短文My uncle lives in a vilage
短文My uncle lives in a vilage
My uncle lives in a village.He has eighty or ninety apple trees on his farm.B__1__my uncle and aunt can't pick all the apples in a__2__.
They usually ask my parents and me to go to h__3__them every year.
It's going to be Saturday tomorrow.My parents aren't going to work and I'm not going to s__4__.So we're going there by bus.We're going to get up e__5__in the morning.Mother is going to wear old c__6__.Father is going to buy some mooncakes for my uncle's son in a shop.The boy likes them very much.I know Uncle and Aunt are going to g__7__us a lot of apples before we come back.I like to work in the village.
clothes(注意 clothes 没有单数形式,此处不能填coat,因为coat是单数名词,而文中前面没有冠词.)
例句:Take off your clothes.脱下你的衣服.
Put on your work clothes.穿上工作服.
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