根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      A survey conducted last week by C

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      A survey conducted last week by C

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。      A survey conducted last week by China Youth Daily and Sina.com showed about 70 percent of 3 990
interviewees believe wealthy Chinese do not have a good reputation and are not worthy of respect. "Rich
people on the mainland invest too little in charity and gain too much." a student from Beijing Sports University
said. 1_____ They are a sense of social responsibility, self-discipline and a caring heart.
     The number of people who make at least $ 50 000 a year increases by 15 percent a year according to the
China Economic Times. 2_____
     The question how the rich became rich was on the top of the list from the interviewees surveyed. A post-
graduate student at the Communication University of China said, "3_____" This opinion has been widely
acknowledged by most interviewees. 
     4_____ Many voters thought better of rich people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and western countries,
rather than the mainland, Hong Kong property tycoon (大亨) Li Ka-shing was most highly regarded, followed
by Bill Gates, mainland property tycoon Wang Shi and basketball player Yao Ming.
     A professor from Renmin University of China called on the heads of Chinese companies to think and invest
in a long-term way. "5_____" the professor added. A. Even so, the survey also found wealthy people keeping the law, and having a sense of social responsibility
    and a caring heart, are respected.
B. Skilled communication is not the necessary quality for the rich to get social respect.
C. The survey suggests the rich, to become popular and respected, need three things.
D. Their social responsibility is not only in charity, but in being a tie connecting the company with the
     government and the public.
E. What"s more, some wealthy people were found dishonest sometimes.
F. Our country now has l.5 million rich people.
G. Some rich people are thought to have made their wealth through illegal means, such as bribery
阅读理解。     When I was eight, I saw a movie about an island that had an erupting volcano and jungles filled with wild
animals. The island was ruled by a beautiful woman called Tondalaya, the Fire Goddess of the Volcano. It was
a low budget movie, but to me, it represented the perfect life. But through the years, Tondalaya was forgotten.
     The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end. My house, furniture and everything I"d owned
was sold to pay debts that I didn"t even know existed. In a week I had lost my husband, my home and my
parents who had refused to accept a divorce (离婚) in the family. I"d lost everything except my four teenage
children. I used every penny I had to buy five plane tickets from Missouri to Hawaii. Everyone said I was
crazy to think I could just run off to an island and survive. I was afraid they were right.
     I worked 18 hours a day and lost 30 pounds because I lived on one meal a day. One night as I walked alone
on the beach, I saw the red orange lava (火山岩) pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance. It was time to
live my imagination!
     The next day, I quit my job, bought some art supplies and began doing what I"loved. I hadn"t painted a
picture in 15 years. I wondered if I could still paint. My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush. But
before an hour had passed, I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas (画布) in front of me. And as
soon as I started believing in myself, other people started believing in me, too. The first painting sold for $1 500. 
     The past six years have been filled with adventures. My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins,
watched whales and hiked around the crater rim (火山口边缘) of the volcano. We wake up every morning
with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us. The dream I had more than 40 years ago is now reality.
I"m living freely and happily ever after. 1. Why did the writer go to Hawaii? A. To make a living.
B. To spend her holiday.
C. To free herself from trouble.
D. To realize her childhood dream. 2. Which of the following is the writer"s dream? A. Get close to wildlife.
B. Live a free and happy life.
C. Live in nature with animals.
D. Become a successful painter. 3. We can infer from the passage that _____. A. the writer had never done painting before
B. the writer"s parents encouraged her to divorce
C. the writer"s husband took away most of her money
D. the writer wasn"t sure whether she could survive in Hawaii at first
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阅读理解。     With their weakening bodies, advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study, people have been
advised and usually persuaded to have health care products. Do you remember your first time to take a
nutritional supplement (营养补充品)? What was your first impression?
                                                                                             Posted by Amy, Dec. 23, 2010 8:05 PM
Madeline on Dec. 24, 2010 7:25 PM
     Years ago, as a young morn with two small children, I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy
life. One day, I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change!
     A friend gave me some Royal Jelly-an amazing substance (物质) from the beehive (蜂房). I was doubtful,
but desperate.., so I tried it! In time, I began to experience renewed energy and vitality (活力) like never
before! Now, over two decades later, I travel all round the country, sharing my life-changing experience. I"m
grateful for the energy to keep up and love to share this wonderful discovery with others.
Blanca on Dec. 25, 2010 7:02 PM
     Ten years ago, when I was 73, my mind wanted to be busy and useful, but my body didn"t. I became tired
and lethargic (无精打采的). That"s when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal
Jelly. It made such a dramatic (巨大的) difference in her life, so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating
for 2 days, I gave in. She was right! I no longer felt worn out. I had a new, youthful zest (热情) for life and
I"ve been OK-thanks to Royal Jelly!
Lori on Dee. 25, 2010 10:27 PM
     When my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly, it affected my life, too! Mom gave me some of her
fantastic Royal Jelly. Boy, things did turn around! I had more energy and stamina (耐力) and was finally able
to keep up with high school and, eventually, college activities. Today, I"m a busy mom in my mid-thirties with
two active boys and a new business! I have enough energy to do it all! I"m glad I took my Mom"s advice. 1. From the text, we learn that _____. A. Madeline became more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginning
B. Lori was grateful partly because Royal Jelly helped him to improve his studies
C. Royal Jelly is a product that can help renew a person"s energy and vitality
D. Amy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product 2. Which of the following is true of Blanca? A. She replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.
B. She tried Royal Jelly without hesitation.
C. She is now supposed to be in her seventies.
D. She was the second one to reply to the topic. 3. What"s the relationship between the Royal Jelly takers? A. Lori and Blanca are Madeline"s grandchildren.
B. Madeline is Blanca"s daughter and Lori"s mother.
C. Blanca is Lori and Madeline"s great grandmother.
D. They have no blood relationship but friendship. 4. Where can we most probably read this text? A. In a sports club.
B. On an Internet page.
C. In a fiction.
D. In a travel magazine.
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阅读理解。     How do you know if your home is an easy aim for thefts (偷窃)? Around the holidays, many families don"t
consider taking proper measures to prevent their homes from suffering holiday thefts. With just a few simple
steps, you can better make sure of the safety of your home during all of the holiday celebrations. Here are a
few tips for making it difficult to tell you are away from home. 
     ● Either have a trusted neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers, or tell your mailperson to hold your
mail until you return. Nothing says "Hey, we are not home!" like when your postbox is filled with all kinds of
mails and you have many different newspapers in your driveway. 
     ● Set several different lights in your house on random timers (随机定时器). Don"t leave your outdoor lights
on all the time. Instead, put your outside lights on timers to be on during the nights. If an outdoor light remains
on for days at a time, it means that nobody is home to turn it off. 
     ● If you have pets that you are not taking with you on vacation, leave them with a friend, rather than having
someone come into your house every day to take care of them. When thefts see a neighbor or friend entering
your house every day, they will know you are not home. 
     ● Close all your curtains when you leave town. This is effective to deter possible thefts, as no one can see
what is in your house. If they don"t know what there is to take, then the risk is even greater for them to break
     ● This article just has suggested a few tips to help you keep your house safe while you are on holiday.
Nothing can truly protect your home unless you have it monitored by a professional home security system. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. to tell us how to prevent the thefts around the holidays.
B. to let the outdoor lights on all the time.
C. to tell us many families suffering from the thefts while they are on holiday.
D. to tell you to have your neighbor go to your house to take care of your pet. 2. If you are on holiday in other places, the lights in your house should _____. A. be lit in an irregular way
B. be kept on all the night
C. be replaced by random timers
D. be turned on only once one day 3. To make your home is well protected, what does the writer advise you to do? A. Have all the curtains closed
B. Stop your mail service at once
C. Turn to your close neighbors or friends
D. Equip your home with security system 4. Most of the tips mentioned in the text seem to _____. A. be very popular with families
B. have no effect on preventing thefts
C. give a false impression on thefts
D. be a little hard to be brought into effect5. The underlined word "deter" probably means "_____". A. discover
B. discourage
C. surprise
D. attract
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
Reading comprehension.The following is a recent survey among teenagers:
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     Most teenagers nowadays are not regular listeners to radio. They may occasionally tune in, but they
do not try to listen to a program specifically. The main reason teenagers listen to the radio is for music,
but now with online sites streaming music for free they do not bother, and users can choose the songs
they want instead of listening to what the radio presenter/DJ chooses.

