阅读理解     If your parents take out a loan, remind themselves to make the payments

阅读理解     If your parents take out a loan, remind themselves to make the payments

阅读理解     If your parents take out a loan, remind themselves to make the payments on time. Otherwise it will
become a negative record in their personal credit reports, which are playing an increasingly big role in
people"s daily lives. A story carried by Chongqing Morning Post in June, underlines this trend.
    According to the report, a Chongqing student borrowed money from the bank to finance his university
studies. After he graduated in 2005, he went to work in Shenzhen. Later, he wanted to buy a house using
loans. But several banks turned down his loan applications. The reason was that he had not paid back
1,500 yuan he borrowed from a bank when he was at university.
    A personal credit rating is becoming an essential "pass" in everyday life, as China establishes a
nationwide credit database. Personal credit systems go back 150 years. In developed countries,
enterprises and banks use them to decide whether or not to loan money or do other business with a
     A credit report estimates the credit worthiness of an individual, a company, or even a country. It is
an evaluation made by credit bureaus of a borrower"s overall credit history and his or her ability to repay
debt. A poor credit rating means a high risk of defaulting on a loan, and thus leads to the refusal of a loan
by the lender.
     Today in China, credit history in banks is the major content of a credit report. But in the future,
reports will include information about the payment of telephone bills, water use fees, electricity and
natural gas bills, and taxes, according to officials of the People"s Bank of China, the central bank.
     Personal information such as appearance, genetic data, fingerprints, blood type, disease history,
ethnic identity, family and religious beliefs are not to be included in credit reports, according to a draft
regulation on credit rating issued last year by the Sate Council. The authors of the draft have just finished
soliciting(征求) public opinions.
     The Credit Reference Center run by the People"s Bank of China is in charge of developing a
nationwide credit database. Credit reports for all people with bank transactions (交易)began in 2006.
     A personal credit rating is important to the social and economic activities of a person. According to
the draft, if you have a personal negative credit record, it will be kept for five years.

1. The author took the story as an example in order to ________.
A. tell us the story of a Chongqing student
B. warn us of the importance of our personal credit report
C. encourage us to use credits widely
D. inform us to apply for a loan at university

2. Credit reports will include the following except ________.
A. taxes                  
B. telephone bills
C. genetic data              
D. water use fees

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements    is TRUE?
A. Personal credit systems go back 150 years in China.
B. Credit reports began in 2006 in China.
C. Credit history in banks is the only content of a credit report.
D. You can turn to the People"s Bank of China for the information about your credit report.

