Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one liked it more than James Wil

    Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one liked it more than James Wil

    Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one liked it more than James Wilson did. He _1__ slept with his window open even when snow was falling outside.
One winter, he went to Finland on business. When he _2__ his room in the hotel, he found that the windows were closed to __3__ the icy air out. He did his best to open one but failed. The bed was really __4___, but Wilson couldn’t sleep. He __5__ forget the closed windows. No fresh air! It was __6___ to think of.
At about one o’clock in the morning, he was __7__ awake. Worrying about the air in the room. He became very angry. Where was the __8__ ? He could see something that looked like __9___ over there. He threw a shoe at it through the darkness with all the force of his strong right arm. A terrible sound of breaking glass _10__ the room, but to Wilson’s sad heart, it seemed like the sound of __11___ music.
When daylight came through the window, he __12___ and lay with his eyes close. There was __13__ to worry about. __14___ was it ? Oh, the broken window! Yes, indeed. He would have to pay __15__ that. He opened his eyes to look.
Suddenly he sat up in __16__. The window was not broken at all. The __17__ was all in one piece, just as good as it had been the night before. __18__ fresh air was entering the room through the window!
He then turned his eyes to the __19__ and saw a broken picture __20__ on the wall. There was a shoe on the floor below it, and a lot of broken glasses around the shoe.
1. A. seldom           B. often                 C. sometimes          D. always
2. A. left             B. cleaned               C. entered            D. examined
3. A. prevent          B. keep                  C. stop               D. send
4. A. cold             B. comfortable           C. bad                D. terrible
5. A. shouldn’t       B. wasn’t able to       C. couldn’t          D. wouldn’t
6. A. unlucky          B. anxious               C. difficult          D. terrible
7. A. already          B. nearly                C. hardly             D. still
8. A. waiter           B. manager               C. window             D. light
9. A. paper            B. glass                 C. a picture          D. a man
10. A. destroyed       B. covered               C. filled             D. entered
11. A. funny           B. strange               C. beautiful          D. famous
12. A. got up          B. woke up               C. went in            D. came down
13. A. a lot           B. little                C. something          D. someone
14. A. What            B. How                   C. Where              D. Who
15. A. to              B. with                  C. from               D. for
16. A. silence         B. surprise              C. trouble            D. pain
17. A. window          B. picture               C. glass              D. shoe
18. A. Much            B. No                    C. Still              D. Yet
19. A. outside         B. top                   C. side               D. bottom
20. A. lying           B. hanging               C. falling            D. put    
1-5 CCBBC 6-10 DDCBC 11-15 CBCAD 16-20 BCBCB
  1. C  James Wilson喜欢新鲜空气所以他总是开着窗户睡觉,甚至外面下雪的时候也是如此。
2. C  当他进入旅馆房间时
3. B  他发现窗户是关闭的,为抵御外面的寒气。Keep…out:把……挡在外面。
4. B  床的确很舒服,但他睡不着。
5. C  他无法忘记那扇紧闭的窗户。B选项指没有做成某件事。
6. D  没有新鲜空气!想到这简直太可怕了。
7. D  凌晨1点了,可他仍然醒这。
8. C  他有点生气了,窗户在哪呢?
9. B  他在那里找不到任何看上去像玻璃的东西。
10. C 玻璃被打碎的声音充斥着整个房间。
11. C 但对于Wilson来说,这声音就如同美妙的音乐一样。因为玻璃碎了,新鲜空气就可以进来了。
12. B (转天早晨)他醒了并闭着眼睛躺在床上。
13. C 有什么事令他担忧。
14. A 到底是什么事呢?
15. D 他想起了那扇打碎的玻璃,他得为此而赔偿(付钱),pay for:为…付钱.固定搭配。
16. B 他睁开眼睛望去,突然他吃惊地坐了起来。
17. C 玻璃完好无损。
18. B 根本就没有新鲜空气透过窗户进入到室内。
19. C 他把目光转向旁边。
20. B 看到一幅破损的画挂在墙上。
About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didn’t want to  31  too much money with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the safe for me.
The next morning,  32 , the clerk said that he knew nothing about my money. I didn’t have any proof  33  I had given the man the money. There was clearly nothing left to do but go to the  34  lawyer.