     Most teenagers watch television, but usually there are points in the year where they watch more than
average. This is due to programs coming on in seasons, so they will watch a particular show at a certain
time (as long as it lasts) but then they may watch no television for weeks.
     Teenagers are also watching less television because of services such as BBC iPlayer, which allows
them to watch shows when they want. Whilst watching TV, adverts come on quite regularly (18 minutes
of every hour) and teenagers do not want to watch these, so they switch to another channel, or do
something else whilst the adverts run.

     No teenager that I know of regularly reads a newspaper, as most do not have the time and cannot be
bothered to read pages and pages of text while they could watch the news summarized on the Internet or
on TV.

     Every teenager has some access to the Internet, be it at school or home. Home use is mainly used for
fun (such as social networking) whilst school (or library) use is for work. Most teenagers are heavily
active on a combination of social networking sites. Facebook is the most common, with nearly everyone
with an Internet connection registered and visiting>4 times week. Facebook is popular as one can interact
with friends on a wide scale.
     For searching the web, Google is the dominant figure, simply because it is well known and easy to
use. Some teenagers make purchases on the Internet (on sites like eBay) but this is only used by a small
percentage, as a credit card is required and most teenagers do not have credit cards. Many teenagers use
YouTube to watch videos (usually anime which cannot be watched anywhere else) and some use it as a
music player by having a video with the music they want to listen to playing in the background.

Mobile Phones
     99pc of teenagers have a mobile phone and most are quite capable phones. Usually, teenagers only use
their phones for texting, calling. Features such as video messaging or video calling are not used-because
they are expensive.
     Services such as instant messaging are used, but not by everyone. It usually depends, whether the
phone is Wi-Fi compatible, because otherwise it is very expensive to get Internet off the phone network.
As most teenagers" phones have Bluetooth support, and Bluetooth is free, they utilize this feature often.
     Mobile email is not used as teenagers have no need; they do not need to be connected to their inbox
all the time as they don"t receive important emails.
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.
There is one extra heading which you do not need.
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A. Leave others a deep impression
B. Be a pleasant listener
C. Pay attention to your wearing
D. Get enough background information
E. Make full self-preparation
F. Apply appropriate postures