"When bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I perceived a human not six inches high!"
When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him. Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall! Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians. They are more than sixty feet tall! He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky, and to Glubbdubdrib, the Island of Sorcerers. His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-a brutish race of subhumans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse, the Houyhnhnms.
First published in 1726, Gulliver's Travels remains one of the most exciting fantasy adventures ever written.
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