阅读理解    Runners in a relay(接力) race pass a stick in one direction.  However,merc

阅读理解    Runners in a relay(接力) race pass a stick in one direction.  However,merc

阅读理解    Runners in a relay(接力) race pass a stick in one direction.  However,merchants passed silk , gold ,
fruit , and glass along the Silk Road in more than one direction. They earned their living by traveling the
famous Silk Road.
     The Silk Road was not a simple trading network. It passed through thousands of cities and towns. It
started from eastem  China , across  Central  Asia and the  Middle East.and ended in the Mediterranean
Sea. It was used from about 200 BC to about 1300 AD, when sea travel offered new routes (路线). It  
was  sometimes  called  the  world " s  longest highway. However, the Silk Road was made up of many
routes.not one smooth path. They passed through what are now 18 countries. The routes crossed
mountains and deserts and had many dangers of hot sun, deep snow and even battles. Only experienced
traders could return safe.
     The Silk Road got its name from its most prized product. Silk could be used like money to pay taxes
or buy goods. But the traders carried more than just silk. Gold. silver, and glass from Europe were much
found in the Middle East and Asia. Horses traded from other areas changed farming practices in China.
Indian merchants traded salt and other areas changed farming practices in China. Indian merchants traded salt and other valuable goods. Chinese merchants traded paper, which produced an immediate effect on
the West. Apples traveled from Central Asia to Rome. The Chinese  had learned to graft (嫁接) different
trees together to make new kinds of fruit. They passed this science on to others ,including the Romans.
The Romans used grafting to grow the apple. Trading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business
2 ,000 years before the
     World Wide Web.
      The people along the Silk Road did not share just goods. They also shared their beliefs. The Silk
Road provided pathways for leaming ,diplomacy(外交)  and religion.1. It" s probable that traders along the Silk Road needed_________.   A. to remember the entire trade route
B. to know the making of products
C. to receive certain special training
D. to deal with a lot of difficulties2. The Silk Road became less important because ___________.    A. it was made up of different routes
B. silk trading became less popular
C. sea travel provided easier routes
D. people needed fewer foreign goods3. New technologies could travel along the Silk Road because people __________.  A. learned from one another
B. shared each other"s beliefs
C. traded goods along the route
D. earned their living by traveling4. What is the best title for the passage?   A. The Silk Road : Past and Present
B. The Silk Road : East Meets West
C. The Silk Road : Routes Full of Dangers
D. The Silk Road : Pathways for Learning
1-4:  DCAB
阅读理解     When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness , who possess wings of their
own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate (照亮) me and train me up for
love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours , too good not to share.
     When I was in the eighth grade.l had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our studies
when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said
little at school,but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and  paper , and
one of us  would  say , " Let"s start with a train whistle today. " We would sit quietly together and write
separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end
of that school year,we, too, were changed into social creatures and the
stories and poems stopped.
     When I lived for a time in London,l had a friend. He was in despair (失望) and I was in despair. But
our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this
great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many
excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted.We gave London to each
     For almost four years I have had a remarkable friend whose ilnagination illuminates mine. We write
long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears,sometimes in a funny way,
in  the other"s  dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times,we seem to be parts of the same mind. In
my most interesting moments,l often think "Yes . I must tell. . ." We have never met.
      It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me
than the lifetime services  of a psychologist (心理学家 ) , who will only fill  up  the. healing(愈合的)
silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.
1. In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to________.    A. become serious about her study
B. go to her friend"s house regularly
C. learn from her classmates at school
D. share poems and stories with her friend        2. In Paragraph 3, "We gave London to each other" probably means _________.   A. our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us
B. we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London
C. our unpleasant feeling about London disappeared
D. we parted with each other in London3. According to Paragraph 4, the author and her friend_________.   A.call each other regularly
B. have similar personalities
C. enjoy writing to each other
D. dream of meeting each other4. In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to________.   A seek professional help        
B. be left alone
C. stay with her best friend      
D. break the silence5. What is the best title for the passage? ________.A. Unforgettable Experiences
B. Remarkable Imagination
C. Lifelong Friendship
D. Noble Companions
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解                                                          The Value of Tears
     Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. Tears leave you
embarrassed and without energy. Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful. Even when
you"re not crying, they make a film over the eye"s surface.   1   
     When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. "People worry
about showing their emotions, afraid that once they lose control they"II never get it back. "     2    After
we cry , the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.
    Sometirnes people become much stressed and can"t cry. Whatever emotion  they  are  feeling-shock ,
anger, fear , or sadness-is being held back.
      But everyone has the need to try. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often
consists of giving people permission to cry.   3   Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions. She suggests safe , private  places  to  cry , like  under the  bedcovers or in the car.
     Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don"t like it when others cry because it makes them
tense.   4   And they"ll do just about anything to make you stop.
     In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It"s good not to cry during a tense
business discussion.   5   You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as
you Iike. It will help you feel better. "And,"  she adds, "once your tears have taken away the stress , you
can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem. "
     Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it. And never
be afraid to cry yourself.
A. They too may be holding back a need to cry.
B. They cry for different reasons.
C. She gives crying exercises.
D. It contains a chemical against infection.
E. The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.
F. It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.
G. But once you"re safely behind closed doors,don"t just cry.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     In every school a "top" crowd sets the pace,while the others follow their lead.Let"s say the top crowd
decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters.Pretty soon everybody is wearing __1__bright red
sweater.There is nothing wrong with that,__2__the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is
__3__(extreme)unbecoming.The situation can even become dangerous,if the top crowd decides that it is
smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour.Then the people __4__(follow) the lead are
endangering their lives.They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.Now,chances are __5__you have
come across situations like these more than once in your life;chances are that one time or __6__you
probably did something you knew to be wrong.You may __7__(excuse)yourself by saying,"Gee,the
crowd does it."Well,let the crowd do it,__8__don"t do it yourself.Learn to say,"No."
     Develop your own standards and your own judgment.__9__you know the crowd is planning
something you __10__(agree)with,have the courage to bow out politely.You"ll have the satisfaction of
standing on your own two feet.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects(缺陷)that can never be
changed."I"m impatient.""I"m always behind.""I always put things off!"You"ve surely heard them.Maybe
you"ve used them to describe yourself.
     These comments may come from stories about us that have been __1__ for years-often from as far
back as childhood.These stories may have no __2__ in fact.But they can set low expectations for us.As a child,my mother said to me,"Marshall,you have no mechanical skills,and you will never have any
mechanical skills for the rest of your life."How did these expectations __3__ my development?I was never __4__ to work on cars or be around __5__.When I was 18,I took the US Army"s Mechanical Aptitude
Test.My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!
     Six years later,__6__,I was at California University,working on my doctor"s degree.One of my
professors,Dr. Bob Tannbaum,asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn"t do.On the
positive side,I __7__ down,"research,writing,analysis,and speaking."On the __8__ side,I wrote,"I have no mechanical skills."
     Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills.I explained my life __9__ and told him about my __10__ performance on the Army test.Bob then asked,"Why is it that you can solve __11__ mathematical problems,but you can"t solve simple mechanical problems?"
     Suddenly I realized that I didn"t __12__ from some sort of genetic defect.I was just living out
expectations that I had chosen to __13__.At that point,it wasn"t just my family and friends who had been
__14__ my belief that I was mechanically hopeless.And it wasn"t just the Army test,either.I was the one
who kept telling myself,"You can"t do this!"I realized that as long as I kept saying that,it was going to
remain true.On the contrary,if we don"t treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects,we can
__15__ well in almost anything we choose.(     )1. A. said        
(     )2. A. basis      
(     )3. A. lead        
(     )4. A. encouraged  
(     )5. A. means      
(     )6. A. therefore  
(     )7. A. settled    
(     )8. A. passive    
(     )9. A. experiences
(     )10. A. unexpected
(     )11. A. complex    
(     )12. A. arise      
(     )13. A. believe    
(     )14. A. weakening  
(     )15. A. do         B. spoken        
B. plot          
B. improve      
B. demanded      
B. tools        
B. somehow      
B. turned        
B. active        
B. trips        
B. poor          
B. advanced      
B. separate      
B. suspect      
B. strengthening
B. go            C. spread      
C. cause      
C. affect      
C. hoped      
C. facilities  
C. instead    
C. took        
C. negative    
C. roads      
C. excellent  
C. common      
C. suffer      
C. adopt      
C. abandoning  
C. work        D. repeated  
D. meaning    
D. change    
D. agreed    
D. hammers    
D. however    
D. got        
D. subjective
D. paths      
D. average    
D. primary    
D. come      
D. receive    
D. accepting  
D. get        
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案

