阅读理解。     Who are the elders in your family? The most common answer is that they

阅读理解。     Who are the elders in your family? The most common answer is that they

题型:0104 期中题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     Who are the elders in your family? The most common answer is that they are your parents, grandparents,
uncles, aunts, and elder cousins--in a word, any relative who is older than you. But that doesn"t really answer
the question, does it? In a normal family, there is a big difference between being elderly and being an elder.
     Elders are the storytellers, the cooks, the historians, the authorities, the knitters, and the workhorses. They
are the people we respect and turn to for answers or help when we are in trouble, because of their many years
of life experience. Most of all, they are the people who raised you and your loved ones and helped you growing
into the people you are. For many years, they carried the burden of caring for your family and leading it to
better times. Now it"s your turn to dote on them. Ensuring the welfare of your elders should come as naturally
to us as raising our children.
     Unfortunately, too many people take their parents" and grandparents" ability to care for them for granted.
And in a country where so many of us live hundreds of miles from our families, looking after loved ones can
be difficult. Even so, you should make sure your loved ones are taken care of no matter where they live, and
try to look after the seniors living alone in your neighbor, too. Taking responsibility for the elders in our society
in an important thing that all citizens should do. 1. According to the author, elders are those who _____. A. are much older than us
B. bring us up by working hard
C. give us money and food
D. have many interesting stories 2. Which of the following opinions doesn"t the author agree with? A. naturally that the elders should take care of themselves
B. It"s our duty to take care of the elders when they are old
C. We should take care of the elders even if a long distance separates us from them
D. Looking after the elders is as important as raising our children 3. In which of the following columns would you most probably read this passage? A. Education
B. Parenting
C. Society
D. Family 4. The passage was written to _____.A. explain what elders are like
B. criticize those people who don"t respect elders
C. Explain why we should love elders
D. Call on people to respect and love elders
1-4: BADD
阅读理解。     Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem today. Depression causes workers to be unproductive, causing
companies and countries to lose billions of dollars. One expert says that depression is like cancer because it is
"widespread,costly and deadly". Depression hits one person in five around the world.
     Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated, studies show that
depression is a problem among everyone. Over any six-month period, between five to seven percent of the
world"s population will be suffering from a serious depression.
      Suicide (自***) rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80
percent higher than in the population at large, and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks.
People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting upon time, and doing work
      Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes (基因), brings loss of confidence and
ability to concentrate-making it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.
     Depression is made more serious in China by Chinese"s inability to face it.Many people believe that
depressed people are either weak or lazy. Besides, there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.
      "Most patients in China just don"t get help, "a Chinese doctor says."In my hospital.I have to see 30 or 40
patients in a morning,just have time to say "Hello how do you feel?"
      In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their
boss,because they fear that their boss would fire them.
      "In my experience, aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it. Because they feel the most
secure about themselves,"an American doctor says.
     Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that
they can get the right treatment. 1. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. It is widely believed that everyone may suffer from depression.
B. Depression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work
C. Depression is a commonly-existing problem only in rich countries.
D. The poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression. 2. Compared to normal people,the depressed people are likely to be _____. A.very unconfident and often absent-minded
B. easy to avoid being hit by heart attacks
C. working efficiently and productively
D. either weak or lazy 3. Depression becomes more serious in China because of _____. A. the understanding of the problem
B. the lack of treatment and doctors
C. their unwillingness to tell it to their boss
D. the doctors" careless work 4. What can we infer from the passage?A. People are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.
B. The aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.
C. More and more patients will turn to specialists for help.
D. Western people are braver than Chinese people.
题型:0104 期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     The winter skies are grey and it"s cold outside. The nights come early and we spend a lot more time   1   
and alone. Many people   2   winter: so cold, so dark, so boring. But I like winter because I have more time to
      For many students reading means school; it means   3  . Reading is something your teacher assigns and it"s
something you"re   4  . Reading is something you have to do, not something you want to do. But for me and
many other people, reading is the most    5   thing we can imagine. Getting lost in a good book can   6   a cold
winter evening disappear. Dull grey skies are no   7   for the fantastic adventures of Frodo in The Lord of the
Rings《指环王》,or for romantic trouble-making of Jane Austen"s Emma《爱玛》, or for the youthful problems of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye《麦田守望者》.
