关于travel by train的英语作文~急用~
关于travel by train的英语作文~急用~
关于travel by train的英语作文~需阐述坐火车的好处~观点主要侧重乘火车去旅行~急用~
Travel by train
In the modern world,many people enjoy travelling around the world,some of them prefer to take the plane,while the others want to go by bus.But for me,I think travel by train is the most convenient way that everyone could access to it.
First,to travel by train seems very safe,you don't need to worry about the air crash.Second,to travel by train you can see the beautiful scenery along the railway,it doesn't have a fast speed,you can enjoy this sence of softy during travel by train.Third,to travel by train won't take you too much money,there is an old proverb said,a penny saved is a penny gained.Travel by plane,its price is very high,but if you choose travel by train,you can only spend a little money to buy a ticket.
I love travel !I love travel by train!
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