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题型:广东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
                      City Card
●for all trains and buses within the city
●free travel for all journeys
●can be used for 30 days
                      Network Card
●for long-distance trains and city trains
●25% off all tickets
●can be used for 12 months
                Point-to-Point Card
●for long-distance trains and buses only
●50% discount on all journeys
●can be used for 12 months

                   Concession Card
●for all trains and buses within the city
●free city travel for students (under 21
years of age) and retirees (over 60 years
of age) only
●can be used for 30 days
                      Group Card
●for long-distance trains only
●50% off all train journeys for 4 people
(2 adults and 2 children)
●can be used for 90 days
                      Daily Card
●for all trains and buses within the city
●free travel for all journeys
●can be used for 24 hours
1-5: CDFAB
     A. City Water Skiing Centre-We are in the heart of the city and give you an easy chance to enjoy the fun
and excitement of water skiing. We offer half hour lessons every hour between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. A fun way
to get a lot of exercise quickly and then stay fit.
     B. Horse Riding School-Our experienced teachers provide one-on-one instruction that makes learning to
ride a horse safe and easy. We are located on a large farm where you will be able to get to enjoy lots of fresh
air and the beauty of nature. Open 7 days a week between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
     C. Ballroom Dancing Society-The dancing society is organising a special course for new members. No
experience is necessary and if you don"t have your own partner we will arrange one for you. Have fun learning
to dance and making new friends in class and at our many social events. Classes every Monday and Thursday
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m .
     D. Hiking Club-The club is looking for new members to join us on our regular hikes. Each weekend we go
to local mountain and forest locations for long walks providing the chance for plenty of exercise and fresh air.
Different members take part each week so you will have the chance to make new friends. The hikes range in
difficulty from easy to very hard and we expect our member to be fit before they join.
     E. Ron"s Boxing Gym-We don"t just teach you how to box; we teach you how to keep fit for the rest of
your life. Our training involves many different activities such as running, skipping and lifting weight, as well
as-of course-actual boxing. Once a month we also organise practice fights for members of the same sex and
weight. Open 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
     F. Water Polo Club-If you can swim and like ball sports then you"ll love water polo. It is like playing football
in the water, a fun and low-impact way to stay healthy. As a water-based sport it is also the ideal way to recover
from injury. Open weekdays 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
(     )1. Harold-is a busy bank manager working in the city. He has put on a lot of weight in recent years and
wants to take up a sport that will help him get fit. He enjoys thrilling and exciting sports but as he often has to
work late into the evening and on the weekend so he only has time to go during his workday lunch hour.
(     )2. Maude-has been retired for 2 years. She is in good health but wants to keep active and remain in shape.
She is interested in a hobby that isn"t too difficult to learn and will give her lots of fresh air and the chance to
meet some new friends. She only has free time on the weekend as most weekdays are spent taking care of her
(     )3. Sid-is a high school student that recently hurt his knee playing football. The doctor has told him that for
the next 6 months he shouldn"t put too much pressure or weight on it and he needs to do some sport that will
help him build up his strength but will not cause any more damage to his knee. Afternoon after school is his
preferred time.
(     )4. Nancy-is a university student who loves excitement and is always willing to try out something different.
She has little patience however and wants a sporting activity that will give her the chance to do many different
things. As she works part time after class and on the weekend she is only free on weekday afternoon.
(     )5. Spike-has recently moved to the city and doesn"t have many friends. He is not really a sports fan but
wants to do something that is fun and that will give him the chance to meet new people. He is only free in the
     Internet dating has become one of the biggest and most successful business ventures on the Internet.
Basically, Internet dating is a way to meet people for either friendship or dating without actually having to
meet them in person first.
     The first thing to do if you decide to try Internet dating is to build your profile (简介) which can include
your hobbies, hopes for the future, and so on. A photograph is optional, but many sites claim that a photograph
increases the number of people who look at your profile. Many Internet dating sites will charge a one-time
registration fee to use their services.
     Internet dating makes it possible to meet people from all over the world. You can even narrow the search
down to your area by zip code. Another advantage is that you can communicate by email before you meet in
person. Thousands of people have met, fallen in love, and married through Internet dating. It is an excellent
way for shy people to meet. It is also a way for people with busy lives to connect with others, and an easy
way to meet people who share your interests.
     Just as in conventional dating and love, there are some pitfalls to be aware of in Internet dating. The person
you have been talking to on the net may not be who they say they are. Be very aware that there are some
people who misrepresent their appearance or private details, such as marital status, income, and so on, for their
own reasons. It would not be the first time that someone has been taken in, and talk shows are full of cheating
partners who have been caught dating over the Internet in their spare time. Nevertheless, taking a few simple
precautions should help ensure that your Internet dating experience is fun.
1. The purpose of writing the passage is to _____.
[     ]
A. persuade readers to go dating on the Internet
B. inform us how to date on the Internet
C. warn readers against web love
D. introduce Internet dating to us
2. Which of the following is a must to make an Internet dating possible?
[     ]
A. A photo.
B. A profile.
C. Registration fee. 
D. Business experience.
3. One advantage of Internet dating is that _____.
[     ]
A. you can avoid a face-to-face meeting in the beginning
B. you"re sure to find a partner-with the same interests
C. you"ll find absolutely reliable information of others
D. you"ll gain fame and money overnight
4. The underlined word "pitfalls" in Paragraph 4 most probably means _____.
[     ]
A. rules
B. trends
C. problems
D. skills
5. What is probably talked about following the last paragraph?
[     ]
A. Conventional dating.
B. Hidden advantages.
C. Safety measures.
D. Romantic love.
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     The centerpiece of curling (冰壶) is the curling stone, which
has been called a "geometrical masterpiece of tooled geology (地
质)." Kays of Scotland has been making curling stones since 1851,
when William Kay and his sons Andrew and Thomas set up a
workshop in Mauchline, Ayrshire, in southwest Scotland. Kays is
still owned by the relatives of the founder, and today it is the only
curling stone maker left in Scotland.
