your permission ? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal.
Whoever it is,they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen-21st century is the equal of being
caught naked.
     Psychologists tell us boundaries (dividing line) are healthy,and that it"s important to reveal yourself to
friends,family and lovers in stages,at appropriate times.But few boundaries remain.The digital bread pieces
you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are,where you are and what you
like.In some cases,a simple Google search can reveal what you think.Like it or not,increasingly we live in
a world where you simply cannot keep a secret
.The key question is:Does that matter?
     When opinion polls  (民意测验) ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about
losing it. A survey found an overwhelming  (very large)  pessimism about privacy , with 60 percent of
respondents saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away,and that bothers me."
     But people say one thing and do another.Only a  tiny part of  Americans change any behaviors  in an
effort to protect their privacy.Few people turn down a tollbooth  (收费站)  to avoid using the  EZPass
system that can track automobile movements. And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy
economist Alissanfro Acquisti has a series of tests that reveal that people will give personal information
like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50centoff coupon (优惠券).
     But privacy does matter-at least sometimes.It"s like health;when you have it,you don"t notice it.Only
when it"s gone do you wish you"d done more to protect it.1.What would psychologists advise on the relationship between friends?A.Friends should open their hearts to each other.
B.Friends should always be faithful to each other.
C.There should be a distance even between friends.
D.There should be fewer quarrels between friends.2.Why does the author say "we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret"?A.Modern society has finally developed into an open society.
B.People leave traces around when using modern technology.
C.There are always people who are curious about others" affairs.
D.Many search engines profit by revealing people"s identities3.What do most Americans do about privacy protection?A.They change behaviors that might disclose their identity.
B.They use various loyalty cards for business deals.
C.They rely more and more on electronic devices.
D.They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.4.According to the passage,privacy is like health because________.A.people will make every effort to keep it
B.its importance is rarely understood
C.it is something that can easily be lost
D.people don"t value it until they lost it
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     I"d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.In general,the service is________(满意).The 1.________hall is clean and tidy.The dishes look inviting and tasted________ as well.What"s
more,the workers 2.________there treat us as their friends,________makes us 3.________feel  very
happy.However,the________(价格) of 4.________the meals is a little too high.Besides,we can only have
a few dishes to c________from and the canteen is5.________ ________(拥挤).As a result, we often
have to 6.________stand in line for a long time________we can get  7.________the  meal. You could
understand what difficulty we________in dealing with the three meals  every 8.________day .May  I
suggest  something________done  to  9.________  s________ the problems so that we can all enjoy
10.________our meals at school?
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Children become more generous as they get older, learning the principles of equality by the age of
eight. That may not be too surprising to anyone who has kids.
     Humans are born with a sense of fairness that most other animals seem not to share, but it"s not been
clear exactly when this concept starts to develop.
     Dr.Alva Zhao and her colleagues conducted a series of tests to measure just how much children care
about equality at different ages.In three different versions of a game, children were asked to choose
between two ways of sharing a number of sweets with themselves and an unfamiliar partner.They could
choose, for example, between one for me and one for you, or just having one for themselves.
     At the age of three, children were "almost completely selfish", says Zhao.
     They refused to give sweets away even if it made no difference to themselves.But by the age of eight,
children generally preferred the fair option, sharing a prize equally rather than keeping it all to themselves.
     Several other factors influenced how fair the children were.The team found that children without
brothers or sisters were 28% more likely to share than children with brothers or sisters.On the other
hand, the youngest children in a family were 17% less willing to share than children who had only
younger brother or sister.
      In addition, if children knew that their partner was from the same playgroup or school, they were
more concerned about being fair.This suggests that being nice to people you know is something that
develops a sense of equality.

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is________.

A. parents know clearly when their kids are more willing to share
B. the kids" willingness of sharing is learned from their family
C. the older the kids are, the more selfish they will become
D. kids become more generous when they reach a certain age

2. The tests conducted by Dr.Alva Zhao and her colleagues were aimed at________.

A. how kids develop a quality of fairness in games
B. children"s awareness of equality at different ages
C. the reasons why children care about equality
D. children"s attitudes towards other partners

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Children under three know little about being fair.
B. Children above eight years old become less selfish.
C. Children with brothers or sisters tend to be more generous.
D. The youngest child in a family tends to be less generous.