The lawyer  35  me to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred dollar bill to the desk. So we did. An hour later, I went  36  to the desk and asked for my money.  37  I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the  38  hundred dollar bill, the clerk could not say he  39  nothing about it.
Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer’s  40  into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel to  41  for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and  42  the clerk insisted that he had given  43  to me, I said it was not true. The lawyer said to him, “ I  44  this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. If you don’t hand it  45  immediately, I will be forced to call the  46 ”. The clerk realized he had been  47 , so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.
“ I don’t know  48  to thank you enough for  49  my money back.” I said to the lawyer. And what do you suppose he answered? He said, “ Oh, don’t  50  me. That will be one hundred dollars, please.”
31. A. carry                         B. lend                         C. spend                       D. hold
32. A. but                                   B. yet                           C. however                   D. instead
33. A. where                        B. which                      C. why                         D. that
34. A. nearest                       B. farthest                    C. good                        D. native
35. A. advised                      B. promised                  C. agreed                      D. followed
36. A. up                             B. down                       C. back                        D. along
37. A. Though                      B. When                       C. Unless                      D. Since
38. A. one                           B. another                    C. first                         D. second
39. A. believed                     B. had                          C. knew                       D. heard
40. A. law                           B. way                         C. plan                         D. words
41. A. search                        B. ask                          C. make                       D. beg
42. A. when                         B. though                            C. because                    D. as
43. A. these                         B. this                          C. them                        D. it
44. A. agreed                       B. saw                          C. let                           D. matched
45. A. over                          B. in                                   C. up                           D. out
46. A. policeman                  B. officer                            C. official                     D. clerk
47. A. punished                    B. helped                      C. cheated                    D. understood
48. A. why                          B. how                         C. when                       D. where
49. A. returning                   B. giving                      C. getting                            D. asking for
50. A. believe                      B. thank                       C. leave                        D. fool
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Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.
My earliest memories of my father are a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and his family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.
On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor café. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical (挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before?
The next day dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.
56. Why did the author feel bitter about her father as a young adult?
A. He was silent most of the time.
B. He was too proud of himself.
C. He did not love his children.
D. He expected too much of her.
57. When the author went out with her father on weekend, she would feel         .
A. nervous                B. sorry              C. tired            D. safe
58. What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson?
A. More critical.          B. More talkative
C. Gentle and friendly.     D. Strict and hard-working.
59. The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to         .
A. the author’s son                               B. the author’s father
C. the friend of the author’s father         D. the café owner
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I was bleeding now. My ears were red, my nose was broken, and the pain of failure was beginning. I had lost. It was over. The match was stopped. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as I looked at who had beaten me. “I’ve lost,” I said in m mind. “The last chance to win and I had lost.” It was the final round of wrestling. It was my last year at camp and I wanted to have an undefeated season. But now, I had lost in the tournament(锦标赛).
My coach came over to help me up. He saw that my nose was broken and realized that the match had to be stopped. He helped me up and I got small applause from my teammates. People on the other team just stared. Coach walked me over to the locker room to work on my nose.
“I’ll stop the bleeding,” Coach Matt said. His voice was cold and empty. He had expected me to win—he knew I could have won—but now he saw it was over. I had lost.
“Hey, Steve. You did good, man, He, well, he just…” my friend Paul couldn’t find what to say.
“Forget it, man.” I said, my nose still bleeding.
“Don’t talk or it won’t stop bleeding. Just relax and breath through your mouth.” Coach Matt’s voice was still cold, but warming slowly. He was like a father to me. He had been there through all my years of wrestling, all my wins and losess , all my hopes and dreams—and now he was there, fixing my smashed nose.
“This must have happened during that last throw. You fell too much on your face. You should’ve turned and tried to escape. You gotta think more.” Coach Matt began, his voice now warm like an old friend trying to give good advice.
“I wanted this so badly.” I said.
“Maybe we can get another contest because of the nose. You can still go undefeated! You can still do it…” Paul continued.
No, I lost. Nothing was left for me to do this year. This was supposed to be the year—no loses.” I said, cutting him off before he finished.
“Steve, you did your best. Come on. Let’s go and get your medal,” Coach said. He looked at me right in the eyes. “You gave it your all. You deserved that trophy(战利品), not the silver medal. You deserve it, but he is getting it. You really won and the whole team is proud.”
