Traffic rules keep traffic in order on the road,and they_____keep people safe.You should_____ on
Traffic rules keep traffic in order on the road,and they_____keep people safe.You should_____ on
Traffic rules keep traffic in order on the road,and they_____keep people safe.
You should_____ on the sidewalk(人行道)or on the right side of the road.You_____stop and look carefully before you cross the road.
If you are_____driver,you should slow down_____you see the traffic lights.You must stop when the traffic light is_____.You must always wear seat belts(安全带)。
If you_____a bike,don't ride in the middle of the road_____go straight when the traffic light_____red.Remember:don't listen to your MP3 player or talk with others when you are riding a bike.It's dangerous.好了。
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