Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurized m

Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurized m


Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurized modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent. We haven’t left space for the nurturing parents who are expected to provide what children need. As a result, many families in the western world just don’t work.
Something will have to change. With luck, people in the future will only have children if they really want them. That should mean parenthood is seen as a much more positive promise than it is now, that parents are socially supported, and are admired for doing a good job.
The problem is that in the last generation or so we’ve come to assume that women should want and be able to everything that by tradition men have done at the same time as pretty well everything that by tradition women have done. And it’s just not possible. Since adopting a male life style is demonstrably only another form of submission(顺从), quite a number of highly educated and economically privileged(优越的)women are now choosing to take career breaks so as to be at home with their children for longer than that poor 18 weeks.
The most welcoming trend in parenting is that men are participating more and more, even that is not free of conflict, however. Intellectually(理智上), women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But there’s often a contradictory(矛盾的)emotion because children are the last fort of the female power in the family. “I want him to help me but this is my region and being better at it is one of the new things I’ve got as a female.” In truth, although they haven’t had generations of practice, there’s no reason why men can’t raise children as well as women. Men left to cope after bereavement or divorce, as well as some who take on the role of principal career within a partnership, are already doing it.
16.Why is it more difficult today to be good parents?
A. Because parents don’t want to face the pressure of rearing children.
B. Because children are in dependent and don’t need to be taken care of.
C. Because husbands and wives have little time to talk to each other.
D. Because people want to fulfill their own dreams, leaving no time to look after children.
17. We can learn from the passage that _______.
A. people in future will not be as interested in children as people at present
B. parenthood will be considered as a positive commitment as it is now
C. women do better in rearing children than men
D. parents will receive admiration for taking good care of children
18. Nowadays, a lot of highly educated and economically privileged women ________.
A. tend to stay at home for more than 18 weeks
B. tend to adopt a male life style
C. tend to quit their jobs and stay at home
D. tend to be submissive wives
19. It seems that in parenting , women ________.
A. are contradictory in their thoughts.                B.demand equality between sexes
C. tend to leave children to their husbands.         D. often quarrel with their husbands
20. The underlined word “bereavement” in the para 4 probably means _________.
A. departure of his wife.                                          B. death of his wife
C. return of his wife                                         D. annoyance of his wife

16---20    DDAAB  
17.D.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“…that parents are socially supported, and are admired for doing a good job.”,可知答案为D。第二段第二句“With luck, people in the future will only have children if they really want them.”,但不能由此推出A;B与本段第三句“That should mean parenthood is seen as a much more positive promise…”不符;有最后一段倒数第二句“In truth, although they haven’t had generations of practice,…”可看出C错。
19.A.推断题。根据第四段” Intellectually(理智上), women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But there’s often a contradictory(矛盾的)emotion…”可看出答案。B只是原文的部分内容(But there’s often a contradictory(矛盾的)emotion…);CD文中未提及。

It is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. Though we may have no     36    in unexpected events that happen to us, we most certainly have choice in   37  we interpret what happens, and in whatwe choose to do about it. These choices make all the   38   in how we experience our world and very much determine our   39    of life. 
Neither does what we own    40   a major role in quality of life. One person with all the money and possessions in the world may have a  41  life, while another in the lowest income classes may    42  love their life. It is what we do with what we own that   43  our level of satisfaction and joy in life. It"s not what you   44   or what happens to you in life that    45   , but rather what you do with it.  
Every    46   something is happening in our lives. And every moment we    47   or a judgment about what happens. By choosing to become more  48  of how we react to what happens, we can   49  towards what we really want in our lives.   50   following habitual, reactive patterns which   51  more of the same, we can recognize and  52  our old habits to move powerfully in the  53  of creating the life we really want. Yet to do this, we must first find the    54  to look at some of the disempowering, often unconscious   55  which get in the way and don"t serve to increase our quality of life. But by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators, we can transform our life. 
