题目是My knowledge English-speaking countries
My knowledge English-speaking Countries
As we all know,English-speaking countries have quite different culture from our own.And so do their customs.
First of all,let's talk about the food.We Chinese eat almost everything but what we eat most is rice.While in English-speaking countries,meat is what they most likely to choose for meals.Anything else like vegetables and rice will probably be made into salad to go with the main food.And as we chinese drink tea,they prefer to drinking coffee.
Secondly,what the people there wear are not the same as us,either.In our own country,people are often sensitive to temperature.We change our clothes season by season.Usually we wear fewer in hot days,and more when cold.But in those countries,people seem like their skins are less sensitive.We can see in winter or some cool rainy days,a lot of people still wear singles.
And in addition,people in those countries have their unique living ways.They are used to taking showers in the morning and be awake at noon.They are always slaves to clock,which can drive them to be in a rush.And preciously,they are always on time and ready for everything.
Finally we have to make sure that most English-speaking countries don't have a Spring Festival.They instead celebrate Holloween,Easter and the most important--Christmas,which you must have heard before.So if you want to go to English-speaking countries in the future,be familiar with these customs first in order to get adjusted to the new environment.
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