阅读理解。     Schools are still free to pass the potato. On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate

阅读理解。     Schools are still free to pass the potato. On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate

阅读理解。     Schools are still free to pass the potato. On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate voted to block a proposal (提议) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) would have limited the amount of potatoes and other
starchy(富含淀粉的) vegetables served in schools. And those vegetables high in carbohydrates (碳水化合物) would also have been banned from school breakfast. The USDA had
wanted to make the changes to the federal school lunch program.
     The Senate"s amendment (修正案) blocks the USDA from putting any limits on amount of
servings of potatoes or other vegetables in school lunches. Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a
potato-growing state, supported amendment. "USDA"s proposed rule would have put significant and
needless costs on our nation"s school districts at a time when they can least afford it," Collins said.
     Those in favor of potato limit say that children get enough potatoes already and should be encouraged
to try other vegetables. The centre for science in the Public Interest pushed for the
restrictions. "USDA"s proposal was about helping kids to eat a very wide variety of vegetables, and I think that opinion has been lost in all this," said the Center"s Margo Wootan, "Other vegetables have a hard time competing with potatoes."
     The proposed change upset potato growers, who believed potatoes were being unfairly targeted.
     Some schools have criticized the USDA"s attempt to tell them exactly what foods they can or can"t
serve. Critics say the USDA should focus on advising schools on how to prepare the potato instead.
Potatoes can be  a  good  source  of fiber.  Many  schools already prepare French fries with less
grease (油脂) and serve potatoes in healthier ways.
     The USDA is expected to release a final list of guidelines for the federal school lunch program next
year. Senator Mark Udall of Colorado, another potato-growing state, also supported the amendment that blocked the potato limit. "This amendment seeks to ensure flexibility for schools to provide nutritious and
affordable school meals." he said.1. What is the content of the proposal put forward by the USDA?A. Reducing the amount of starch vegetables served in schools.
B. Reducing the amount of vegetables served in schools.
C. Supporting serving potatoes in school.
D. Stopping serving starchy vegetables in schools.2. One reason for blocking the proposal is that_                .A. the proposal will put needless costs on nation"s school districts
B. children who get enough other vegetables for children
C. there aren"t enough other vegetables for children
D. other vegetables will have a hard time competing with potatoes.3. Who supports a potato limit according to the passage?A. Susan Collins
B. Critics
C. Margo Wootan
D. Mark Udall4. What"s the main idea of the passage?A. Food supplies in America affect students.
B. Potatoes served in school will be limited.
C. A project on the students" health is carried out.
D. A proposal is blocked by the U.S. Senate
1-4: AACD
阅读理解。     The theme of the London Olympics opening ceremony will be "Isles of wonder", organizers revealed
on Friday. The title came from an amazing speech about the beauty of the island in Shakespeare"s play.
     Oscar-wining filmmaker Danny Boyle, the ceremony"s artistic director, said the theme was inspired by
a passage from William Shakespeare"s comedy The tempest.
     Boyle, whose Slumdog Millionaire won eight Oscars, said he was trying to keep the details of the
July 27 ceremony under wraps, but he gave away the first details of the event, set to be watched by one
billion TV viewers.
     Boyle said that he had had the biggest ringing bell made in Europe, which will hang at one end of the
Olympic Stadium and be rung to start the opening ceremony. Boyle told BBC that he wanted people to
hear it for hundreds of years.
     Fellow film director Stephen Daldry, the creative director for the London Olympics opening
ceremony, told reporters the opening show would project a journey which will celebrate who we are ,
who we were and who we wish to be.
     However, Boyle admitted that London would not rival (与……匹敌) the breathtaking opening
ceremony staged at the Beijing Olympics four years ago, due to the tougher economic times.
     It was announced the ceremony in December that the budget for the opening and closing ceremonies
had been doubled to 81 million pounds.
     Boyle also promised that the ceremony would be more intimate(个人的) than the splendid
performance of drummers and dancers in Beijing"s Bird"s Nest stadium.
     Boyle also promised that the show would be armed with a British sense of humor.1. What is Danny Boyle by profession?A. An artistic director.