     All of those books are studied in North American high schools. They are interesting and well written books
that    8    young people.    9   . even there, many high school students don"t enjoy reading the books because
they are   10   their school work: "Oh, my God! Two hundred pages! I"ll never be able to read   11   much." But
sometimes a funny thing happens. They begin to read and they begin to follow the   12   .Suddenly, the world
inside the book becomes more exciting and more wonderful than the world they 13  . At the moment the thought  14   reading is work disappears and reading becomes   15  .
     Reading anything is   16    but reading good books is a terrific way to improve your English. Good writers
write English very well and   17   you with good examples to follow. And good books will tell you more about
English   18   : what people think, how they talk, how they interact with each other. But don"t let me   19   it by
telling you that reading is good for you. Just think of it as a good way to  20   on a cold winter evening.
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(     )1. A. indoors   
(     )2. A. like       
(     )3. A. job       
(     )4. A. tested for  
(     )5. A. enjoyable  
(     )6. A. want       
(     )7. A. contest   
(     )8. A. attract   
(     )9. A. Fortunately
(     )10. A. free from
(     )11. A. not       
(     )12. A. story     
(     )13. A. leave for  
(     )14. A. what       
(     )15. A. a comfort  
(     )16. A. bad       
(     )17. A. provide   
(     )18. A. custom     
(     )19. A. break      
(     )20. A. keep warm  

B. inside         
B. prefer         
B. worry         
B. tested on     
B. reasonable     
B. cause       
 B. challenge     
B. respond       
B. Luckily       
B. part of       
B. very           
B. subject       
B. care about     
B. that           
B. a failure     
B. mean           
B. offer       
B. language       
B. spoil         
B. stand still  
C. outdoors   
C. hate        
C. try        
C. tested out  
C. comfortable   
C. make        
C. competition   
C. appeal      
C. Unfortunately
C. in place of  
C. this        
C. scheme    
C. hope for   
C. this      
C. a success    
C. great        
C. give        
C. culture      
C. make        
C. stay calm   
D. outside              
D. love                 
D. work                 
D. tested in           
D. considerable          
D. force               
D. match                 
D. catch                
D. Accidentally       
D. far from              
D. that                 
D. theme                
D. live in              
D. which                
D. a pleasure           
D. worth                
D. award                
D. art                  
D. develop              
D. stay cool        

     Experts are finding your standard first aid response may be the worst thing you can do in an emergency.
Here"s how to update your first aid kit.
      When the skin isn"t broken, it"s hard to beat iodine (碘酒) for killing bacteria(细菌). 3. _____________
doctors use it to clean before surgery. But when there"s a cut, full - strength iodine and rubbing alcohol can
be harmful to skin cells, preventing healing. Putting iodine on cuts and wounds kills bacteria, but it won"t clean
the wound. The most effective way is washing the wound with water.
     If you spread some butter on the burn to ease the pain, it isn"t a good idea. Butter was thought to cool the
burn, but it can cause infection and create and environment for bacterial growth. Run the burn under cool
water immediately to help remove the heat and put an end to the damaging process
. Wrap the burn with a
bandage, and keep it clean and dry. If blisters (水泡) form, don"t break them.
     When a child swallows anything poisonous, parents probably think they"re well prepared if ipecac (催吐
剂) is on hand. Wrong. Ipecac was thought to be a good way to treat a child who had swallowed a poisonous
substance, but not any more because it doesn"t always remove the toxic substance (有毒物质). That may
cause dehydration (脱水) and prevent doctors from giving other treatments.
      Everyone learns how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet (止血带). But studies show this method causes
more harm than good. Tourniquets can increase the risk of tissue damage or even the loss of a limb. Apply
direct pressure to the wound. Simply place a clean cloth on the wound and press firmly; don"t remove the
cloth, event if it gets black. If necessary, add more cloths. If that"s not enough, you can further slow the
blood flow by applying pressure to the main artery (动脉) of the upper arm or leg.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 6 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? However,
    by studying we know this method does more harm instead of doing more good.
