Mom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest sho

Mom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest sho

Mom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest show of kindness, you’ll feel happy.
Gratitude, says Robert A. Emmons, a professor or psychology at the University of California, is an important element of happiness. In his recent took, Thanks!, Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove mom’s point. In acknowledging and developing this much-ignored expression of thankfulness, he explains how people have benefited---- even improved their health.
As one of the leading scholars of the positive psychology movement, he admits gratitude may be difficult to express. He advises you to begin by admitting that life is good and full of events and elements that make daily existence a wonder. Second, recognize that the source of life’s goodness is more than just you. That source may be your mom, a friend, partner, child, colleague at work or play, or any combination of these.
Gratitude is always other-directed, notes Emmons. You can be pleased or angry with yourself and feel guilty about doing something wrong, but you can never be grateful to or for yourself.
Expressing gratitude shouldn’t be a reaction; it should be a state of mind. To feel grateful when life is a breeze and you have more than you need is easy. To feel grateful in time of crisis---- anger, hatred and bitterness----is easier. Also, too many people are aware of life’s blessings only after these are lost.
It’s crisis and chaos ---- danger, disease, disability and death ---- that bring many individuals to realize just how dependent they are on others. Yet it’s the way each of us begins life and ends it. It’s too bad that so many people waste those decades in between labouring under the illusion they are self-sufficient, says Emmons.
The abundance of voices expressing gratitude from his studies of individuals with chronic health problems is many. But Emmons goes beyond his “groundbreaking” science to make his case for gratitude by including the inspirational writings of philosophers, novelists and saints, as well as the beliefs of various religions and their respective scriptures. Taken together, these observations are summed up quite nicely by famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, who said the secret of life is “giving thanks for everything.”
To enable and embrace gratitude, Emmons encourages the readers of Thanks! To keep a gratitude diary. He even provides easy-to-follow directions on how to practice and develop gratitude.
I’m not a reader or advocate of self-help books, but I am thankful for the reference I found in a newspaper article to the research Emmons was conducting on gratitude involving organ donors and recipients. The chance discovery led me to this book.
Mom implied that kindness seems to find its way back to the giver because life really is all about giving, receiving and repaying. So I’ll pay attention to her professional advice and say: Thank you, professor Emmons.
小题1:What is the text mainly discussed?
A.There are many ways of being thankful.
B.Gratitude is important to happiness.
C.Mom is great for her being thankful.
D.Being thankful will keep you fit.
小题2:The author mentions Robert A. Emmons’ book Thanks! In order to prove that ___.
A. Professor Emmons supports mom’s study on psychology.
B. mom is as great a psychologist as Professor Emmons.
C. Professor Emmons is a famous psychologist.
D. mom is right about her viewpoint on gratitude.
小题3:It will be easier for you to feel grateful when ___________. live a comfortable life receive gifts on your birthday get help during your hard times are congratulated on your success
小题4:What is the opinion of Professor Emmons?
A.It is enough to thank others orally.
B.Whether you are thankful is always up to you.
C.Remember to be thankful anytime and anywhere.
D.It is easier to be thankful for yourself than for others.
小题5:In the writer’s opinion, Emmons’ book Thanks! On gratitude is _______.


