英语作文‘writing your parents about your progress in your study and your plan future job’‘
英语作文‘writing your parents about your progress in your study and your plan future job’‘
Dear Mum and Dad:
I have been so very busy this past month with my studies and extra curriculum activities.But I feel very contented as all my hard efforts had paid off.I have been ranked the eleventh in the whole year in the last exam.Although there is still room for improvement,I still feel very proud for myself.At the same time of putting effort into my academic studies,I have also been trying to find a part time job related to economics (which,as you know,is what I am most interested in at school).I hope that it will earn me some money and also give me work experience that will make it easier for me when I set out to find a full time job after graduation.
I hope that you are both well,
Your son,Jack
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