英语作文 l like reading 80字左右就OK了
英语作文 l like reading 80字左右就OK了
1.Which kinds of books do you like reading?2.Why do you like reading them?Give at least two reasons.最好简单易懂,最好有宾语从句 时态要对 不要出现中国式英语 不然我们老师会***了我们的~写的好
最好你们自己写 礼拜天要
I like reading
As all konw,books are our friends that give us more than knowledge.
As far as I am concerned,I prefer to read a book about wonderful poem.I am addicted to the poetic world which based on the beautiful words.My favourite verse is that:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and dead like autumn leaves. It touched my heart deeply when I first read it. It is the reason why I enjoy poem books.Whenever I lose heart,poem will tell me the beauty of life so I can find my courage back.
The more you read,the more you gain.So let's enjoy reading! !
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