paper about the fanction of watching English movies to English study.Who can tell me sth about that
paper about the fanction of watching English movies to English study.Who can tell me sth about that
when i gratuate ,i have to write a paper about the fanction of watching English movies to English study.Would you tell me sth about that .Thank you!
Study English through movies is a good method, indeed there are lots of classic films, but not all of them are fit for us to learn English.
My personal favorit is "Matrix" series, because the dialogues are perfectly designed and with a slow pace, moreover, the story is based on the bible, see it several times you'll know more about Christianity and American religious culture. Here are some of other good movies:
Fast Track(an old and not famous US movie), Sword Fish(perfect front line by John Travolta), Final Fantasy, American Pie series(good movie to know American culture), Sin City
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