小题1:B 主旨大意题。根据文章的第二段Gratitude, says Robert A. Emmons, a professor or psychology at the University of California, is an important element of happiness.可知文章讨论的是Gratitude是幸福的而一个重要元素,故B正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第二段第2,3行In his recent took, Thanks!, Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove mom’s point.可知作者提出这本书正是想证明妈妈的观点是正确的,故D正确。
小题3:C 细节题。根据第五段2,3行To feel grateful in time of crisis---- anger, hatred and bitterness----is easier.可知C正确。
小题4:C 推理题。根据文章倒数第四段Taken together, these observations are summed up quite nicely by famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, who said the secret of life is “giving thanks for everything.”可知我们要为任何事情表达出我们的感激之情,无论在什么地方,或者什么时候。
小题5:D 推理题。根据文章最后一句I’ll pay attention to her professional advice and say: Thank you, professor Emmons。可知作者很感激Emmons,认为他的建议是很有帮助的,故D正确。
Passage 1 is from the introduction to a Zen Buddhist (禅宗的佛教僧侣) manual on the art of “mindfulness”, the practice of paying close attention to the present moment. Passage 2 is from an essay by a United States author.
Passage 1
Every morning, when we wake up, we have 24 brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these 24 hours will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and to others.
Peace is right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We don’t have to travel far away to enjoy the blue sky. We don’t have to leave our city or even our neighborhood to enjoy the eyes of a beautiful child. Even the air we breathe can be a source of joy.
We can smile, breathe, walk, and eat our meals in a way that allows us to be in touch with the abundance of happiness that is available. We are very good at preparing how to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, and so on. But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive. Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with joy, peace, and serenity. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.
Passage 2
The argument of both the hedonist (享乐主义者) and the guru (印度教的宗师)is that we were but to open ourselves to the richness of the moment, to concentrate on the feast before us, we would be filled with bliss. I have lived in the present from time to time and can tell you that it is much overrated. Occasionally, as a holiday from stroking one’s memories or brooding (担忧) about future worries, I grant you, it can be a nice change of pace. But to “be here now,” hour after hour, would never work. I don’t even approve of stories written in the present tense. Ads for poets who never use a past participate, they deserve the eternity they are striving for.
Besides, the present has a way of intruding whether you like it or not. Why should I go out of my way to meet it? Let it splash on me from time to time, like a car going through a puddle, and I, on the sidewalk of my solitude (孤独), will salute it grimly like any other modern inconvenience.
If I attend a concert, obviously not to listen to the music but to find a brief breathing space in which to meditate on the past and future. I realize that there may be moments when the music invades my ears and I am forced to pay attention to it, note for note. I believe I take such intrusions gracefully. The present is not always anunwelcome guest, so long as it doesn’t stay too long and cut into my remembering or brooding time.
小题1:The author of Passage 1 would most likely view the author of Passage 2 as _______.
A.failing to respect the feelings of other people
B.squandering (浪费) a precious opportunity on a daily basis
C.advocating an action without considering the consequences
D.attaching too much importance to the views of others
小题2:The author of Passage 1 would most likely respond to the “argument” (line 1 Passage 2) with_______.
A.absolute neutralityB.partial acceptance
C.complete agreementD.surprised disbelief
小题3:In Passage 1 line 11, the list (“a job…house”) presents things that most people ________.
A.assume they will eventually obtain
B.eventually realize are overrated
C.are unwilling to make sacrifices for
D.see as worth much effort to acquire
小题4:In Passage 2 lines 8—10, the “present” is characterized as _________. unavoidable imposition (强加) unsolvable puzzle
C.a dangerous threat
D.a burdensome obligation
小题5:Which of the following phrases from Passage 2would the author of Passage 1 most likely choose as a title for Passage 1?
A.“the hedonist and the guru” (line 1)
B.“a brief breathing space” (line 11)
C.“the feast before us” (line 2)
D.“an unwelcome guest” (line 14)

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A few weeks after my first wife, Georgia, was called to heaven, I was cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a   16 , I had decided on frozen peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it   17  from my hand and crashed to the floor. The peas, like marbles,   18  everywhere. I tried to use a broom,   19  with each swipe they just rolled across the kitchen.
For the next week, every time I was in the   20 , I found a pea---in a corner, or behind a table leg. They kept   21 . Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean behind it, and   22  12 frozen peas hidden underneath.
At the time I found those few remaining   23 , I was in a new relationship with a wonderful   24  I’d met in a support group. After we married, I was reminded 25  those peas under the refrigerator, and realized that my   26  had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered(破碎. My wife had died; I was in a new city with a busy job, and with a son having trouble   27  his new surroundings and the  28  of his mother. I was a bag of spilled frozen peas; my life had come apart and scattered.
When life gets you   29 , when everything you know comes apart, and when you think you’ll never  30 , remember that it’s just a bag of scattered frozen peas. The peas can be  31 , and life will move on. You’ll find all the peas   32 , including the ones that are hardest to find. And when you’ve got them   33  you’ll start to feel whole again.
The life you know can break apart at any time. But you’ll have to   34 , and how fast you collect your peas depends on you. Will you keep scattering them around with a broom,  35  will you pick them up one by one and put your life back together?
A.rubbed B.rolledC.grew D.existed
A.but B.andC.although
A.bedroom roomC.kitchenD.storeroom
A.getting up B.turning upC.taking upD.using up
A.presentsB.cans C.vegetablesD.peas
小题9: B.childC.womanD.boy
小题11: C.sonD.friend
A.turning toB.leading toC.adjusting to D.adding to
A.thank D.loss
A.downB.near C.closeD.wide
A.get itB.make itC.take itD.leave it
A.eventuallyB.fortunatelyC.properly D.specially
小题19: onB.put onC.bring on D.move on
A.while B.becauseC.sinceD.or

