Mary is afraid of people; she always _______ when we take her to a party.(hold back,hold on to)
Mary is afraid of people; she always _______ when we take her to a party.(hold back,hold on to)
61 Mary is afraidof people; she always _______ when we take her to a party.(hold back,hold onto)
62.______ the thief,he escaped through the window.(As follows,Asfor)
63.All freshmen are required to ______ the form.(fill in,fill up)
64.We all love him because he always _______ his promises.(keep on,keep to)
65.His new house was ______ last night.(break into,break off)
66.Could you let us know who first ______ the idea?(think about,think of)
67.The flowers in the garden ______ a sweet fragrance.(give out,giveoff)
68.He forgot to ______ the light when he left the room in a hurry.(turn out,turn off)
69.When autumn comes,the days ______.You’d better go home earlier.(draw in,draw out)
70.He ______ the telephoneand asked for the number of the hospital.(pick up,pick out)
61.holds back
62.As for
63.fill up
64.keeps to
65.broken into
66.thought of
67.give off
68.turn off
69.draw in
70.picked up
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