Nine-year-old Peter was lazier than any other student in his class.His homework was always late and it was usually wrong.He only did half the number of math problems and in his compositions he wrote half the number of words.And usually the words were wrongly spelled because he was too lazy to use a dictionary.
One day his class went on a bus trip .The teacher did not want to take Peter with them.But there was no one to look after Peter at the school,so he had to go with him .The teacher said:"During our bus trip we will see old building ,the beautiful countryside and many other things,I want you to write about something interesting you see " The bus trip began.The children looked out of the windows and saw many interesting things.They took notes in their notebooks.The teacher was very pleased with them.Then she saw Peter lying on the floor of the bus and went to him "Are you sick?" she asked him."No " Peter said ."Then why are you lying on the floor?" "If I can not see any
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