阅读理解     Giving an unwanted gift you received to someone else (regifting) is not

阅读理解     Giving an unwanted gift you received to someone else (regifting) is not


     Giving an unwanted gift you received to someone else (regifting) is not considered as unacceptable
as in the past. Many Americans begin to regift and they think that regifting is okay most of the time. But
what should you avoid when regifting?
     First of all, a gift card hidden in a gift box can easily get passed along in error. Therefore, take the
card out of the old packaging, buy a new one and take a little extra time to make the packaging look
fresh and attractive.
     Secondly, people like to believe the gifts they receive are chosen with thought and consideration. If
you tell someone that the necklace you are giving is the one your aunt gave you last year, what you are
really saying is that you are giving them something you think is ugly or useless.
     Thirdly, there is a big difference between regifting an unused gift and one that you have used just for
a short time and decided you no longer want. Remember, a regift is a new thing. A hand-me-down is an
item you"ve used and offer to someone else when you decide you no longer use it.
     Most importantly, avoid giving a regift to friends who originally gave the gift to you. If the regift is
given, you risk getting caught for giving it away to the person who gave it to you.
     In a word, regifting is a wonderful way to save money and when it is done with thought, we can
achieve the goal of why we are giving a gift to someone in the first place - because we want them to have
something they will enjoy.

1. You are advised to give a new packaging to a gift mainly because       .
A. Americans like something new and attractive
B. it shows that the card has never been used
C. you can avoid giving the gift receiver wrong things.
D. it shows that the gift is chosen with thought

2. The worst thing happens when you       .
A. regift a hand-me-down item        
B. regift what you don"t like
C. regift something wrapped in the original packaging
D. regift to the person who gave it to you

3. The main purpose of the writer is to tell us       .
A. it"s common to regift in America
B. the things we should avoid when regifting
C. regifting can cause mistakes  
D. what are the proper things to regift

4. We can conclude from the text that the key to regifting is to       .
A. do it with thought
B. pay attention to what you say
C. save as much money as possible    
D. make the regift look new and attractive

1-4: CDBA
阅读理解    Americans sent out more than 110 billion text messages last year, which double the number in the
previous year, as the shorthand (简略的表达方式) communication becomes a popular alternative to
cell phone calls.
     The nation"s 270 million cell phone subscribers (用户) each sent out an average of 407 text messages
in 2008, according to the government statistics. That"s more than double the 188 messages sent by the
average cell subscriber in 2007.
     At the same time, the average length of a cell phone call declined last year to 2.3 minutes. That"s the
shortest chat time since the 1990s, before mobile devices and cheap calling plans became widely available to everyday consumers. The longest talk time came in 2004, when a caller on average chatted for 3.05
     Text messaging first became popular in Europe and Asia because it"s much cheaper to send short
text messages than make an actual phone call. "We are seeing a clear trend of huge increases in text
messaging," said Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist at the Pew Internet and American Life
Project. "If teens are leaders of America, then we are moving to a text-based communication system.
For them, there is less interest in talking."
     Lenhart said about two-thirds of all teens use text messaging, mostly due to its simplicity as well as
the privacy of being able to communicate without being overheard (偶然听到). She predicted that text
messaging would continue to grow as parents began using it as an easy way to reach their kids.
     The data are part of the Census Bureau"s annual Statistical Abstract of the United States. The agency
collects the latest statistics from the government and private sources, so researchers, academics and
businesses can find them in one place.

1. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of text massaging?
A. It"s simple to send text messages.
B. It"s easy for parents to learn.
C. Sending text messages is more private than making phone calls.
D. Sending text messages is cheaper than making phone calls.

