英语作文succeding in language learning
英语作文succeding in language learning
Let me show you some ways to succeed in language learning.It cannot without a lot of practice,and you can do it anywhere.For example,if you wanna learn english,you can have a talk with friends in english,maybe it's hard at first,just open your mouth!At your rest time,listen to english songs,keep writing diary everyday,persist for a while you may realise that a great progress have been made!It's necessary to carry a dictionary and a notebook.During the practice,you may meet many strange words,then catch the meaning by dictionary and write on the notebook so as to review,you will increase your vocabulary day by day.In addtion,you'd better to meet the standards of the course to make your language specialization,and finish assignments in time,by yourself.Anyway,don't think it's the language learning,just think it's your bobby.
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