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For John and Amy, birthdays have always been a big deal-a welcome excuse to celebrate life.
When their son, Alex,  36 three in 2005, they invited 20 friends to a nearby park. Not long after that the  37 were brainstorming ways to teach Alex about giving to  38 . “We wanted to do something that would have a(an)  39 on our community, and that our young child could  40 in. We started wondering what  41 fortunate kids do on their birthdays. The next day, we called a local shelter, and learnt that  42 children typically didn’t do  43 to celebrate at all. No cake. No gifts. No party.” The couple said.
Several weeks later,   44 held a party at the  45 for the children who had birthdays that month. They decorated, served cake, and danced with 50 kids. Alex helped to  46 presents.
47 that first party, the couple have turned their simple idea_ 48 Birthday Blessings, a nonprofit that hosts monthly parties at 10 shelters.
To date, Birthday Blessings ( has thrown more than 500  49 at different shelters and handed out 22, 000 party   50 to nearly 4000 homeless children in and around their community.
Birthday Blessings is 51 entirely by volunteers. The charity(慈善)will take almost anything—toys, clothing, candy, baby items—  52 it’s not used. “These kids never get anything new.” John said, “It makes a big  53 to them psychologically.”
Being “part of this labor love” is 54 making an impression on their son Alex. On his seventh birthday, his grandparents sent a check.   55 it, the first thing he said was that he wanted to give half to the birthday kids.
A.the otherB.anotherC.othersD.each other
A.AlexB.JohnC.AmyD.the family
A.make outB.hand outD.leave out
小题17: far soon simple as long as

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The other day I decided to teach my son about the power of small acts of kindness. He had won some lollies(棒棒糖) in a prize machine in the local supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to   46  his prizes with another child. He hesitated(犹豫) for a while because he is a(n)   47  boy, but said yes after I   48  him a bit.
A father and his daughter were   49 . I approached the father and asked if my son could give his   50  a lolly that he had won. The father looked at me in   51  and was unsure what to say. I   52  explained that I was teaching my son about the power of kindness. Eventually he said it was okay.
  53 , his daughter, who was looking at us sideways(侧向一边地),   54  accept the lolly! At this moment, my son was rather embarrassed(尴尬) and then he   55  to me, “We go to the same   56 , Mum.”
Rather than say sorry to my son for embarrassing him and give up this   57 , I put a couple of lollies into their shopping bags and   58  them a great day!
When we left the supermarket, I   59  to my son, “People in the world today are not so open to   60  because their thoughts and opinions have been   61  by the past. However, we can reshape their opinions by   62  small acts of kindness. So don’t be embarrassed. Hey, they may have been standoffish(冷淡的), but I’m sure we left them   63 , moved and inspired in some way. Not only that,   64  the young girl will probably remember you as the boy with a   65  heart when she comes across you at school!”
A.far away B.out of sightC.nearbyD.lost
A.shouldn’tB.mustn’tC.wouldn’t D.couldn’t
A.hopedB.helped C.wishedD.offered
A.disappointedB.touchedC.sad D.angry

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Money, jewels and important documents are not the only valuable placed in banks these days. Some mothers store their breast milk in banks.
There’re ten breast banks set up across the United States, where mothers can donate their extra milk for other women’s babies. Experts say breast milk is the best food for babies. The World Health Organization says it is the only food babies should get during the first six months of life, in most cases. Breast milk is especially important for babies born too early. Sometimes these premature babies must stay in the hospital for many weeks.
James Cameron is a doctor who treats newborns at Lutheran Children’s Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He says breast milk is almost like medicine. Doctor James Cameron said, “The fact is that there are so many different proteins and specialized sugars in the breast milk that the mom’s able to make that help provide immunity. It’s very important for the health of the newborn.”
There are several reasons some mothers may not be able to breastfeed. Some are not able to produce enough milk. Others might be taking medicines or have medical problems that prevent the process.
Lucy Baur lives near Fort Wayne. She fed her milk to both her children and always had more milk than they needed. She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. But freezing and shipping milk can be costly. Then, a donor station opened near her home.
Milk donations in the United States work like this: Donors must be willing to provide almost three liters of breast milk. They freeze the milk and take it to the station. There, employees warm the milk and mix it with other mothers’ milk. Then, the milk is heated to kill bacteria. After that, the technicians test samples of all the milk to make sure it is safe and healthful. The milk is re-frozen and sent to the main milk bank. The milk bank transports the milk to hospitals to feed premature or sick babies. Donors are tested for diseases before any milk is accepted. They are not permitted to smoke tobacco, use illegal drugs or drink too much alcohol.
小题1:The purpose of setting up breast milk banks is to_____. extra fresh milk for school children
B.provide milk to children who go hungry mothers donate milk to other babies
D.offer free breast milk to premature babies
小题2:The breast milk is important for newborns because_____. protects them from any possible disease contains rich nutrients that they need is the only food that babies can eat benefits them as the best medicine
小题3:The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to____.
A.milk bank employeesB.milk bank doctors
C.milk bank nursesD.breast milk donors
小题4:Which of the following shows the process of milk donations in the USA?
a. The mixed breast milk is heated to kill bacteria.
b. Breast milk is donated by mothers, frozen by them and sent to the stations.
c. The breast milk samples are tested for safety reason.
d. Different donors’ breast milk is warmed and mixed together by the station.
e. The milk is frozen again and sent to the main milk bank.

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