3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.
    (Please answer within 5 words.)
4. Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.
     Why read, and sometimes even write poetry? That question is not difficult to answer if we change the
word poetry to songs.
      I sing when I feel good. When I sing my favorite songs, I feel better. Sometimes when I am listening
to music and to the song words, I feel that it was written for me. A good song always makes me feel
something. There are songs that I sing in my head between classes and songs that I want to sing when the
school bell rings by the end of the day. They help me get through the day.
     They are like bright and warm colours in the middle of greys and shades. I like songs about love and
friendship. The extraordinary thing is, my feelings are more special when I sing my favorite songs in English.
      I also like reading. I used to avoid poetry until an e-pal told me I should recite poems and not look up the
meaning of the words. Poetry uses many difficult words and idioms, but the best thing is to just forget about
them. In the beginning I felt quite strange. Now I always lock the door. Reading aloud gives you a strange
feeling, but when you have some practice and fall into the rhythm, the rhyme and the sounds of the words,
it is really a special experience.
       I started with small poems, but now I think I most like long poems. I have different feelings with
different poems. When I have had a bad day at school, I read Keats and forget everything. when I am sad I
read Wordsworth by the light of candle. When the poem is finished, I close the book and my sadness is gone.
1. I like song words because _________.
A. they are bright
B. they are colorful
C. they are greedy
D. my feelings given by them are more special
2. Choose the best explanation of the word " e-pal".
A. a machine
B. a person
C. a piece of information
D. a friend online
3. From Paragraph 4,we can learn _____.
A. we should read poems aloud
B. poems are strange
C. poems are difficult to understand
D. I am special
4. What"s the main idea of the passage?
A. We should read poems with doors closed
B. We should first sing songs then read poems
C. Reading poems can bring people pleasure just like singing a song
D. We should first read short poems then long ones
5.  From the passage,we can infer that ______.
A. the writer used to like poetry very much
B. songs and poems are the same
C. the writer fell in love with poems as soon as e-pal told him something.
D. now reading poems is part of the writer"s life.
     London, Reuters-What could annoy teenagers enough to make them stop hanging out with friends and
go home?
      No, it"s not a visit from their mothers, and not a threat to take away their cellphones or pocket money.
      It"s high-frequency noise. The UK police recently agreed to use a device (装置) called the Sonic Teenager
Deterrent. It sends out a sound that makes teenagers become so impatient and angry that they have to cover
their ears tightly and walk away.
     The sound is at extreme high-pitch that can be heard by those under 20. The body"s natural ability to detect
some wave bands (波段) decreases almost entirely after 20, so few adults can hear the sounds. The black-box
device, nicknamed the Mosquito because of its sound, can be fixed to the outside walls of shops, offices and
homes. It sounds to youngsters like a crazy insect or a badly played violin. But it causes no physical damage.
     A number of police forces and councils have given permission to use the system and want to install it at
trouble spots.
     Staffordshire Police Inspector Amanda Davies, who has given the device to shopkeepers in the Moorlands
area, said," It is controlled by the shopkeepers--if they can see through their window that there is a problem,
they turn the device on for a while until the group has run away."
1. The device can be used to _______.
A. threaten teenagers in public
B. drive away trouble-makers under 20
C. help mothers control their teenage children
D. help the police control shopkeepers
2. From the passage we can know that _______.
A. young people often suffer from pains in ears
B. shopkeepers are troubled by noisy insects
C. high-frequency noise is beyond the listening ability of people over 20
D. the police invented a new device to deal with teenagers
3. The purpose of the writer to write the passage is _______. 
A. to advertise a new hi-tech device
B. to tell the reader a piece of news
C. to sell the device to shopkeepers
D. to inform the public as the spokesman of the police
4. Who will welcome the device most?
A. Shopkeepers.
B. The police.
C. Young people.
D. The producer.