36.A.need                B.courage           C.choice             D.necessity
37.A.what               B.whether           C.that       
38.A.difference        B.troubles           C.decisions          D.measures
39.A.type                B.quality             C.amount            D.level
40.A.take                      C.make               D.get
41.A.miserable         B.accessible         C.acceptable        D.adaptable 
42.A.practically              B.privately          C.absolutely        D.adequately
43.A.creates             B.investigates      C.affects             D.handles
44.A.lack                B.need                C.reserve            D.possess 
45.A.means             B.exists                   D.matters  
46.A.time                B.period                    D.moment
47.A.make a mistake                                   B.make a discovery
C.make a decision                            D.make a fortune
48.A.conscious         B.sensitive          C.reasonable  
49.A.alter                B.shift                C.differ                     D.distinguish
50.A.Other than              B.Rather than      C.As well as        D.According to
51.A.lead to             B.lie in      for            D.appeal to/ equal to
52.A.transplant        B.transform         C.transport          D. transmit
53.A.edge                B.way                 C.direction
54.A.hope               B.interest            C.chance             D.courage
55.A.patterns           B.frames             C.landscape         D.examples
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It is universally known that friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all languages. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show   36  for us when we are in misery. This is   37   human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of friends. Some of us like    38  friends, while others different friends. Personally,I prefer both. 
It goes without saying that having similar friends has many    39  , We can feel a renewed sense of    40  when we have a group of old friends who would    41    our sufferings and happiness.   42  ,  old friends always  know  how to   43  mutual trust(互信)and how to avoid    44    conflicts. I always feel    45   when I meet an old friend after a long   46 . Immediately, hearty laughter    47    the atmosphere. 
Nevertheless I believe that a mixture of friends is    48  advantageous. One can ___49___ various sorts of friends in three aspects. First, frequent    50  with different friends broadens my world   51   .Just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a   52   of friends keeps you lively. Secondly , I have found that the   53  friends cannot only    54  new adventures but alse show me new   55  to success in life. Thirdly, they can help me with whatever difficulties I encounter in life. 
To conclude, I prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. Of course, I will not forget friends wisely.
36.A.direction          B.respect                    C.sympathy         D.anxiety
37.A.because           B.why                             D.What
38.A.true                 B.right                       C.same               D.similar
39.A.problems         B.advantages             C.disadvantages   D.duties
40.A.tension            B.challenge                C.strength          D.oppression
41.A.share              B.convey                   C.guarantee         D.cause
42.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise               C.However          D.Moreover
43.A.lack                B.abandon                  C.bear                D.maintain
44.A.obvious           B.impossible                 C.impressive       D.hidden
45.A.stressed           B.worried                  C.delighted         D.confused
46.A.experience       B.departure                     D.discussion
47.A.fills                B.weakens                  C.ruins               D.buries
48.A.eagerly            B.equally                  C.bitterly            D.rarely
49.A.make with              B.benefit from           C.result from       D.appeal to
50.A.quarrel                     C.argument               D.view
51.A.attitude            B.position                  C.outlook         D.ambition
52.A.range                     B.series                      C.quantity           D.variety
53.A.strange            B.doubtful                 C.available          D.different
54.A.result from      B.stick to                   C.attend to          D.lead to
55.A.avenues          B.appeal                    C.benefit             D.attitude
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Laugh and Smile Your Way to Health
How much do you laugh and smile during the day? Do you take your life and your illness or injury so   36    that there is no room for joy to fill you? Want a totally free, simple way to increase your    37    and your health with no medicine needed? Then laughing and smiling is   38  to you
So laugh your way to happiness.   39    it takes to put a smile on your face is what you should be doing.  
Research shows that laughing can increase the immune system,   40    the body to stay disease free and fight colds and the flu.
If you are facing an illness , having a positive life opinion and a   41    of humor will keep your body open to healing. If you are healthy, laughing will help to make sure you stay that way, and can    42    enjoyment to your work and home life and   43   your daily stress.
Certainly, it can be   44   to keep a positive opinion of life all the time. Simply taking the time to   45   on the positive and treat for the good things    46   in your life can help   47   , but if you are struggling with negative emotions that you just can’t seem to    48    , there are tools that can help.
There are so many things out there to smile about and   49  you have to do is find   50   . Practice looking for the bright   51   of every situation. Avoid the negative:don"t   52    yourself with your own problems—or    53    others for their "shortcomings." And don’t pay no attention to the joy in everyday things. Create your own "Laugh for Health"   54    —anything to add to your collection and to give you fresh materials that   55  to you.
