跪求英语大神~!翻译并检查下语法 感谢!
跪求英语大神~!翻译并检查下语法 感谢!
All of the attribute of negative emotion , diffusion seem to be most influential. Without moderately control,the negative emotion will be general powerful when it comes up next time.
Such hoisting of the destractive capacity of negative emotion faile to be the final consequence,
Along with the course of improvement ,it could be used to make other emotion redundant ,and rule the world of your feeling .No matter what sort of situation you’ve confronted , regularly employing of the depression emotion appear to be the prime fashion toward something you have to deal with . For instance, even in the face of the status which is absolutely funny for anyone else , someone who always lose their temper have chance to look for some reson to be angery.
这个根本上就没办法检查 你也没给原文 机器一翻译就变得不可还原了
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