I walked up to get my medal, my head held high. I shook the hands of the judges and my opponent, took m medal and saw that, in the eyes of everyone, I had really won. No matter what trophy or medal my opponent took home, no matter what. He may have had my trophy, but he could never have my will.
1. The word “applause” in the second paragraph means _____.
A. cheers and hand—clapping                                   B. shouts and crying
C. screaming and laughing                                      D. noises and whistling
2. “You gave it your all.” means that _____.
A. you tried to win but you failed                    B. you have done your best to do it
C. you never gave up doing it                         D. you succeeded in everything
3. The hero lost his match. Both his coach and friends thought that _____.
A. he really showed his strength in it
B. he shouldn’t be encouraged and thought highly of
C. he could not match his opponent
D. he had lost heart at the end of the competition
4. According to the hero, at the end of the passage, we can suppose that____.
A. he had made up his mind to win all the matches the next season
B. he looked down upon his opponent and though nothing of it
C. he had strong will to become the best wrestler in the world
D. he wanted to end his career as a professional wrestler
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Tony Bennett, the American singer recently touring Britain, can"t remember how many times he has sung his standard hit "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". He sang it again to his audience at the London Palladium last night.
"I never get tired of singing it," he said, "I like it very much. It"s a great city and it"s a good song."
Bennett is to record a TV special with the American singer Lena Horne while he is here. And a new LP recorded by him in London for Philips titled "Listen Easy" will be published in June.
"I like it here," he added quietly over whiskey. "I would like to live here so many months of the year."
He already keeps a large flat in Grosvenor Square, where he is staying with his actress wife Sandie Grant and their three-year-old daughter Joanna. It has a studio where he likes to paint. Tony plans to have his first exhibition later in the year and he has already sold one picture for $4,000. At the end of the year Tony is to star in a musical film which has been specially written for him called "Two Bits", an informal expression for 50 cents. It"s about an Italian immigrant(移民) who goes to America, but he becomes a failure.
"In many ways it"s very close to my life the way the story has been written," said Bennett. "My father, an Italian, was ill and died when I was nine. He always wanted me to sing, but he never lived long enough to be a part of my success."
The film is to be made by Italy"s top director Vittoria De Sica.
60. The underlined phrase "standard hit" in the first paragraph most probably means "_____".
A. Bennett"s favorite song that"s not very popular
B. a song that is always popular
C. a song which is like a heavy blow to his audience
D. a song which makes him standard
61. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?
A. "Two Bits" is a musical film.
B. Tony is to star in a film.
C. "Listen Easy" is a new record by Bennett.
D. "Listen Easy" has been published.
62. What does Tony Bennett want to do?
A. Buy a house and live in England.
B. Stay with his wife and daughter in England.
C. Live part of each year in England.
D. Leave America and settle in England.
63. What can we learn about Tony Bennett"s father from this text?
A. He liked his son"s singing.
B. He was born in Italy and died in America.
C. He was a part of Bennett"s achievement.
D. He was glad that his son became famous.
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In the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they wanted to know your website (网址). These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.
Think of your home page as the starting point of your website. Like the table of contents of a book or a magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.
While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout (版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(大标题) GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, texts, and links to other websites follow.
Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.
While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Start simply If you are too ambitious (雄心勃勃的) at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.
Less is better Most people don"t like to read a lot of text online. Break it into small pieces.
Smaller is better Most people connect to the Internet with a modem (调制解调器). Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.
Have the rights Don"t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally (合法地). Learn the Net"s Copyright Article for more about this.
Now it"s time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learning the Net Communities provides tools to help you build your site.
68. The main purpose of the passage is to tell you _____.
A. what a website is like
B. how to build your own website
C. how to meet people online
D. what a website is made up of
69. According to the writer, your website is a place _____.
A. where you can meet people all around the world
B. where you can buy what you want
C. where you can get free services
D. where you can meet people on the Internet
70. The purpose of the home page of your website is _____.
A. to give a list of all the contents of your website
B. to make it look like a front door
C. to direct people to more of your pages
D. to design the cover of a book or magazine
71. The writer thinks that if you are too ambitious at the beginning, _____.
A. your website may leave no space for adding new things
B. you may never have your wetside working
C. you may have no idea how to build your website
D. you may tire yourself out
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