4. We can learn that children care more about equality while with________.

A. unknown people  
B. nice people
C. familiar people
D. fair people
题型:山西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     The United Nations says more than 900 million people worldwide do not have enough to eat.Officials
say 100 million more could go hungry this year because of the food and financial crises.
      To deal with the situation, the UN World Food Program has started a project to help small farmers.
These farmers are mainly women.Many cannot produce enough food even to feed and support their own
     The new effort is called Purchase for Progress, or P4P.It aims to connect local farmers with
dependable markets.That way, they could get a chance to sell their surplus (剩余) at competitive prices
.P4P will be tested in as many as 21 countries during the next five years.
     The biggest contributor to the project is Bill Gates, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Another donor (捐款者) is the Howard Buffett Foundation, led by a son of the American investor
Warren Buffett.The government of Belgium is also supporting the project in a former colony (殖民地),
now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
     Together these donors have provided more than 76 million dollars for projects in Africa and Central
      Purchase for Progress will work with United Nations agencies, governments and nongovernmental
organizations to help increase crop production.The World Bank Group and other partners are to help
train farmers in better crop management and marketing skills.
      The World Food Program says it expects to buy 40,000 tons of food in the first year using methods
carried out by the project.That will be enough to feed 250,000 people.
     P4P is expected to develop food cooperatives and longterm agreements for buying corn, wheat and
other food crops.About 350,000 farmers could be assisted.
     Officials say the project will change the way the World Food Program buys food in developing
countries.Executive Director Josette Sheeran says this is the first time her agency will buy a large amount 
 of food from small farmers.The agency has traditionally bought most of its food from developing
countries, but through larger trading organizations.

1. From the passage, we know that________.

A. in all 900 million people worldwide lack food
B. a project has been started to help women farmers
C. there are only two donors to help the project
D. some farmers still cannot support their families

2. According to the passage, ________will work hard to deal with the situation.

A. the United Nations
B. the combined efforts
C. some governments
D. some nongovernmental organizations

3. Which of the following will NOT be done to help small farmers?

A. To donate money.
B. To reform the way of food purchase.
C. To provide them with food.
D. To buy a large amount of food from them.

4. What"s the best title for this passage?

A. Project to Help Small Farmers
B. Contribution to Small Farmers
C. Food Problems
D. P4P Is Being Carried Out
题型:山西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空                                                     The Pecan Thief
     When I was six years old,  I was visiting my grandfather" s farm in Kansas.Grandpa had sent me into
the  1   to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.

     Pecan picking was really  2   work and my little basket was only half full.I wasn" t about to_3_
Grandpa down.Just then something caught my  4  . A large brown squirrel was a few feet away.I
watched as he picked up a pecan,  hurried to a tree and   5   in a large hole in the trunk.A moment
later the squirrel   6   out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut.Once again,  he took
the pecan back to his hiding place.
      Not so  7   anymore,  I thought.I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole.It was  8   with
pecans!Golden pecans were right there for taking.This was my  9  . Handful by handful,  I scooped all
of those pecans into my basket.Now it was full! I was so  10   of myself.I couldn" t wait to show Grandpa
all the pecans.  11  ,  I ran back and shouted,  "Look at all the pecans!" He looked into the basket and
said,  "Well,  well,  how did you find so many?" I told him how I" d  12   the squirrel and taken the pecans
from his hiding place.
      Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I" d been in observing the squirrel and his habits.Then he did
something that  13   me.He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently 14   my shoulders.
     "That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter  15   of food,  " he said."Now that all of his pecans
are gone,  don" t you think that little squirrel will  16   the cold winter?"
     "I didn"t think about that,  " I said.
     "I know,  " Grandpa said."But a good man should never take  17   of someone else" s hard work."
     Suddenly I felt a bit  18  .The image of the starving squirrel wouldn"t  19   my mind.There was only one
thing I could do.I carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.
      I didn"t eat any pecans that night,  but I had something much more filling-the   20   of knowing I had
done just the right thing.
题型:山西省同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. rooms  
(     )2. A. hard  
(     )3. A. let  
(     )4. A. sweater  
(     )5. A. joined  
(     )6. A. jumped  
(     )7. A. strange  
(     )8. A. covered  
(     )9. A. time
(     )10. A. afraid  
(     )11. A. Otherwise  
(     )12. A. driven  
(     )13. A. annoyed  
(     )14. A. off  
(     )15. A. supply  
(     )16. A. escape  
(     )17. A. place
(     )18. A. guilty  
(     )19. A. open  
(     )20. A. inspiration
B. woods        
B. dirty        
B. settle      
B. basket      
B. lived        
B. held        
B. secret      
B. filled      
B. choice      
B. a shamed    
B. However      
B. followed    
B. satisfied    
B. beside      
B. cost        
B. spend        
B. notice      
B. unconfident  
B. leave        
B. expectation  
C. holes  
C. light  
C. have    
C. eye    
C. discovered  
C. stood  
C. anxious  
C. rebuilt  
C. chance  
C. careful  
C. Besides  
C. protected  
C. surprised  
C. over    
C. support  
C. survive  
C. advantage  
C. embarrassed    
C. cross  
C. impression  
D. roads            
D. easy            
D. keep            
D. hand            
D. disappeared      
D. found            
D. patient          
D. decorated        
D. achievement      
D. proud            
D. Therefore        
D. caught          
D. delighted        
D. around          
D. preparation      
D. flee            
D. charge          
D. nervous          
D. occupy          
D. satisfaction