In a room four men were seated at a large table.After asking me briefly about my place of birth and my Royal Air Force experience,they began to question me carefully on telecommunications.Now I was confident(自信的),at ease with a(n) familiar subject.The years of study and work began to pay for,and I knew I was doing well.I was even enjoying it.When it was over,one of them said:“Well,now,we are completely satisfied with your replies and we feel sure that you are well suited to the post we have in mind.But we are faced with a certain difficulty.If we employ you,it means we must place you in a position of authority (权威) over a number of our English employees:Many of them have been with us for a long time,and we feel sure that your appointment(职位) would upset(打乱) good relations within the firm.We could not offer that post and we would not ask you to accept one or two other positions of a different type.They exist,buy they are not suitable for someone like you.So,I'm afraid,we will not be able to offer you the job.”
I felt suddenly weak,and I was quite unable to think.Yet somehow I managed to leave that office,realising that I had either forgotten or completely ignored(忽视)—during the exciting years of the war—my own black skin.
来自 (高一补充教材 完形填空)
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