Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May 12.People from all over
Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May 12.People from all over
China and the world are sending a lot to help.Children in different
give their clothes,books,toys and money.
Earthquake is a disaster.How can we protect(保护)ourselves when
the earthquake happens?Here are some tips:
1.Try to keep calm.Don't walk around.
2.If you are indoors,hide under a dask or a table.
3.If you are outoors,go to an open area(空地).
4.If you are at home,ask Mum or Dad to turn off the lights and the stove(炉子).
5.Open the room doors if there is time.
6.Don't go into a lift(电梯).If you are in the lift,get out of thelift quickly.
7.Make sure you wear shoes.
1.When did Wenchuan Earthquake happen?
2.Do children give their clothes,books,toys ande money?
3.What should you do if you are indoors?
4.Can you turn on the lights?
5.What should you do if you are in a lift?
1、 Wenchuan Earthquake happened on may 12
2、Yes they do
3、Hide under a dask or a table
5、Get out of the lift quickly
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