36.A. proudly               B.seriously                   C.carefully                   D.freely
37. A.burdens               B.spirits                       C.loads                         D.values
38. A.beneficial             B.changeable                C.suitable                     D.harmful
39. A.However              B.Whenever                  C.Whatever                  D.Whichever
40.A.helping            B.making                            C.letting                       D.causing
41. A.taste                   B.sense                         C.knowledge       
42. A.adjust                  B.adapt                        C.apply                        D.add
43. A.improve              B.arise                         C.cancel                       D.reduce
44. A.hard                    B.awful                        C.energetic                   D.helpful
45. A.concentrate          B.put                           C.focus                        D.interview
46. A.carefully                B.thankfully                 C.particularly                D.differently
47..A.remarkably          B.accidentally               C.frequently                 D.purposefully                  B.stress                        C.accept                       D. overcome
49. A.all                       B.that                                           D.why
50.                        B.that                           C.this                 
51. A.side                        B.plan                         C.aspect                  D.future
52.A.depend                 B.abandon                    C.load                          D.ban
53.A.praise                   B.miss                          C.approve                     D. blame
54. A.ambition               B.summary                   C.message                    D.collection
55.A. appeal                 B.apply                                     D.assume
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In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some   36    it highly, believing that it is   37   for social progress and prosperity. Others say that   38  is bad, that it sets one person against another; that it   39   unfriendly relationship between people. 
I have taught many children who held the   40   that their self-worth relied on how well they   41    at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and –death affairs.  In their single-minded   42  of success, the development of many other human qualities is   43   forgotten.  
44   , while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take a(n)   45  attitude. In a culture valuing only the winner and   46   to the ordinary players, they strongly   47   competition. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or   48  success.  By not trying, they always have a(n)   49 :“I may have lost, but it doesn’t matter   50   I really didn’t try.”   51    , this belief is the same as    52  of the true competitors trying to prove themselves. Both are based on the   53   belief that one’s self-respect relies on how well one performs in    54   with others.  Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)  55   a new meaning in competition. 
36.A.benefit                   B.influences            C.value                     D.impress
37.A.cheerful                 B.meaningful             C.comfortable            D.responsible
38.A.competition            B.ability                    C.knowledge             D.challenge
39.A.runs into            B.leads to                  C.comes from            D.begins with
40.A.promise             B.belief                    C.dream                    D.task
41.A.planned                 B.performed              C.delivered               D.practiced
42.A.pursuit                   B.memory                  C.behalf          
43.A.shyly                     B.cheerfully              C.sadly                     D.faithfully
44.A.Therefore               B.Meanwhile             C.However            D.Afterwards
45.A.proper                    B.suitable                   C.confident                  D.opposite
46.A.paying no attention        B.pays less attention  C.paid more attention        D.pays no attention
47.A.excuse                   B.blame                    C.charge         
48.A.enjoy                     B.apply                  C.receive                   D.achieve
49.A.opinion                  B.explanation            C.excuse                   D.reason
50.A.unless                                    C.while                     D.because
51.A.Firmly                   B.Naturally                   C.Unfortunately       D.Clearly
52.A.that                                                    D.this
53.A.mistaken            B.different                 C.single                    D.common
54.A.consequence           B.comparison            C.connection             D.common
55.A.we can discover       B.can we discover      C.can discover            D.we discover
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There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book   36  hand. Of course, we may   37  with our guide-books the history and   38  developments of a town and get to know them.   39  then, if we take out time and   40  in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we   41  it as a whole, we begin to have some   42  ,which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just   43  this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets   44   in this particular way, and not in any   45  why?
Here even the best guide-book   46  us. One can’t find in it the information about how a town has developed to the   47  appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的)   48   of a town. However, one may get some idea of what I   49  look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine   50  the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town   51  to develop.
What is the   52  of studying towns in the way? For me, it is   53  that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes. A   54  visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive   55  just reading about it in a guide-book.
36. A. in         B. at                  C. by                 D. on
37. A. write        B. study               C. tell               D. remember
38. A. strange      B. similar             C. separate           D. special
39. A. But        B. Before              C. Since             D. Until
40. A. look at       B. work               C. stay              D. wail
41. A. look at       B. look after         C. look for         D. look up
42. A. ideas         B. opinions            C. feelings        D. questions
43. A. of              B. for             C. like              D. as
44. A. open            B. run                 C. begin          D. move
45. A. one             B. more             C. other            D. such
46. A. helps           B. tricks           C. fails             D. satisfies
47. A. old             B. normal            C. first           D. present
48. A. capital         B. meaning          C. design         D. change
49. A. used to         B. seemed to        C. had to           D. happened to
50. A. what            B. how            C. when           D. where
51. A. stops           B. appears          C. starts           D. continues
52. A. point           B. view             C. problem        D. difficulty
53. A.nearly           B. simply           C. generally        D. hardly
54. A.costly           B. formal              C. group          D. personal
55. A. from           B.than                C. through            D. with
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