When George was six,his father gave him an axe because he was a good son.His father wanted Georg
When George was six,his father gave him an axe because he was a good son.His father wanted Georg
George to help his mother by cutting wood.His mother needed George to cut wood for the fire.The wood was too big for his mother to use,so George cut it into small pieces.At that time,every home had a fire for cooking,heating and for making hot water.George loved his axe and loved to cut wood.But one day,he cut down his father's favourite cherry tree.George was scared ( 害怕 ) .He was sure his father would be very angry.George wanted to tell his father that someone else cut the tree.He wanted to lie.But George could not lie.He knew if he told a lie,his father would never trust him again.He knew that if he lied,his father would know it.So he said "Yes,father,I did it.I am very sorry,I cut down your tree." His father smiled and said "I am very proud ( 骄傲 ) of you.You are very brave.You did not lie.I could not be angry with an honest ( 诚实 ) boy.Please remember this day all your life" George decided that he would always say what was true and would never tell a lie.George's life changed that day.Much later all the American people asked George Washington to be head of the USA.求翻译
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