1 我叔叔在机场工作,他喜欢白衬衫 my uncle works at an airport .he likes ( ) ( ) ( )

1 我叔叔在机场工作,他喜欢白衬衫 my uncle works at an airport .he likes ( ) ( ) ( )

1 我叔叔在机场工作,他喜欢白衬衫 my uncle works at an airport .he likes ( ) ( ) ( )
2 那人脖子上常常带个围巾
The man often ( ) ( ) ( ) around his neck.
3 我们必须每天穿校服
we ( ) ( ) ()wear uniforms every day.

4 Many japanese have the same way of d( ) as chinese
5 My b( ) shirt is made of cotton
6 The s( ) around the girl's neck makes her more lovely and beautifu

7 Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular but some still ( ) too much
A pay B speng C cost D list

8 Today ( )(near) every family in our country has a TV set
9 The machine should be ( ) (heat) before we use it

10 He is w( ) at chinese. he can't speak chinese
11 W( ) other people say,we don't mind.
12 Clothes with a chinese s( ) were called the tang costume

13 I'm sure that wangtao will ( ) other players
A win Bfail C beat D hit
14 If we work hard,we can earn ( ) money.if we save a lot,we should give ( )
A a lot a lot B a lot of a lot of C a lot of a lot D a lot a lot of
15 The number of the students in our school ( )2000.A number of them ( )interested in playing computer games.
A is are B are is Cis is D are are

16 Lucy is a kind girl.(改为感叹句 )
( ) ( )( ) Lucy is !
17Have you ( ) ( ) (听说) the story
18Susan( )( ) (穿着)black pants,a white coat yesterday
19 The designer designed the casual clothes.(改为被动语态)
1\ wearing white shirt 6\scarf 7\c 8 almost 9\ heated 10\weak 11\whatever13\c 14\c 15\a16 \What a kind 17\heard of18\ was wearing19\The casual clothes was designed bye the designer


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