乌鲁木齐英语短文填词:A young man wanted to learn how to be a good farmer He went to a
乌鲁木齐英语短文填词:A young man wanted to learn how to be a good farmer He went to a
71 who agreed to help Every day for a month ,he sat by the teacher ,who talked 72 farming for eight 73 .The young man was very bored and felt very disappointed.Then he went to 74 teacher.This time the teacher was 75 from thm the first one.Hdidn 't talk to the boy The teacher 76 look at him,but did his work .The boy became bored and started helping.Every day he worked hard in the fields.After two months,when he 77 ,''will you teach me?〃 theteacher answered,"Yes,one day .〃So the young man didn 't ask the ques-tion for a 78 months.Then aftr ayear,he asked the same question 79 The teacger looked surprised,"But l have taught you almost eve-rything l know."The young man thought adout it and realized that it was 80―he was now a good famer.
71.teacher 72.about 73.hours 74.another 75.different 76.didn’t 77.asked 78.few 79.again 80.true
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