B. A sports officer.
C. A film director.
D. A ceremony organizer.2. What did Boyle reveal about the London Olympics opening ceremony?A. It will be watched by one billion TV viewers.
B. It will be started by the ringing of a big bell.
C. It will include part of the play The Tempest.
D. It will be held on July 27th, 2012.3. According to Boyle, the London opening show will be .A. a journey celebrating the identity
B. more impressive than the Beijing opening show
C. funded by the British government
D. presented with a British-style humor.4. Where can you probably come across this text?A. In a newspaper.
B. In a yearbook.
C. In a travel guide.
D. In a biography.
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Many people have heard stories of the California gold rush during the 19th century, when lots of
people went there in search for gold. Panning (淘洗) for gold has a rich and interesting history.
Nowadays some people continue to pan for gold in California. Although it cannot be regarded as a
method for earning income, taking on gold-panning as a hobby can give you a feeling of being in the old
west and get you out into nature.
    The only tool that is required to pan for gold is a gold pan. You can use a regular old flat pan, but
"officially" gold pans are quite cheap so you may as well buy one that is made for the task. Most sold
pans come in either plastic or medal.
     Once you have your pan you will want to start practicing your gold panning technique. Panning for
gold works because gold is much heavier than most rocks. To pan for gold you add rock and dirt form
the bottom of a stream to your pan and then gently let water flow through the pan. The lighter-weight
rocks are slowly swept away while any gold will be left behind in the pan.
     To start panning for gold, first you will need to find a good location. Try checking maps of your area
and old history books to find location where there were gold mines in the past. Even though most of the
gold have already been removed, there are likely to be small leftovers that you can find. Once you have
found an area thatlooks promising, look for any small stream or river where you can try out panning for
     Panning for gold requires patience and it may be a long time before you hit anything of value. However, it is an enjoyable hobby and provides a great opportunity to get outdoors, so don"t give up too quickly.1. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Where to pan for gold.
B. How gold-panning works.
C. What tools are needed.
D. A promising area for panning.2. What is the author"s attitude toward modern gold-planning?A. Opposed.
B. Indifferent .
C. Positive.
D. Neutral .3. In which part of a newspaper would you probably find this article?A. Lifestyle.  
B. Health.  
C. Travel.
D. Sports.
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阅读理解。Name: Julia Rosetti
Email: n1950215@droid.fit.qut.edu.au
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Drugs: No
Alcohol: No
Sports/ Activities: I used to do a lot of ballet and stage work, my ambition was to be a professional
dancer before I got sick. Nowadays I love to read, and other stuff like that, as well as spending a lot of
time with my family and friends.
Grades: I finished high school last year, and I haven"t started college because I"ve been sick. But I got
subject prizes in three subjects and high as in the rest.
Favorite Subject: I loved Music, English, History and Biology. Hard to pick a favorite - they"re all so
Volunteer Work: It all depends on what you call "volunteer". Nothing really official, but I spend a lot of
my time working and playing with really sick kids, and they come to me for advice a lot.
What My Future Goals Are: I"d either like to go on to do stage work, or work with kids with serious
illnesses. I haven"t decided which, yet.
What I do in My Spare Time: Talk to my friends and my family. Hang around with my hospital friends. Watch TV. Go to the movies when I can. I love going on picnics and other outdoorsy stuff.
How I"d Change the World: No question. Cure cancer. Eradicate it forever.
Largest Problem: Sometimes, I think it"s having too many choices, and having too many expectations
and others having too many expectations of you. And all the implications (牵连) of this.
Why Would I Make a Good Counselor (顾问): I really want to help other people. I"ve made that my
life"s ambition, to help as many people as I can.
Qualifications: I spend a lot of time doing this sort of stuff "unofficially" - I am the Discussion Manager
on a discussion list for seriously ill young people. People also write to me because of my homepage, often wanting advice, which I try to give them.