2. We can infer from the text that       .
A. cell phones will be frequently used in American families
B. text messages will increase in length in the future
C. text massaging will completely replace making phone calls in future
D. text massaging will become more popular in the years to come

3. The text is mainly about       .
A. the increase of text messages in America
B. the alternatives to phone calls in America
C. the various means of communication in America
D. the development of American communication system
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Newborn babies, unlike adults, cannot recognize day and night and will take time to adjust to the
24-hour clock. Therefore, the first few weeks of the baby"s life go in sleeping for the most of the time in
the day and at night as well. Though infant sleep patterns will be different for each baby, there is a
common pattern that one can observe in the sleeping pattern of little children.
     The infant sleeping patterns can be divided into active sleep and deep sleep. When the baby is put to
sleep, she remains in the active sleep mode for a long time where you can see her frequent body
movements, irregular breathing as well as brief cries. At this stage, the baby can easily wake up as she
isn"t fully asleep. However, if she isn"t disturbed at this stage, she"ll quickly pass into the deep sleep stage. On the other hand, in case of infants, they spend more time in the active stage than in the deep sleep
stage, so they wake up within a short time after going to sleep.
     Babies wake up during the active stage mainly due to hunger. Infants have little tummies (胃) and the
milk they drink gets digested very quickly and therefore, they start feeling hungry within a short period
of time. In addition, they wake up in the sleep because they need warmth or possibly don"t receive
sufficient air to breathe.
     Some sleep researchers associate night waking with the infant"s survival instincts
(本能). A baby who has learned to sleep in the deep sleep stage for a long time may not be able to
wake up, if she"s hungry or even when she"s getting suffocated(使窒息). This can be dangerous for the
infant"s life, so it can be said that the active sleep stage actually protects the baby.
     Besides, research has found the blood flow to the brain actually doubles up during the active stage
and that the brain is in the act of processing the information it receives during the time when the baby is
awake. Therefore, it can be said that active sleep is important for making the baby"s brain develop more
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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TitleInfant sleep patterns
StagesActive sleep● Babies move their bodies frequently, breathe (1) _____   
or cry briefly.  
● Babies can easily wake up.
Deep sleepBabies spend (2)_____ time in this stage than in the active stage.
3)____        of night waking● Feeling (4)_____ due to little tummies and easily-digested milk.
● Being in (5)_____ of warmth.
● (6)_____ to receive enough air to breathe.
7)  ___    of active sleepSurvival instinctsProtect the baby from causing any (8)_____ like hunger or
to its own well-being.
Speeding up the
baby"s brain(9)___

● Double the blood (10)_____ to the brain.
● Provide chances for the brain to process the information received.
____1. Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and
communicate with the Chinese people.
____2. Sarah is a learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a
vocabulary of 2500, hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking, reading and writing.
____3. Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in
____4. Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor
pronunciation and grammar, hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study, and understand each
other in basic communication through training.
____ 5. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a
tour in China.
                                      A. Comprehensive language skill training
     100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation, grammar and discourse (语段). To enable the learner
to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language, to have the basic ability of listening, speaking,
reading and writing, so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday
life, study and sociality. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese.
                              B. Intermediate (中等) Chinese Comprehensive Course
     40 lessons in all, focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading
and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize, understand and use the active
and less active words, to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse, to
master the new words, patterns, grammatical structures, paragraphs and discourse and means of
connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse.
                                                    C. News Listening
     Based on frequently used words, typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving
the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information, to grasp the
knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar
themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%. To build up the foundation for further
                                  D. Elementary English-Chinese Translation
     25 classes in total, including various styles such as poems, popular science, political comments and
news, about every aspect of everyday life. The texts vary from easy to difficult and combine theory with
practice as well as translation and interpretation. About 185 hours are needed. To familiarize the learner
with the equivalent (对应的) Chinese expressions of English. To enable them to know usage of Chinese
and English words and sentences, cultural differences and the background knowledge.
                                E. Elementary Spoken Chinese in Business
     24 units in all. Chinese words and expressions in business and trade are introduced in the form of
vivid situational dialogues, notes and exercises. To enable the learner to master the words and
expressions of elementary spoken business Chinese and to communicate with others in trade and
                                  F. Chinese Human Geography
     Introduction to geographic environment and cultural phenomena in various parts of China, such as
natural features, historical backgrounds, religious sites, ancient battle fields, dramas and arts, traditional
products, and special food, etc. Through the introduction to historical and cultural sites and scenery, the
learner will have a general view about Chinese geography, history, culture and regional features.