A.Mauritius,an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean. The pleasant tropical climate
and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around
the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving.
B.Las Vegas is really a fascinating city,where you can dine in the finest restaurants,shop in the most
chic stores,and watch worldclass entertainment. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your
money overnight. What"s so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such
a good time that you don"t mind losing a bit of money along the way. That"s why they don"t even call it "
gambling" any more,but "gaming".
C.Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions;the whole city is something of a work of
art. And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art. Few cities can compete with the
 thousands of cafes,bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street. And along the street you will be
fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes.
D.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers. With fine weather and breathtaking scenery,it is a worldclass ski report. Every winter,thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves.
E.Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews,Muslims and Christians. For Jews,it is where their
ancestors built the first and second temples. For Christians,the city was the scene of Jesus" life. However,
since the war broke out,people there have suffered a lot,the situation has been tense,and peace is just a
F.The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt;people there regard it as "the mother river" of
them. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the tombs of the ancient
pharaohs (法老). Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt,the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest
and most studied monuments of human history.
1.Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings. This month,his university gives a reward
to him for his great contributions. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study has
come into his mind.
2.Though Lola is a woman reporter,she is brave enough to go deep into the places at war. This year,
she was honored as "Rose of Front". Next month,she will go to a place at war. She is confident to do
her work well and give people the most brief and real reports.
3.Alice and Simon are going to get married. They want to hold an underwater wedding in a special
place,which has beautiful scenery,silver sand,delicious seafood and luxurious hotels,where they can enjoy
4.Jane is a modern girl,who is a crazy fan of rock music and films. She has a romantic dream,that is,
one day,she will go to a beautiful place to appreciate all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee
in her hand.
5.Tom is really depressed these days. Owing to his bad management,his company closed. He wants to
go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business again in the near future.

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