The development in internet has brought us a lot of convenience .We will encounter many problems if the security of the internet is not ensured.The hackers sabotage computer systems,infiltrating networks and spreading computer viruses which cause a great loss that we cannot imagine.In order to stay safe and secure on the internet,much research has been done for prevention of internet security threats.Nevertheless,most of the security problems encountered on the Internet are due to the security software which is not installed on your computer,or firewall which has been turned off.As a result,they are playing an important role on protection.This passage shows the importance of internet security and the prevention against privacy and tracking threats,such as a firewall plays an important role on any network as it provides a protective barrier against most forms of attack coming from the outside world.
The development in computer technology and the Internet has made an overload of information accessible on the Internet.As a result,there arises a debate as to whether the Internet provides peoples with valuable information or access to so much information creates problems.From my point of view,information provided on the Internet is of great value to people,with its advantages outweighing its disadvantages.
First,the Internet has brought us the unprecedented convenience of obtaining useful information at a flick of the switch.Compared to previous means of sorting out information,the Internet is a perfect alternative due to its efficiency and convenience.The Internet saves people from the tedious work of flipping through piles and piles of books in order to find only one piece of information.As a result,this means of getting information is gaining its popularity and provides people with valuable information.
Second,comparatively speaking,obtaining information from the Internet costs way less than traditional ways like books and magazines.Besides,the popularity of computers also facilitates the preferance of using the Internet to get information.With a computer and access to the Internet,one can get information of all subjects and fields without much expense.
Third,the Internet also contains the most abundant load of information covering all subjects imaginable than any library or medium in a local region.Hence,if one wants to get information that is not easily accessible or available in libraries or in the media,one has to refer to the Internet.
As is mentioned above,the Internet indeed provides people with a large amount of information with efficiency,convenience and low cost.Provided that one makes use of the Internet in a proper and sensible way,the Internet is an endless reservoir of knowledge worthy of our attention and use.
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