     The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on(从事) in later life,
a new study has suggested.
     Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the statistical likelihood of what job a person wil
l end up with, the study by the Office for National Statistics found.
     Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything
from intelligence to length of life.
     A child born December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in
January will tend to a debt collector, they found. A February birth appears to increase the chances
of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots. Meanwhile, April and May
are said to have a fairly even spread of professions, births in the summer months mean a much lower
chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist.
    The study was got by researchers who analyzed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations
using information from the last survey, the Daily Mail reported. Although these trends may be difficult
to explain, correlations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.
     Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia, Alzheimer"s disease, asthma
and autism.
     They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.
1. From the passage we can know if a baby is born on February. 20, it will probably become a _____.
A. footballer      
B. doctor        
C. pianist      
D. teacher
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. Researchers can explain why babies will have different careers in the future
B. Researchers make the conclusion just by analyzing the birth of people in 19 separate occupations
C. Being born in a certain month will certainly determine what a baby will do in the future
D. Being born in different months has no influence on what a baby will do in the future
3. What does the underlined word "correlation" in Paragraph 5 mean?
A. close connection            
B. great influence  
C. effective solution             
D. reasonable conclusion  
4. What"s the purpose of this passage?
A. To discuss a baby"s birth month      
B. To describe different professions
C. to explain babies" some trends      
D. To introduce a new discovery
     When I enrolled at Pepperdine University in 1974, my mother exercised her parental right to
express her worry at my departure. I responded with typical teenage indifference and ignorance.
"Mom , I"m only an hour away. What"s the bit deal?" "You just wait until you have one of your own,"
she cried ."Then you"ll know what I"m feeling." It has been a little more than a month since my daughter
Devin moved into her dorm at Occidental college, and life as I know it has come to an end. Or that"s
what it feels like. Mom, you were right.
     The nest"s empty loneliness is almost unbearable. Why does it hurt so bad? Science has an answer:
We are social mammals who experience deep attachment to our fellow friends and family, an evolutionary
throwback to our Paleolithic(旧石器时代的)hunter-gatherer days of living in small bands. Bonding
unified the group, aiding survival in harsh climates and against unforgiving enemies. Attachment between
parents and offspring assured that there is no one better equipped to look after the future survival of
your genes than yourself.
     The empty-nest syndrome is real, but there is good news for this and all forms of loss and grief.
According to Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, we are not very good at forecasting our unhappiness. Most of us think that we would be miserable for a very long time. Gilbert calls this the durability bias,
an emotional misunderstanding.
     The durability bias and the failure to recognize the power of our emotional immune systems lead us
to overestimate how depressed we will feel and for how long, and to underestimate how quickly we
will get rid of it and feel better.
     For me, taking the long view helps. How long? Deep time. Evolutionary time, in which 6,895 days
represent a mere 0.000000005% of the 3.5 billion year history of life on Earth.
     Each of us parents makes one small contribution to the evolutionary importance of life"s continuity
from one generation to the next without a single gap, an unbroken link over the eons(永久).
1. What message does the author want to express by telling us her experience in the first paragraph?
A. The empty-nest syndrome is really hard for old parents to bear.
B. All people should learn to love their parents no matter how old they are.
C. A person will not understand his parents ? love until he has his own child.
D. The love parents give to children is selfless and should be respected.
2. According to Daniel Gilbert, the empty-nest syndrome is         .
A. caused by our emotional misunderstanding
B. not a real problem but in our imagination
C. the result of overestimating our happiness
D. from our emotional immune systems
3. The author gets herself out of the empty-nest syndrome by holding a positive idea that        .
A. she can go to see her daughter regularly when she misses her
B. her daughter will one day come back to her after graduation
C. her daughter will understand her when she has her own children
D. the departure from her daughter is much shorter than the history of life on Earth
4. What kind of role do parents play in the human history, according to the last paragraph?
A. They cultivate talents for the development of history.
B. They help keep the life"s continuity without a broken link.
C. They accelerate the evolutionary pace of the human beings.
D. They point a right way for the next generation to develop themselves