1. What can we infer about Julia Rosetti?A. She is ill now with a cancer.
B. She has had an operation.
C. She is curing people of cancer.
D. She is working in a hospital.2. The underlined word "eradicate" most probably means _____.A. get out of
B. put an end of
C. break up
D. set aside3. The underlined word "you" stands for _____.A. Julia Rosetti herself
B. all her friends in her life
C. the person she refers to
D. everyone including herself4. Which of the following statements is true about Julia Rosetti?A. She had wanted to become a doctor.
B. She had done very well at college.
C. She often visits hospitals in her spare time.
D. She has her own homepage on the Internet.
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阅读理解。     Several years ago, I had a huge falling out with one of my best friends. So huge, in fact, that now
I can"t even remember what happened.
     In the past nine years, I"ve seen her twice, and each time we"ve been polite but distant. And that
troubles me because we were once inseparable. I"d like nothing more than to go back nine years, and
continue our friendship. But how? How do you reconnect with friends you"ve lost throughout the years?
     Linking to your past
     The desire to reconnect with lost friends isn"t unusual. Why? Because friends link us to the past.
"Friends from years ago are custodians (监护人) of our past," says Sandy Sheehy.
     Although you can share information about your past with friends you"ve met recently, you don"t have
a shared history with them. So you wind up only telling them about your past, rather than sharing it with
But many people never try to reconnect. Women especially have trouble taking the first step. Shyness or
fear that the other person doesn"t want to reconnect often stops many women. And that shouldn"t be.
Your friends probably want to be in touch with you as much as you want to be in touch with them.
     Searching for friends
     Fortunately, finding lost friends isn"t as difficult as it once was, thanks to tools like the Internet. Our
experts offer these suggestions for locating contact information:
     Search Internet sites designed to locate people like classmates.com and switchboard.com.
     Contact your high school or college alumni (校友) office to request current address information.
     Surf online yellow pages. Check current phone records from your friend"s hometown.
     Network with other friends who might have known your friend.
     Get in touch with any of her relatives, if you know where they live. If you know where she works,
find the company"s website and search the directory of personnel.1. What is the subject discussed in the passage?A. How to make new friends.
B. How to rebuild friendship.
C. How to develop healthy friendship.
D. How to keep in touch with friends.2. The underlined sentence "friends from years ago are custodians of our past" in Paragraph 3 means ___.A. years ago old friends kept something for us
B. in the past old friends took care of us
C. old friends are part of our life history
D. old friends know what wrongs we did3. What makes us unwilling to reconnect old friends?A. Lack of money.  
B. Busy time.  
C. Regret and shame.  
D. Fear and shyness.4. How can we make contact with the lost friends?A. By asking other friends of the information on your lost friends.
B. By searching your friends" telephone number on the Net.
C. By asking the local post office about your friends" new address.
D. By putting an advertisement in your friends" local town.
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阅读理解。     Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become "computer-literate." But not all
experts (专家) agree that this is a good idea.
     One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the founder of Computertown UK. Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer. David does not see it that way. He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers
to people and make them "people-literate." David Tebbutt thinks Computertowns are most successful
when tied to a computer club but he insists there is an important difference between the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already. This frightens away non-experts, who are
happier going to Computertowns where there are computers for them to experiment on, with experts to
encourage them and answer any questions they have. They are not told what to do, they find out.The
computer experts have to learn not to tell people about computers, but have to be able to answer all
questions people ask. People don"t have to learn computer terms (术语), but the experts have to explain
in plain language. The computers are becoming "people-literate."1.  Which of the following is David Tebbutt"s ides on the relationship between people and computers?A. Computer learning should be made easier.
B. There should be more computer clubs for experts.
C. People should work harder to master computer use.
D. Computers should be made cheaper so that people can afford them.2. We can infer from the text that "computer-lilerate" means_______.A. being able to afford a computer
B. being able to write computer programs
C. working with the computer and finding out its value
D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it3. The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to the idea that Computertowns ___.A. help to set up more computer clubs
B. bring people to learn to use computers
C. bring more experts to work together
D. help to sell computers to the public4. David Tebbutt started Computertown UK with the purpose of______.A. making better use of computer experts      
B. improving computer programs
C.increasing omputersales            
D. popularising computers
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