     Used in a highly competitive sport, the curling stones are made
to exact standards. First, stones are sliced and then into round
"cheeses". Finally, the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling
stones in a series of precise steps.
     When Carla Fisher and her husband announced plans to travel the globe with their young daughters for
a year, some friends called them crazy.
     Seven years later, with wonderful memories and a book documenting their world travel, the Fishers now
seem like global trailblazers (先驱者).
     "It"s really encouraging to hear that many other people want to educate their kids in that manner," said
     Some parents are trying to raise knowledgeable and open-minded "world citizens". Others want to give
their children the skills they"ll need to compete globally.
     "There is a huge amount of interest in spending time abroad at all stages of life and increasingly, as a
family with children," said Maya Frost, author of "The New Global student…". She knows American families
in every corner of the globe who have made that choice. 
     "There"s so much rnore to education than school," said Tessa Hill, who recently returned to her Houston-
area home, after driving her family across North and Central America and Europe in a motor home for 13
months. "World traveI is an education in people, cultures, language, travel skills, street smarts and in how
lucky we are to live in the United States."
     When Hill and her husband began considering extended global travel, their middle child, Charles,13, was
surprised. "My first reaction was well, are we really going to do this?""
     Charles said. "But it did sound like great fun." Charles said missing his friends was the hardest part. He
stayed in touch via e-mail and made some new friends along the way, playing soccer with kids in France and
learning about rugby from youths in Ireland.
     "I"d definitely recommend this to other kids." Charles said. "It was such a great opportunity to see different
countries and learn geography a different way."
     To make re-entry smoother, most school officials prefer that families work out an educational plan before
they leave town.
     "It sounds out-of-date, but it really opens up your mind and your eyes to the world," said Robbin Goodman,
17, a senior student who spent his junior year skateboarding across Beijing, China, when he wasn"t studying
Chinese history and other core subjects.
     Had he not already taken a school-sponsored spring break trip with his mom to China in 2007, Robbin said
he probably would not have been able to convince his parents to let him go alone for a year. "I knew I would
learn Chinese and all that, but my goal was to have a great time," Robbin said.
     "The biggest problem for those seriously considering.going abroad is dealing with those who are against
the idea," said Frost.
     "They gain the ability to take risks and to have confidence in themselves," said Liz Pearlstein, founder of
a global education consulting firm "When we came home from London, my daughter, who had been painfully
shy before we left, said "Mom, now I know there"s nothing I can"t do. ""
     No one knows exactly how many American families are choosing the global education path, but global
education consultants say a growing number of parents are traveling for a year or more with their children.
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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                            Title: A real global 1.______: traveling abroad with kids for a year
                                              Travelers" experiences and feelings
     If you enjoyed the spring-like sunshine over the weekend and thought the weather has finally turned a
comer, you"re sadly mistaken.
     Chilly (寒冷) days and grey clouds are forecast for the week-making it far too early to pack away the
winter woollies.
     Temperatures will struggle to rise above zero at night and fail to make double figures during the day.
     People enjoy the spring sunshine in Sefton Park, Aigburth, Liverpool. Forecasters have predicted a return
to chilly weather this week.
     Met office forecaster Charlie said. "It was a nice, dry, bright weekend in many parts and Monday is going
to be a similar affair for many."
     "Temperatures will be between 5℃ and 8℃, which is below average for the start of spring."
     The sun will disappear from the south of the country after today, with dry but cloudy conditions forecast
for tomorrow and Wednesday.
     Wednesday will be warmest of the three, with temperatures peaking at 9℃. But this is still two degrees
below the March average for the district.
     Overnight, temperatures will drop sharply with lows of minus 30℃ for the next three nights.
     "It will generally stay on the cold side of average," said Mr. Powell.
     The March misery comes at the end of the coldest winter for more than 30 years.
     Temperatures in December, January and February struggled to stay above zero, with the UK"s average
l.5℃, making it the deepest freeze since 1978-79.
     It claimed there was just a one-in-seven chance of a cold December to February.
     The agency also sadly predicted a "barbecue summer", saying it was "quite optimistic" that it would be
warmer and drier than average.
     Following the two mistakes, the Met Office has dropped its long-range seasonal forecasts and will instead
publish a monthly prediction for Britain, updated once a week.
     In its defense, it says that while short-term forecasts are extremely accurate, Britain"s size and geographical
position makes long-term predictions much more challenging. 
     It also points out that it gave warning of any heavy falls of snow this winter.
1. According to the passage, the weather on Tuesday in the south might be _____.
[     ]
A. dry but cloudy
B. sunny but chilly
C. sunny and warm
D. cloudy and chilly
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
[     ]
A. British people can put away their winter clothes now.
B. The Met Office has shortened its forecast range.
C. The weather forecast becomes more and more accurate.
D. The agency was quite confident of long-term predictions.
3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. The big chill isn"t over yet
B. A warm spring finally arrives
C. A heavy snow is on the way
D. The Met Office drops forecasts
4. From the passage, we can conclude _____.
[     ]
A. the weather report is more and more important
B. British people become worried about bad weather
C. Britain has just experienced a very freezing winter
D. the agency can always predict heavy snow falls accurately