4. What"s the best title for the passage?
A. Credit Really Counts    
B. Credit in China
C. A Credit Report Rating    
D. Credit Report Contents
1-4: B C D A
完形填空。     Several pieces of advice I"ve gotten in my life have really made a difference.
     "Be   1   to people." This sounds quite common, but I"ll never   2   my father telling me that. I was
ten, and I had been rude to someone. He said, "There is no   3   in being rude to anyone at any time.
You never know who you"re going to meet later in life.   4   , you don"t change anything by being rude.
   5   you don"t get anywhere."
     "   6   that you can do anything you want to do. Don"t let anyone say, "You"re not      7   enough…it"s
too hard…it"s a bad   8   …no one has done that before…girls don"t do that. My mom gave me that
advice in 1973. And it    9   me to never worry about what others were saying about my   10   direction.
     "Always do the   11   job you can do at whatever you"re assigned, even if you think it"s      12   ." Jerry
Parkinson, an assistant advertising manager and my boss at P&G, told me this in 1979. Here I had just
from Harvard Business School(HBS), and I was assigned to determine   14   the hole in the Ivory
shampoo bottle should be: 3/8 of an inch or 1/8 of an inch.I did research, focus groups …and I would
come home at night   15   how I had gone from HBS to this. But later I realized that any job you"re given
is a(n)   16   to prove yourself.
     "Don"t be a credit hog(吝惜赞扬的人). If you"re   17   in the neighborhood of good things, good
things will   18   to you." Tom Tierney, who was my boss at Bain in 1981 and is now on the eBay board,
told me this. It"s   19   ? You get ahead by crediting other people.
     Finally, in 1998, I was in New York   20   the big celebration as eBay went public(上市). My husband
is a doctor. I called into his operating room and told him the great news. And he said, "That"s nice."
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(     ) 1. A. honest  
(     ) 2. A. forget  
(     ) 3. A. use      
(     ) 4. A. In addition
(     ) 5. A. Rarely  
(     ) 6. A. Guess    
(     ) 7. A. pretty  
(     ) 8. A. effort  
(     ) 9. A. allowed  
(     )10. A. marriage
(     )11. A. first    
(     )12. A. exciting
(     )13. A. returned
(     )14. A. how much
(     )15. A. wondering
(     )16. A. approach
(     )17. A. instantly
(     )18. A. fall    
(     )19. A. true    
(     )20. A. holding  
B. nice    
B. imagine  
B. good      
B. In case  
B. Usually  
B. Forget    
B. smart    
B. result    
B. challenged
B. life      
B. best      
B. impossible
B. left      
B. how often
B. confusing
B. opportunity
B. likely    
B. happen    
B. false    
B. seeing    
C. patient    
C. hear        
C. need        
C. In return  
C. Nearly      
C. Remember    
C. strong      
C. support    
C. pressed    
C. entertainment
C. hardest    
C. boring      
C. applied    
C. how big    
C. seeking    
C. means      
C. constantly  
C. refer      
C. meaningful  
C. joining                     
D. loyal          
D. miss            
D. point          
D. In general      
D. Unfortunately  
D. Prove          
D. quick          
D. idea            
D. pushed          
D. major          
D. easiest        
D. interesting    
D. graduated      
D. how deep        
D. consulting      
D. occasion        
D. hurriedly      
D. turn            
D. reasonable      
D. attending      
     As a parent you might never guess all the ways a good imagination benefits your child. It helps a
     Develop social skills
     As children play pretend, they explore relationships between family members, friends and co-workers
and learn more about how people interact. Playing doctor, they imagine how physicians care for their
patients. Playing house, they learn more about how parents feel about their children. Imaginative play
helps develop sympathy for others. If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose
a pet, they are better able to help those in need. They become more willing to play fair, to share, and to
     Build self-confidence
     Young children have very little control over their lives. Imagining oneself as a builder of skyscrapers
or a superhero defending the planet is empowering to a child. It helps them develop confidence in their
abilities and their potential.
     Boost intellectual growth
     Using the imagination is the beginning of abstract thought. Children who can see a king"s castle in a
mound of sand or a delicious dinner in a mud pie are learning to think symbolically. This skill is important
in school where a child will have to learn that numerals symbolize groups of objects, letters symbolize
sounds, and so on.
     Practice language skills
     Kids who play pretend with their friends do a lot of talking. This helps boost their vocabulary, improve sentence structure and enhance communication skills.
     Work out fears
     Playing pretend can help children work out their fears and worries. When children role-play about the
big, bad monster under the bed, they gain a sense of control over him and he doesn"t seem quite so big
or so bad. Imaginative play also helps kids let out confusing feelings they might have, such as anger
toward a parent or rivalry(竞争) with a new sibling(兄弟姐妹).
     To encourage your youngster"s imagination, read to him every day. Books offer children the
opportunity to visit other worlds and create new ones of their own.
     For generations children have enjoyed reading the story of Peter Pan because Peter takes them on
fascinating adventures. Reader"s Digest Young Families offers a beautiful vintage Disney edition of Peter
Pan, which is an iParenting Media Award winner. Click here to find out how you can get this classic
story along with 2 free books - Bambi and Pinocchio.
1. Where can you probably find the article?    
A. Newspaper
B. Magazine
C. Internet
D. Book
2. What"s the meaning of the underlined word?
A. improve
B. limit    
C. pull    
D. praise
3. What"s the purpose of writing the article?
A. Tell the readers 5 benefits of encouraging the child"s imagination.
B. Advise the parents to encourage the child"s imagination.
C. Introduce some Disney stories to the readers.
D. Persuade the parents to buy books for their children.
     Choosing the right job is probably one of the most important decisions we have to make in life,
and it is frequently one of the hardest decisions we have to make. One important question that you
might ask yourself is: "How do I get a good job?"    1    .
     There are people who can answer an insignificant advertisement in the local paper and land the
best job in the world; others write to all sorts of places all over the country, and never seem to get
a reply at all. Still others believe that the in person, door-to-door approach is by far the best way to
get a job; and then there are those who, through no active decision of their own, just seem to be in the
right place at the right time.    2    . He used to spend a lot of his free time down by the sea watching
the tall ships, but never thinking that he might one day sail one of them. His father was a farmer, and
being a sailor could never be anything for the boy but an idle dream. One day, on his usual wandering,
he heard the captain of the ship complaining that he could not sail because one member of his crew
was sick. Without stopping to think, the lad(少年)offered to take his place.     3    .
         4    . If the lad had gone home to consider about his decision for a week, he may have missed his
chance. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.
     Sometimes we hear stories about people who break all the rules and still seem to land plum jobs
(美差). When you go for a job interview or fill out an application, you are expected to say nice things
about the company to which you are applying.     5    . And within a year this person had become
general manger of the company.
A. This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself.
B. People find jobs in an infinite number of ways.
C. it"s almost impossible to find a good job by answering advertisement in newspapers
D. Take for example the young man who wanted to be a sailor.
E. But there was one person who landed an excellent job by telling the interviewer all the company"s faults.
F. He spent the rest of his life happily sailing the ships he had always loved.
G. It is very important to seize an opportunity when it presents itself.
     I fell in love with the minister"s son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese. For Christmas
I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister"s family over for
Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?
    On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived-the minister"s
family and all my relatives. Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he__was__not__worthy__of__existence.
    Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment. My relatives licked (舔) the ends of their chopsticks and
reached across the table. Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.
My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Robert made
a face. Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite," he said, offering me the tender fish cheek. I wanted to disappear.
     At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped (打嗝) loudly, thanking my mother for her
fine cooking. "It"s a polite Chinese custom to show you are satisfied," explained my father to our
astonished guests. Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face. The minister managed to
bring up a quiet burp. I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.
     After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the same as American girls on the
outside." She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You
must be proud that you are different. Your only shame is to have shame."
     It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her
particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

