在一个节目开头,播音员都要对本次节目的内容作简要介绍或对将要播出的有关节目进行预告.请看下面Standard English节目的两个例子:
Hi,and once again a good morning to you.I‘m Phil Owen.Nice to have you with us this morning.Let‘s take a look ahead in this hour.In just a moment,Paul Franchat reviews the major agricultural developments of the week.And we hope to have Barry Wood check in with us.He‘s in Tokyo,Japan,oh I don‘t know whether you call it a fact-finding mission.That‘s probably pretty close.He‘s trying to learn about Japanese industry and economics.He‘ll be checking in with pressroom a bit later.Larry Martin joins us from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.He‘s the International Information Officer there.He‘ll be answering a listener‘s question on the general subject of agriculture,in specific,the feeding of cattle.You‘ll have sports with Larry James,and a Book Review.But right now,it‘s time for this Saturday Morning‘s Agricultural Round-up.
例子中的take a look ahead in this hour意思是"预告这一小时的节目……";in just a moment意思是"马上",这里可译作"首先";And we hope to have Barry Wood check in with us.可译作:"然后我们希望巴里·伍德能和我们见面."right now意思是"现在……".
This is Thursday Morning on VOA.Jim Tedder in Washington.We hope you will be listening tonight to the Voice of America when the Magazine Show comes to your way.It‘s hosted by Walter Guthrie,because tonight Walter will take you on a visit to Open University in Washington.The Magazine Show comes to you tonight right here on VOA.
例中come to your way的意思是"接下去您将听到……节目";It‘s hosted by……可译为"本节目由某某主持",另外host,hostess分别为"男主持人"和"女主持人";tonight right here on VOA可译为"今晚VOA电台将在您收听的这一频率播出……"
最典型的节目中间用语是Standard English新闻和一些专题节目中的“You’re listening to the Voice of America.”(您现在收听的是VOA电台的广播.)等,用来提醒中途打开收音机的听众.参考资料:http://www.zhaohelp.com/html/2007_7_4/2007749233931690.html
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