以what can we do to protect our environment and our earth 为题…写一篇不少于一百字的英语作文…
以what can we do to protect our environment and our earth 为题…写一篇不少于一百字的英语作文…
It is everyone’s civil responsibility to protect our mother Earth.Everyone responsible to keep Earth a sustainable place for living.Many years ago,the principle of the 3 R’s was introduced to the society:reduce,reuse,and recycle.Reuse means to use again after reclaiming or reprocessing.Reduce means to diminish the amount of garbage produced by citizens.And recycle refers to pass through a series of changes or treatments as to process,recover,or make available for reuses through natural process of biochemical degradation or modification.These three components have successfully reduced the amount of garbage produced in our society.As a result,improving out quality of life as well as our standard of living.
刚刚自己写的 .116字.你可以自己再改一下
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