1. When the writer found out the minister"s family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, she
     cried mainly because ________.
A. she worried about their shabby Chinese Christmas
B. she worried about their Chinese relatives lacking American manners
C. she worried about meeting the minister"s family
D. she worried about being laughed at

2. What does "he was not worthy of existence" probably mean? It means ________.
A. the writer was not interested in his existence
B. he was worthless
C. he should not exist
D. the writer expected his coming

3. The dinner threw the writer deeper into disappointment mainly because ________.
A. her relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks
B. her father reached his chopsticks to pick fish for her
C. her father leaned back and burped loudly
D. she childishly expected all of them to act in the same way as Americans did at table

4. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. the writer appreciated her mother"s lesson years later
B. the writer must be proud that she is different
C. the mother prepared to show Chinese different food culture
D. the minister"s family really enjoyed the food
    We ask you to keep what you bring with you down to one mediumsized suitcase per person on board
the bus.
    Seat Arrangements (安排)
    Special needs for particular seats can be made on most bus breaks when booking, but since
arrangements are made on a firstcomefirstserved basis, early booking is advisable. When bookings are
made with us, you will be offered the best seats we have on the bus at that time.
    Travel Documents
    When you have paid your deposit (订金), we will send you all the necessary documents, so that you
receive them in good time before the bus break departure (出发) date. Certain documents, for example,
air or boat tickets, may have to be kept and your driver or guide will then give them to you at the proper
    Special Diets
    If you need a special diet, you must tell us at the time of booking and provide us with a copy of the
diet. This will be passed on to the hotel or hotels on your bus break. However, on certain bus breaks,
the hotels used are tourist class and they may not be able to prepare special diets. Any extra costs must
be paid to the hotel yourself before leaving the hotel.
    Some of our hotels arrange extra programs which include music, dancing and film shows, etc. They
are all offered by the hotel, but not guaranteed (保证).

1. If you  want to sit in  the front  of the  bus,  you"d better_______.
A. say it when you get on the bus
B. arrive early on the departure date
C. book your seat ahead of time
D. avoid traveling at busy times

2. Your air tickets ________.
A. will be sent to you at your departure point
B. will be kept by yourself
C. will be given to you with other documents
D. may be held by your bus driver until you need them

3. If you need a special diet, you should ________.
A. tell the hotel when you arrive
B. pay extra money
C. tell the bus company when booking
D. book a tourist class hotel

4. Extra programs are ________.
A. offered by the bus company
B. offered by the hotel, but may not run
C. offered by the hotel at any time
D. an extra offer, so extra money must be paid