Hi Christine,Sorry I haven’t emailed lately —I’ve been very busy since becoming a volunteer for the Riding for the Disabled Association.Every Saturday,I help to get the horses ready for the disabled(残疾) riders.Many more disabled people want to ride horses than you’d imagine.It’s a disadvantage that I don’t know how to ride —I’d love to got on long rides with the riders— but I’ll learn soon enough.Right now,I’m just happy to be able to lead the horses around for the disabled riders.I’m also helping to organize a sale,which will be held next month.It’s a lot more work than helping the disabled.I need to collect second-hand things to sell at the sale.There are fewer things available(获得的) than I thought,but I’m sure we’ll have enough by next month.I hope the sale raises more money than last month’s walk.It was rainy,so too few people took part in the event.Last week,we held an auction(拍卖).The auction took much less time to organize than the walk.However,for some reason,people offe
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- 英语翻译
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